
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · สมัยใหม่
253 Chs


I looked at Mark and asked,"What am I going to do now?! She wants me to teach her Croady, yet it doesn't even exist!"

"Calm down, deep breaths...just tell her the truth."

"What?! That's the worst thing I could ever do to her!"

"Actually, it's the best, remember you ran away because of a lie I told?"

"...this is different."

"Just try it, and be yourself when she comes."

"What?! My weird, nerdy self?! That will drive her away faster than the apocalypse!"

"If it does, then maybe she's not the right person for you."

I knew he was right, even though I didn't want him to be at that moment, I had to tell her the truth and be myself...

The day came and I was preparing, Mark took a day off from work to whip up some of his best cooking, while the servants prepared the mansion to be in its best shape and I wore my best clothes.

I was wearing my cologne when there was a ring on the doorbell.

I slid down the stairs, opened the door and said,"Hello, Olivia."

"Bonjour, Mon Ami."

I felt my insides crying.

"...have a seat."

She sat down and I said,"Umm, Olivia, I just wanted to say it's not everything that I said earlier that was true, like Croady...it..."

"Doesn't exist? Yeah, I know, I researched it."

"And you're not mad?"

"Why would I be? I would have done the same thing in the same situation."

"You would?"

She nodded.

I let out a sigh of relief and gave Mark—who was spying on us—a double thumbs up and he returned it.

"So, would you like to watch some TV?"I asked.


"What do you like?"

"Documentaries, mostly those about wildlife."

"Really?! Those are my favorite too!"

"You don't have to lie."

"No seriously, I watch them all the time!"




I proudly switched on the television and cozily sat down by her, signalling Mark again.

Mark brought our food and left then she asked,"Question...what is this?"

"It's uhh, it's ummm...give me a second..."

I ran to Mark and asked then came back and said,"It's a lamb filet mignon with a potato coleslaw with a...give me a second..."

I ran to Mark, asked and came back then said,"...with a tuna pate on the side and two slices of garlic bread."

She tasted the food and loved it then said,"It's so good! I need this recipe!"

"Ummm...give me a second."

I ran to Mark and had him write the recipe and came back and gave it to her.

"Thanks Tommy. Was that your uncle?"

"No, my brother."

"How old is he?"

"...twenty- seven...yet he's six."

"Oh, he's a leapling?"

"...yes! How did you know?"

"It's obvious, what's his name?"

"Mark, Mark Hawk..."

"...ins?! The Mark Hawkins, C. E. O. of Aqua bolt, the present largest shoe company in the world?! That Mark Hawkins?!"

"Yeah, do you want to meet him?"

"Uh, do I ever?!"

I took her to Mark and she was shaking as he looked at her, she seemed to be holding back something until she couldn't any longer and yelled in one breath,"Hi, my name is Olivia and I really really love your shoes and I am literally your biggest fan!"

"I see."Mark said.

"Do you want an autograph?"I asked.

She nodded so many times, so fast, I thought her neck would have broken off.

Mark signed a paper and gave it to her and she squeezed it to her chest.

I took her to my room and she was mesmerized.

The two of us had so much in common!

She loved my favorite music, she loved my favorite TV shows, she loved my favourite food... the only thing different was our favourite colours, mine was pumpkin and hers was squash, but they were still really similar!

We were playing VR zombie vacation when Mark came and said,"Olivia, your mom's here to pick you up."

"Oh, okay."

"I thought you were staying longer."I said, obviously disappointed.

"I'm sorry, I have curfew, but I'll be back, maybe Thursday."

"Thursday it is."

Mark and I stood by the door as she entered the RV and it revved.

"Well, look who's jolly all of a sudden."

I was basically a puddle of prim pudding as I smiled widely with a slouched back and said,"She's great."

Mark started teasing me and I chased him up the stairs, but he didn't stop.

Olivia got home and said,"Hi mom."

The woman sitting with her legs folded said,"Claire, you may leave."

The woman who drove the car bowed and left.

"So, are you close now?"Her mother asked.

"Too close for comfort, I must say, that sucker believed everything! And his elder brother is too trusting."

"Hear that, snookims? I told you my daughter will get us revenge."