
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · สมัยใหม่
253 Chs


I was lying on my bed one day, after school when I felt someone sit by me. I looked up to see Mark then quickly looked away, I was too ashamed to look him in the eye after disappointing him like that.

He gently held my chin and made me look at his face then asked,"Tommy, don't you want to come with me?"

"To where?"

"I've been invited to a yacht party and I wanted Chienembe and you to be my guests."

I dropped my jaw and said,"I thought I was still grounded."

He sighed and said,"I'm sorry for how I acted..."

Shouldn't I be the one saying that?

"...I knew you'd never do something like that, I was just too mad to listen to you but I totally believed you. You're no more grounded."

I smiled widely and hugged him tight then said,"You're the best little brother in the world."

We went to the party and I brought my appetite, for good reason, the food was awesome! Not as good as Mark's, but still, awesome!

Ms Lucy was invited too and all the men had their eyes on and were making moves on her. Of course she rejected all of them but something happened...

Mark had had his eyes on Ms Lucy since he arrived and I knew why...he was jealous. Of course he should be, she was his girlfriend after all.

But one extra confident guy went to her and asked her for a dance and she agreed. Then he put his hand around her waist and pulled her closer then whispered into her ear,"Just to make it believable."

Then he kissed her on the lips.

All the guys were bummed out, but one was furious.

Ms Lucy bit his lip then punched him in the face and kicked him in the belly, fury in her eyes. The guy looked at her and chuckled, suddenly Mark speared him into a table and punched him numerous times.

Security were able to separate them but Mark overcame the guards and even more had to hold him down.

Mark yelled at him,"Why on earth do you think a lowlife like you would have a chance with someone like her?!"

The man—who was bruised allover his face—asked,"Oh yeah? And why do you care so much?"

Mark just yelled,"Because she's my girlfriend!"

Everyone gasped and Mark just realized what he had revealed, he looked at Ms Lucy but she was halfway out of the room.

He chased after her but she drove away, he couldn't drive after her and leave Chienembe and me behind, he was so conflicted and angry at himself.

After that, Mark took us home immediately and called Ms Lucy numerous times but she didn't answer. He went to her mansion but she wasn't there and the guards didn't allow him to talk to Lucille.

Mark was devastated and took his fury on the punching bag in the gym, he didn't leave the penthouse for days, leaving Ms Lucy voicemail, calling her, sending her messages and waiting for her to answer, but she never did.

Mark was on the rings, just letting off steam when he went to take a bath, then he heard the doors opening, I wasn't coming home from a friend's house for many hours and Chienembe was in his room so Mark was on high alert.

He went into the living room then someone jumped into his arms and squeezed him in a hug. He took a deep breath, he had missed her scent.

He looked into Ms Lucy's eyes and said,"I'm so sorry, I was an idiot and let my emotions get the best of me when I should have just trusted you."

She then said,"I forgave you days ago."

He asked,"But why didn't you answer any of my calls?"

She answered,"I'm sorry, I just needed time to think."

He asked,"But how did you get past the guards?"

Just then, a guard who was gasping for breath appeared and said,"I'm so sorry sir, she was just so fast..."

Ms Lucy looked back at him and he smirked and said,"You have really got to stop out running my guards."

She said,"Meh, you just need better guards."

He chuckled.

That day, Mark came to pick me from school with Ms Lucy and I was so excited that they were back together, so as everyone else.

The news spread like wildfire, Mark and Ms Lucy were dating again.

Mark was with Ms Lucy, alone in his room, he brought his face closer to hers then whispered,"There's just one problem..."

Then he yelled,"Tommy! Lucille!"

We both came out, with me, looking down shyly. I said,"Yes little brother?"

Mark said,"Stop spying on us."

I gained confidence and asked,"Do you think I'll stoop down low enough to spy on you two?"

Ms Lucy said,"Yes."

I said while walking away,"Well I'm insulted..."

I crashed, nose first into the locked door and continued,"...by the door."

Mark drove Ms Lucy and Lucille home and Lucille ran inside to give them some privacy. Ms Lucy held Mark's hands and asked,"Mark, remember how I said I wasn't sure about my feelings for you?"

He said,"Yes."

She continued,"Well I'm sure now...I love you Mark."

After waiting for several seconds for him to say something, she realized he wasn't going to, so she turned to walk away, disappointed.

She didn't go far when she realized he hadn't let go of her hand, she turned back and he immediately pulled her closer and kissed her.

She closed her eyes and kissed him back. When Mark pulled back, he said,"I love you too Lucy."

That's all she wanted to hear.

She kissed him and they separated when they realized time wasn't on their side and immediately after Mark left, Ms Lucy missed him...