
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · สมัยใหม่
253 Chs


Her mother's expression suddenly changed from joy to anger and she asked,"What are you doing here?"

Rose answered,"I brought her here so the three of you can mend your ties."

"There's nothing to mend, she didn't obey us and marry Mack, now she's dating him, he's useless to us."

Ruby fumed but Rose calmed her down and said,"Dad, mom, she's your daughter and she is trying to get back with you, I think you should just swallow your pride, there are more important things than your egos right now."

Her father then said,"You never should have come back, you broke all your rights to this family when you shot that man."

Ruby then exploded with anger and yelled,"I didn't shoot him and you know because you and Rose set me up! But she has apologized so why can't you?!"

Her mother said,"Leave this house and never come back."

Rose calmly said,"Mother, if she leaves, I'm leaving too."

All three of them were shocked.

Her mother said,"My little rose bud, what do you mean?"

"I mean, I'm leaving too unless you apologize to my sister."

Her father said,"Go then."

Rose held Ruby's hand and pulled her out of the mansion, Ruby stopped and said,"Rose, what are you doing? Go back there and apologize right now, they hate me, not you."

"I'm not apologizing until they apologize, to you, I'll live with you in the school under grandma's and grandpa's care."

Ruby could tell she had made up her mind so obliged.

I was walking to my next class when someone bumped into me and whispered,"Oleh wants to see you..."

I looked around to see who said it but the crowd was too thick for me to determine the person.

I was walking to the parking lot, holding hands with Rose when someone covered Rose's mouth with a chloroform handkerchief, she held her breath and threw the person over her shoulder to land on his back.

She saw another person running away with me in his arms.

She chased after me and the person climbed up the wall with lightning speed.

The wall was too high for a simple tic tac so she ran horizontally on it in a diagonal way and when she got enough height, she jumped to the next wall and jumped over the first wall.

The person yelled as I bit his hand and dropped me then I did a kip up and kicked him in the belly.

He stumbled back and Rose stood beside me.

The person looked furious as he brought out a pair of nunchuks.

Rose and I looked at each other then split up.

The man chased after me but he fell down when Rose swung on a bar and double kicked him in the back.

He quickly stood up and started attacking her. He almost hit her with the weapon but I came with a broom and blocked, then I spun it and attacked him with it.

I swept his face with the dusty broom and when he was distracted, I hit the nunchuks from his grip and Rose caught them just in time.

He looked at us, he knew he couldn't beat the both of us, especially when we had weapons but he didn't so he started running away.

"Get him!"I yelled.

Rose climbed the fire escape to get to the roofs while I chased him from below. She was my eye in the sky.

I followed the man to a car and suddenly, several men hemmed me and caught me. Rose couldn't defend me against all of them so she called Mark and followed with a taxi.

She followed them to a warehouse and saw all the men and someone at the centre...


She fumed as he mocked me and almost blew her cover but calmed down, she had to stay focused.

She sent a message to Mark about the whereabouts of the warehouse and waited.

She totally lost her cool when Chienembe slapped me across the face and laughed. She ran to wring his neck but the guards caught her.

Chienembe walked to her and said,"Oh Rose, what a waste. You could have had me, but you chose him, now you're both going to die."

"Leave her alone!"I yelled.

He punched me in the face and Rose screamed, then she said with tears in her eyes,"Don't hurt him, please...what did Oleh do to you? Why are you like this?"

He chuckled and said,"Pretty face, that's for me to know and you to find out."

Rose smiled and said,"I don't need to, because I'm not going to die."

"Wow, you're really overconfident in yourself."

"And you're really overconfident in your guards."Rose said.


Just then, four of his guards started attacking the rest and they removed their masks.

I knew it was Mark, Ms Lucy, Ruby and Mack.

Chienembe yelled,"Kill them!"

Then dozens of guards poured into the room like water. Ruby—who was the closest false guard to me—freed Rose and me.

I massaged my wrists and looked at Chienembe and smirked...

You're mine...