
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · สมัยใหม่
253 Chs


"Come to think of it Luis, why did you leave?"I asked.

"Tommy, he's here now, it's enough."Lucy spoke.

"No, no, no, he's right, I shouldn't have left and have no excuse, but the reason... it's about Mark..."

He had us sit down then began speaking,"A few days before I left, I found out my little brother; Clark, was scrounging around for basically useless items on the black market, so I went to find out what he was doing. He eventually told me he was collecting all Mark's private property, be it his hard drives, old computers, note books, anything that pertained to the man."

My eyebrows furrowed as I cringed and Luis said,"That's what I felt too, until I found out the reason he was searching for them, Mark had an actually much deeper personality than I previously thought, than any of us thought, including yourself Tommy, he had the ability to write computer viruses capable of rendering all the computers in the whole country useless and irreparable in minutes, he also sold three fourths of his entire inheritance, including of Aqua, two years into management for stupidly low prices, of which he gave all the profit to charities, just so his competitors, including Clark, could have a fair fight, not due to the fact that Aqua was larger or more successful, but that he just wanted a challenge, and still ended up giving them a run for their money and sending many of them out of business, leaving Clark to be his play dummy, his employees had all confessed to him being a genius at getting what he wanted, even from their personal lives and claimed he must have been the best CEO the company had ever had, far surpassing even his father...and had an incredibly high IQ number, of which I have I copy..."

Lucy and I looked at it and back at him, I then said,"There's no way this is the number, it's almost twice that of Albert Einstein."

"And almost thrice mine, I triple checked, it's legit, but despite all this, Mark still wanted more, being a dark empath from a young age, he was a master manipulator and controlled the outcome of situations to a great degree, even including his divorced parents...and the two of you..."

"Luis, please, I understand you never really liked Mark, but this is too much."

"Lucy, I'm just telling you this so you'd know the entire story."

"I can't listen to this, I'm sorry."

She stood up and left the two of us.

I was also surprised and stunned, wondering if all those good times the two of us had together were totally false, or were the good times I had with Luis totally false?

He stood up and said,"It's been a long day, you should get some rest, I'll be taking you and your family somewhere tomorrow."

I nodded and stood up, thoughts and memories flashing in my mind, making me dizzy.

I slowly made my way to the room, where Rose met me, crying.

She asked what was wrong and I told her everything then she fell silent.

Looking at her, shocked, I asked if she had known, and she nodded...


Walking through the building presently undergoing renovation.

Scarlet Sapphira looked around with a shocked facial expression by just the size of the lobby, then I asked Luis,"You bought Aqua?"

"The place was crumbling due to bad management, I had to do something."

He took the six of us to an elevator, and we went to the fortieth floor and walked out.

Scarlet Sapphira and the triplets ran all around the room, touching and occasionally breaking every priceless object they could find.

I told them to sit still and looked at the desk far in front of me, with my name still on it...in a new display.

I looked at him as he said,"It's yours."

My eyebrows furrowed as I said,"You can stop kidding now Luis."

He looked at me from the corner of his eyes, placed a toothpick between his teeth and walked away...he wasn't kidding.

I tightly held Rose's hand as we walked forward and I analyzed the desk, it was the same one my brother used, it had been brought into the newly furnished office space from his old bedroom.

I reclined on the soft cushion of a seat and made Rose to sit as well, though she didn't want to, but I shoved her into it, making her move backwards with the chair, then heard a click.

We both looked below the desk and saw a narrow slit which had been emphasized when Rose's knee hit it.

I banged the top of the desk but it didn't open till Rose forced my hand below a glass like plate and the moment my fingers touched it, it opened.

Luis felt uncomfortably cringe seeing us move together below the desk that way, so made the kids look away.

I looked at the brown envelope which had been addressed to me, in Mark's handwriting and signature, so I called Luis to have a look, reluctant as he was, he slowly marched towards us then asked,"I said you should own the place, not...know it."

I was confused, but showed him the card and his brows furrowed as the toothpick moved, he hadn't seen this before and even Rose could tell.

He gave it back to me and I asked the reason.

"He wouldn't address it to you if it was meant for me to open."

"But I'm scared."I bawled.

He forced me into the seat, shoved it into my chest and demanded that I opened it.