
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · สมัยใหม่
253 Chs


I went to school the next day and it was normal, I became the Geography and Equestria's teachers' pet and realized, riding was a lot easier than I thought, even thunderclap respected me more now and didn't always try to strike thunder to my face...didn't always.

I was walking to my locker when I heard kids gossiping, I just ignored them till three girls came to me, leaving Tiffany, the queen bee who doubled as the President's daughter alone.

They said,"Your brother is a hero! We saw what he did on TV!"

One said,"I wish my sister was like that."

The other said,"Does he have a girlfriend?"

The last one said,"Could you get me an autograph?"

I nodded and took the picture, then they squealed while leaving, then I realized the line of students waiting to talk to me.

I felt great, taking papers, giving secret information only I knew about him and hoped he won't mind me sharing, and more.

After school, I was in the green Ferrari Mark owned and he took a strange turn.

I didn't ask any questions till he got to a brown four storey building.

I asked,"What is this place?"

"It's where my lawyer works."

I wondered why he needed a lawyer as we ascended the stairs and I asked again,"Are you going to sue somebody?"

He shook his head.

"Are you going to extend your company?"


"Then what do you want to do?"

"...I want to adopt you."

I dropped my jaw as I looked at him, he's going to be my literal little brother...or younger father.

I hugged his arm and he looked at me then opened the door.

We entered to see a woman, wearing glasses, probably in her late forties. She welcomed us and offered us some drinks.

I took the freshly squeezed orange juice while he took the Cappuccino.

They talked about the law for a few seconds then she brought some papers and told him to sign at four places.

He did without a second thought. She then told me to dip my thumb in ink and place it on a specific place on the paper, I did.

She said,"Now you are officially brothers."

I hugged him as tightly as I could and he hugged me back.

We went back to the hospital to visit Lucy and Lucille with some flowers and presents.

Mark didn't want to go into Lucy's room for fear his presence would give her a heart attack so I went alone. She was awake.


"Hi Lucy, Mark and I got these for you."

She took the bouquet and the teddy bear and thanked me then said,"You can tell that good for nothing liar that he's actually good for something."

She had a way of making complements sound like insults, I nodded and left.

I told Mark exactly what she said yet he didn't look surprised or offended in the least.

We went to Lucille next and I offered her the gifts. She thanked me and we talked a little before I left.

At the mansion, I went for a swim in the lighted infinity pool. I dived down as the huge globules of air came out of my nose and I touched the floor.

Mark just sat under an umbrella on a lazy chair, watching me.

I crawled out like some kind of swamp monster and shook my long hair.

I went to take a seat by Mark and looked at the waning moon and the stars.

"I see the big dipper."I said.

"...and I see Vega."


"That star over there."He said, pointing.

"...then I see the Andromeda galaxy."

"You can't see the Andromeda."

"Nope, I just wanted to sound smarter than you."

"Okay, what about Rigil Kentaurus?"

"What in the who now? Okay, what about...that one."

"You mean Rigel?"

"Come on! How do you know all their names?"

"Well technically, not all, and my dad taught me...my biological dad."

I nodded and looked back at the sky.

I ran into the garden the next day and hid behind a coral vine as Mark searched for me.

"Tommy! Where are you?!"

Like I'm going to tell you.

I hid behind the pink flowered climbing plant till I sneezed...

Oh boy.

Mark started coming in my direction and I was freaking out. He pushed the heart shaped leaves away and saw nothing...

I chuckled from behind a money plant.

Mark looked around and shrugged his shoulders and left, I laughed until the sprinklers came on.

I ran out to get to a dry area and he said,"Gotcha."

"Hey, no fair! You used the sprinklers."

"There's no rule which says I can't."

I frowned.

I was in music class the next day and as the students were playing their angelic melody, an ear splitting noise came from the back row, it was me.

I was 'playing' the piano and enjoying it till Mr. Clement, handed out papers to everyone. He came to me with a frown and showed me a paper with my name on it, I dropped my jaw as there was a large F on it.