
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · สมัยใหม่
253 Chs


I looked for Lucille just to make me feel better and we talked in the janitor's closet as we used to, I asked her about Ruby and she said,"That red head is Ruby Welshes, her father is the President of Ireland and her mother is the owner of a large communications company in China, she's legit rich and also, that's her natural hair colour, it's not dyed that's why she's a well sought after model."

I was surprised as it looked like a sunset, bright gold at the first few inches at the first half, turning bright red at the last several inches.

She was so beautiful, so inhumanely beautiful...

And rare, red hair with blue eyes is actually the rarest combination of hair and eye colour in the world.

I realized the time and we had to leave.

I went for lunch and saw her... sitting across the room.

I drooled as I watched her eat then she looked my way. I freaked out and stuck my face into my bowl of soup.

The pepper in the soup burned my eyes and I yelled. Everything was blurry orange as I ran looking for some water, suddenly someone splashed water all over my face and my eyes felt a lot better, though the spiciness was still lingering in them.

I wiped my eyes to see A...Alister, the thin boy from gym class.

"Thank you."I said.

He nodded rigidly then briskly walked away.

I went for Chemistry class and realized I was right beside Ruby...

We were told to make a star shaped polymer and I put on my goggles. I knew exactly what I was doing.

I needed every second on the clock as it was a slow and delicate process but then I realized Ruby was shivering as she held a conical flask filled with sulphuric acid and some water in a test tube.

She was about to pour the water in when I yelled,"Don't do that, it will explode!"

She groaned and said,"Ugh! I have no idea what I'm doing!"

"I'll help you."


I nodded. She looked at me and smiled then frowned and said,"No, I can do it by myself."

"Are you sure?"

"What do you care? All you want is my phone number."

"What? No, this isn't like that, I just want to help you."

"Yeah well, I don't need your help you gold digger."

What a narcissist!

I rolled my eyes and continued.

I saw her suffering and couldn't care less.

The time passed and the teacher started going round, checking our products.

I looked at Ruby and she seemed scared and I was happy, but something inside me felt sorry for her.

I looked at her and groaned then pushed my polymer to her then said,"Here, use this."

She looked at me through her beautiful, piercing blue eyes and asked,"Really?"


"Th- thank you."

She took it and I said,"I'll also help you with your studies."


I nodded.

My first F, for someone I don't even like.

She did that angelic smile again and hugged me. All the boys in the lab shot me death glares and I rolled my eyes as I melted into a puddle in her arms.

During the time between periods, I opened my locker then the whole crowd went to the walls, making way for a trio of highschool girls who walked in sync.

The middle one, who was a hot blondy walked to Apollo and kissed him on the lips then said,"Hey babe, my birthday's next week and you're invited."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world babe."

He kissed her back.

That two faced playboy!

He was just flirting with Ruby!

I asked Ruby who those girls were and she said,"They're the Andettes, Mandy, Sandy and Andy, Mandy's the queen bee of the school while the other two are her minions. If they don't like you, you wouldn't survive a day in the school. They have the smartest kids do their homework and are angels in the sight of the teachers but the exact opposite to the students."

Mandy was handing out invitations to only the people with the highest social status.

Xander got one but Cameron wasn't even close to getting one. They passed by Jeremy and his friends like they were dust and Mandy looked at me with disgust then walked to Ruby and handed her an invite.

"Congrats Ruby, you are invited to my birthday this Monday."

Ruby looked at the white envelope with her name printed on it in golden French script then back at Mandy and said,"I think I'm going to pass on that, thank you."

Sandy and Andy frowned and Mandy put her tongue in her chin, as if offended then chuckled and said,"I don't think you understand the consequences of what you are doing."

"Oh I do, I know how many people's lives you've ruined and that you've put in therapy, but unless you have another personalized invite for my friend here..."

She called me her friend!

My life is complete, I can die now...

"...I am not coming."

Mandy frowned then said,"Friend?! That piece of trash cannot be your friend! You deserve better, and since you do, I'm going to make my offer one more time."

She stretched her arm again, by now, everyone in the hall was looking here.

"And I'm going to reject your offer one more time."Ruby said, confidently.

"Big mistake Welshes, we'll see how your loyalty will pay off."Mandy said and left.

I looked at Ruby, surprised then asked,"Why did you decline the offer? You should go and take the invite, right now."

"Nah, I've made up my mind, besides, I'd rather spend my night studying with my knight in shining armor."

I felt butterflies in my stomach when she said that like that.

Wow, Ruby is one complex individual.

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