
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · สมัยใหม่
253 Chs


I had been studying the sample of cells Luis had gotten from Mr Welshes somehow, without injuring him in any manner, for a few days now and was finding several strange adaptations which seemed to be only the best of the animal kingdom.

His DLX3 TDO causing gene, his telomerase synthesising genes, his heightened immune system, cures for basically all sorts of disease and even cancer and oh, his newly developed immunity to the bacteria I spent forty straight hours grooming, and his very dense skin and bones.

I didn't know why he was built like this, but though it had something to do with... everything, his kingdom, his ability to talk within an Anubis helmet, his great explosive strength... basically his entire demon possession...

I had to also hinder the cells from growing as they almost developed into a new foetus, yes, that was how well they multiplied, cancerless, limitless and ageless, in fact, it seemed, the older they got, the slower they grew...


Mr Welshes, Kitten/. and Mrs Welshes walked through a pitch black room with a few spotlights showing the guards, holding spears at the edges of the room.

Kitten stopped and bowed and Mrs Welshes went on one knee as Jonathan went forward, then he also went on one knee as a deep and commanding voice said,"Speak..."

"Father, I pay homage to you..."Jonathan said,"...my plans to expand my family and reign were interfered with, I come to ask for help, o great Osiris, to give me the armies I would need to liberate my people."

The voice was silent for a few seconds, then spoke again,"Look into my armies and choose of my finest men, my son..."

Forthhold stood up and bowed, then said,"Thank you, father..."

He walked back and was met by his wife, who asked,"So when are we going to bring our...your daughter home?"

He looked at her, smirked then said,"After we are properly married."

She smiled at him, with much joy in her sparkling eyes...


A being with the body of a woman and the head of a snake stood by the body of a woman... Rose's and Ruby's mother, it then turned towards the viewer and hissed and darted in their direction.

Ruby, Rose and Lucille woke up at the exact same time, several kilometres away from each other, sweating and terrified.

I walked into the room and asked if she was okay, but she said,"I don't think this is over..."

"A snake head and a woman's body..."Mack said.

"That must have been Kebechet; Anubis' daughter."Luis said.

"Since when did Anubis have a daughter?!"I yelled.

"Since there were about two thousand Kemet gods."He said.


"If he's coming back, we'll have to be prepared."Lucy said.

We all stood up, and left, I wasn't letting anything happen to Rose again...


Luis pulled open the cabinet, showing a very aged man with a bullet hole in his forehead.

I looked at him with a frown then asked,"How the heck is this golden guy supposed to be his twin brother?"

"You tell me."Luis said,"Remember I told you the older his cells got, the slower they grew? Well, things are actually a little more complex than they seem, his twin brother died forty-five years ago, and his nephew- twenty...this is his grand nephew."

"Wait, so Jonathan Welshes is in his nineties?"Mack asked.

"...at least."

I was almost as shocked as Ruby and Rose were as they went to see the uncle they had never known existed.

They always thought their father got them at a young age but then, recalling the photos taken with the governor...he had the same birthmark this man had on his neck, what thing did they call a father for twenty years?


Mrs Emily Welshes had been treated like a queen for about three days.

If she was rich before, by now, she was bigger than Cleopatra, the last Pharaoh of ancient Kemet.

She was served on hand and foot and didn't need to move a muscle, her grooming was done by beautiful maids and her protection was given either by extraordinarily handsome guards, or by her husband who made everything else's glory fade just with his presence.

Exuding the aura of a powerful king, with the face and features of an angel, an extremely attractive one at that.

She was being fed seedless grapes as she lounged on a couch, viewing the never ending kingdom before her, a secret society that had existed for generations.

Several maids walked in and she dismissed the ones attending to her, then went to bow before her husband as he walked in.

He gently took her hand, and with a stoic expression, said,"Today is the day we say our vows."

Emily couldn't wait.

He led her to a room as her linen kalasiris flowed in the gentle breeze.

She was taken to a high priest who was doing several ceremonies, then knelt down with her husband as their rarely coloured hair was anoited with olive oil.

Their wrists were pierced one by one, but Forthhold's needed to be done with a special material and much harder, sharper and with more force than normal to make a wound that wouldn't heal instantly.

Their hands were placed together as their blood intermingled, then Jonathan took Emily's wrist and licked some of her life giving liquid, and she did the same...

They were then given something to drink, first Forthhold, then her.

She took a sip and began to cough the moment she swallowed.

She looked at Jonathan for help, but his expression remained unchanged as she gaped for breath.

She didn't know or understand what was happening as the priest chanted with the others joining him and Anubis' entire family attending.

She then fell backwards and he caught her between his arms as the priest felt her pulse and nodded.

He slowly carried her to a sarcophagus and placed her in, then after a mask of a black jackal and a neme were placed on his head, he began embalming her with special oils and potions by himself, in a specific sequence.

He then opened wide his arms and said,"Anput, goddess of mummification and the dead, protector of the body of Osiris and my beloved wife, we give you this vessel to inhabit, come and seal the bond between me and this flawed being and make her perfect in every way..."

A strong wind began to blow in the room as he chanted in Ancient Egyptian with incense being burned by the chanting priests.

He then stretched his arm, as a fair and delicate one stretched for his.

He pulled his wife out and she looked slightly different.

All the flaws on her face, be it wrinkles, blemishes or spots and even stretch marks, had vanished, leaving a perfect, evenly toned and soft skin, that felt like silk.

Her eyes were brighter and her hair, longer and her facial features had gone from one level to another, twelve above.

He then asked with a smile,"How do you feel, my love?"

She took a deep breath then said,"I feel...I feel different...I feel like I could do anything."

He lifted her up then took her out of the sarcophagus, with his head on her's, he said,"Now, Emily, my beautiful wife, your name will be Anput."

She placed her hand on his cheek and said,"As long as you call me your wife, you could call me anything else."

He smirked then carried her out of the room...