
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · สมัยใหม่
253 Chs


I danced and sang when my lessons were over, I got a date!

Mark opened the door and saw me doing frolics, dances and jumps then said,"Did you eat five sticks of cotton candy again?"

"No, even better!"

"Ice cream?"



"Uh uh."

"Then what did you eat?"

"I ate love..."

"I don't get it."

"I just got a date with a girl!"

"You did? Wow, congratulations."


"But how did you ask her out?"

"I didn't, she gave me her number."

"So you're not going on a date."

"Yes I am... soon."

"...so what are you going to say when you do call her?"

"...oh, didn't think of that...I got an idea! I'd be like, hi Olivia, I was wondering if you'd like to..."

"Woah, Woah, Woah, you can't talk to a girl like that!"

"I can't?"

"No, I have experienced a lot of girls and I know how to talk to them, and that's not how."

"Then how? Tell me! Please!"

"Okay, first, lose the hi and say...hey."He said.

My jaw dropped.

I never knew the power of that word!

I liked...loved it!

He looked so cool and attractive!

"Oh okay, let me try...hey."

"No no no, like this...hey."

Mine is nothing compared to his!

It's just so perfect...

"Okay, hey."

"No no no, notice the tone of my voice, my facial expression and how I slightly tilt my head back like this, hey."

He did it again!

"How do you do it?"

"It takes practice bro, it took me three years to learn it."He said while walking away.

Three years?!

I sulked in my room for thirty minutes after supper, looking at the powerful weapon which could destroy my life, or make it a lot better, either way, my life would be changed.

I stretched my hand and took my phone, then went to call log to click on her profile.

A few seconds later, the call was picked and I heard her voice at the other side of the line.

I freaked out, yelled and threw the phone away.

What have I done?

I ran to the phone and picked it up, it was shattered...

I lost my chance.

I didn't want to get out of bed the next morning, I only wanted to disappear, but it didn't happen.

I slowly walked down the stairs and Mark realized I didn't slide down as I usually did.

"Tommy, is something wrong?"

I burst into childish tears and placed the phone on the counter.

"I can get you a new one."

"It's not the phone, it's the number, Olivia's number was on it."

I kept crying and Mark looked at me, wondering how to cheer me up...

"Just eat your breakfast and take a bath, this will pass."

"No it won't!"I yelled childishly,"I am going to remember this mistake for ever! I might never even date again!"

"That's what I thought when Lucy broke up with me, and yet, I'm still dating."

I looked at him then slowly ate my mouth watering breakfast then went for a shower.

I came downstairs again and Mark kissed me goodbye. I waved at him as the car drove away then went for my lessons.

I was having Geography, my last lesson for the day, gloomy as I had lost the phone then the doors opened.

I welcomed Mark with a sad face and he asked,"Why so blue?"

"The phone...I lost it!"

"You mean this phone?"He said, bringing out a phone.

My jaw dropped as I stared at it.

"You fixed it?"

"Yes I did and don't worry, everything is intact."

"Even the app lock?"

"Yes, but what are you trying to hide? There's nothing interesting in there, I wonder why you locked it anyway."

"You searched my phone?"I said with my eyes half closed.


"... doesn't matter cause you fixed my phone!!"

I was jumping around, flipping, frolicking and singing, I could finally call Olivia!

But how?

How will I do it without hurling my phone to a wall?

"Mark, I need your help!"

"Sure, what can I help you with?"

"I need you to tell me what to say...and keep me from throwing my phone."


I called her number.

It was going, going, going, then she said,"Hello?"

"Aaaah!"I yelled while throwing the phone.

Mark caught my hand before I let go and shook his head.

My joints were wobbling and my legs felt like jelly as Mark brought the phone closer to my ear, my voice trembled as I stammered to say,"H- h- h-..."

Mark smacked the back of my head and I yelled,"Hey."

He gave me a thumbs up as I frowned at him.

"Hi, please, who is this?"

"Oh, it's Tommy, the guy who bought three boxes of cookies yesterday."

"Oh right, so how can I help you?"

My face turned pale and I looked at Mark for help and he mouthed,"I wanted to say, you are very special."

"I wanted to say, you are very special."

"Awww, thank you, I think you're special too."

Mark mouthed,"Would you like to come over to my house tomorrow?"

I mouthed,"Okay."

"Would you like to sniff my mouth Tuesday?"

Mark slapped his forehead and she asked,"What?"

Mark mouthed,"Come over... Tuesday."

"Run over, Doomsday."I mouthed.

"Pardon me?"She asked.

Mark whispered,"Come over, Tuesday."

"Come over, Tuesday."

"Oh, okay."

Mark whispered,"Finally."


Mark whispered,"No, no, no!"

"Finally what?"

"No, no, no, ummm..."

I looked at Mark and he whispered,"We are going to meet."

"We ra go go beet."

Mark slapped his forehead again.

"Is this like another language? Oh my gosh, are you multilingual?"

I looked at Mark and he nodded.


"Cool, which language is that?"

"Ummm, uhh..."

I looked at Mark and he whispered,"Portuguese."


Mark whispered,"No!"

"Lebanese doesn't sound like that, are you sure?"

"No! It's..."

I looked at Mark and said,"Cro...a...d...y, Croady."

"I've never heard of that language before."

"That's because it's ...rare, very rare, only spoken by people from... Croatia, and I learned it."

"Cool, so which other languages do you speak, genius?"

I whispered,"She called me genius!"

Mark gave me a thumbs up.

Mark wrote on a paper so I didn't make anymore mistakes and I said,"Spanish, French and Italian."

"Well Buenos dias, mi amigo."

My face turned grey as I yelled to Mark's hearing,"You speak Spanish?!"

"Yeah, they taught me at school."

"Oh...cool, so are you coming?"

"Yeah, and maybe you can teach me some of that Croady."

I chuckled nervously as I said,"Yeah, bye."

I'm doomed.