
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · สมัยใหม่
253 Chs


An old lady served some tea for Ruby and Rose as they sat before her.

She asked if they wanted anything, but with no intention to drink it, they said they were fine, till she insisted.

After they had taken a bite of the cranberry crumpets, Ruby said,"Okay Mrs Georgine, we really need to ask about your son."

"And I've already told you, he hasn't contacted me in years, after your father pulled those strings to get him that high position, he abandoned me, I don't blame him though, I was never able to give him anything anyway."

"Madam..."Rose said,"...you know what? Thank you very much for your help and everything."

"Come back anytime."She said.

Rose stood up and Ruby asked what the rush was, but Rose only walked into the house and dragged Ruby into the pantry as the woman walked through.

Ruby was getting angry till Rose said,"She lied to us, I've found several recent messages from him to her on her contacts and they were often electronic pay or reassuring words."

"And how do you know this?"

"I make sure to learn as much as I can from anyone I want to spy on."

"And who said we're spying on her? You're sick!"

Ruby was walking away and the woman was going to see them when Rose knocked her down.

Ruby was about to scream when they realized the floor below them was hollow.

Ruby looked at her sister, she might have been on to something.

They hid when the woman came to check on things, then opened it after she was gone, and were shocked at what they saw... adoption papers.


Luis was in the bar, sitting still as usual.

Lucy looked at him and asked,"You've been awfully quiet all night, what's wrong?"

"Is it a habit of your ' friend ' to take you to a bar on every occasion or is it just with me?"He asked.

She sighed then said,"Luis, I'm sorry..."

"Sorry for what?"He asked, actually confused.

"I've not been listening to you when you talk about these women it's just, I've known them for years and they've been with me through thick and thin...I think, I've never actually had any true friends since I started my acting career so I settled for the first that came my way, everytime, but now we're getting married, I'll put all my block headedness aside and listen to your every opinion."

"What?"He asked,"Who said you were block headed?"

"I figured that..."

"No Lucy, don't beat yourself up on account of me, ever."

She looked at him and he found himself taking a wine flute and emptying it into his bowels.

He didn't know why but whenever he was with this woman, he just lost his mind and it wasn't because of the drinks, it was her and her irresistible charm.

He loved her concentric circles of eyes, her soft, rosy pink lips that he missed so much, her round and bold chin, her healthy and natural orange complexion, her long hair which came in a mixture of colours, her soft, kissable hands, her smooth and light symphony of a voice, everything about her just drove him wild.

Danielle was orally sharing a lemon with Gary while looking at Luis, remembering Phoebe's words,' He gets drunk easily, use that to your advantage... '

Lucy told Luis to calm down, he had drank a lot...more than herself and she began to get concerned.

Luis began to feel dazed and could barely see the beautiful woman sitting right beside him.

He tried to order another drink but Lucy refused it and said they were going home, but then Stephanie said she'd help her take him out, and that was all that Luis remembered...

His eyes opening, Luis had a massive headache, but knew exactly what would cure it, Lucy.

He looked to his side and smiled as she lay beside him then lifted the bed cover and his heart sank, it wasn't her.

He jumped off the bed as the door barged open, revealing Lucy and Gary, looking at Luis, half naked, with Danielle, still covered in the sheets.

Lucy looked at Luis with her eyes shivering then he said,"Lucy, it's not what it looks like! They set me up!"

Her shivering eyes burst out with tears as she left the room and Gary came to pin him to a wall, rage evident in his reddened eyes.

Luis didn't have the time for this, so kneed him in the groin and held him in a sleeper hold, took his clothes and ran out of the actually well prepared hotel room, he knew he was going to regret this, why was he so stupid?!

He ran after Lucy as she stormed to her car, wiping the rain off her cheeks with the wipers which were her hands, then he gripped her by the arms and turned her over and said,"Lucy, please, listen to me."

"Why? So you could lie to me again?! You said you didn't trust them! And I thought I shouldn't too and was right, but I shouldn't have trusted you either."

"Lucy, wait, please..."

"What? What do you have to say for yourself? Tell me!"

"...I have no excuse for my actions, but I still love you."

"Yeah, you did a wonderful job in showing that right now."

She walked into her car and drove off and he yelled in fury, how could those women be such snakes?!

He had blood lust running through his veins, a killing intent and already had his target.

He got into the hotel, where Danielle was now formally checking out, then he held her by the throat, not allowing her to speak.

His grip tightened as she struggled for breath but before he could have his vengeance, Gary turned him abruptly and threw a punch at his face.

Luis caught his fist, twisted it and headbutted him in the nose and flung his own hair back, then punched the man in the jaw, repeatedly, taking all his rage out on him, then when Gary was no more moving, he turned back to Danielle, who was trying to scamper away, he then held her wrist tightly enough to snap it, then yelled in pain as a security guard shot him with a taser gun.

The electric currents flowed through him, but he tore off the wires and was about to ram his fist into Danielle's money maker when there was a bang.

He wasn't able to think straight, his anger had blinded his perceptions, and the pain from the gaping wound rushed to his brain in bursts, but he wasn't done, he was just getting started...

Taking out his guns, he yelled,"Come get me, you bastards!!!"