
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · สมัยใหม่
253 Chs


I came home from school and saw an individual in a black hood, holding a scythe…

The Grimm Reaper!

I ran as fast as I could but he was like one of those horror movie antagonists who could keep up with you by just walking.

I ran till I could run no more then he caught up with me. I screamed as he raised the sickle shaped weapon and struck.

I woke up and was glad it was a nightmare, till I saw him standing right next to me. I pinched myself and felt it…

This was real…

I ran, screaming till I got to Mark's room then jumped on his belly. He woke up abruptly and said,"What?!"

"The Grimm Reaper! He's after me! He wants to kill me! He wants to take me!"

"Tommy, the Grimm Reaper doesn't exist, now go back to bed."

"But I saw him! Honest!"

I dragged my half awake younger brother to my room and pointed at him.

He put on the light and said,"It's just your own hood on the clothes rack, now get back to sleep."

He left.

He just closed his eyes and heard shouting, he quickly rolled over and I landed on the bed.

"What is it this time?"

"Can I sleep with you?"

"... would you stop screaming?"

I nodded several times then he said,"Then fine."

He slumped back on the bed and I lay down beside him.

I had to go to school the next day but the bus wasn't stopping by the hotel so Mark drove me in his super awesome car.

I got him to buy some sunglasses for us so we'd look cool and I convinced him to walk in slow motion with me. The car blasted hip hop music while we slowly made our way to the doors.

Everyone looked at us, even Destiny, the girl whose bangs covered her eyes pushed her hair aside to get a better view of us. I felt like the coolest kid in school.

I had the best day of school as all the students acted as my bodyguards from the bullies who loved to prey on me.

All the teachers apologized for my parents but I actually felt a lot better.

School that day was a breeze, the popular kids let me sit by them at lunch and I was actually able to walk to my locker for once in my life without fear of the bullies.

After school that day, Mark's car parked and he made his way towards my class.

Everyone was looking out the window at the coolest car in the parking lot and Gerald asked,"Who's that?"

"My younger brother."

"He's younger than you?"

"He's half my age."

"But how is that even possible?"

"He was born on the 29th of February, so his birthday only comes once a leap year."

The whole class was astonished.

He entered the classroom and everyone drooled at the handsome man walking towards me. He talked to the teacher and took me away.

He was silent much of the journey but I spoke when he took a strange turn.

"Where are we going?"

"Oh I thought of taking you somewhere before we went home."

I wondered where he was talking about. A few minutes later, my eyes widened as I saw...

"State Cheese?!"

He nodded casually.

State Cheese was like the awesomest amusement park ever, it had everything! Roller coasters that made you vomit, cotton candy that made you hyper, bumper cars that gave you g force shock and more!

I had never been there since my parents said it would spoil me, but I had heard of how amazing it was from my classmates who had been there.