
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · สมัยใหม่
253 Chs


A few days later by dinnertime, I was lying on my bed, looking at the ceiling. I wasn't bored, I just didn't want to do anything.

I then heard Ms Ann, the chef say,"Master Tommy, dinner's ready."

I groaned, feeling reluctant to move, then she said again,"We're having jelly as dessert."

I sat up and sprinted out of my room then slid down the stairs.

I went to the dinner table and realized Mark looked like he was going somewhere, he was formally dressed, more formally than normal, and he was wearing expensive yet not over powering cologne and his beloved gold Rolex watch.

He also wasn't eating.

I was quizzical and asked,"Mark, are you going somewhere?"

"The gala's tonight."

I widened my eyes as I had totally forgotten, I abandoned my food and ran up the stairs, there would be food there.

The maids helped me change and I was surprised at the result.

My slightly more muscular body had been covered with a white tuxedo matching Mark's, my long, curly hair was combed back and set in waves and gel had been rubbed in to make it even more shiny than normal. I looked good.

"You look really endearing, Master Thomas."Tabitha, the maid said.

"Thanks Tabitha."

I went to Mark and he whistled while looking me up and down and I did a twirl and asked,"How do I look?"

"As good as I always do, you look amazing!"

"Why thank you, little brother."

We entered the car in style and drove to the party at a huge and expensive hotel.

Valet took our car away and we walked in.

I was mesmerized by the huge chandelier in the middle of the domed ceiling as we walked to our seats.

Mark was drinking some wine when everyone looked at the door, so he and I did as well and...

It was Ms Lucy. She was wearing a ruby red dress which was close fitting to her, showing her flawless curves, it broadened from her knees and trailed behind her.

It had a slit from her right knee to the bottom and he'd a clear lace covering.

Her long hair was curled and placed over her right shoulder.

She was wearing a pearl necklace and holding a golden purse. All the bachelors had their eyes on her, and all the women almost barfed when they compared their clothes to hers.

She modeled our way and looked at Mark then seductively rolled her eyes and walked away.

Mark had dropped his jaw and I closed it for him.

The party went on and a waitress brought my food and I thanked her. The dancefloor was open and most of the men were targeting one woman.

Mark slammed his fist on the table and frowned as he watched Ms Lucy dance with another man, very lucky man.

I could feel the jealousy and anger emanating from him and had to do something...

Ms Lucy was dancing with the man when someone tapped her, she looked back to see...

"Oh hi Tommy."

"Hi Ms Stone, please may I have this dance?"

"Clear off kid, she's dancing with..."

"...him, I am dancing with Tommy."

"What?!"The man yelled as Ms Lucy took me away.

We were dancing for about a minute when I said,"It's time to switch dance partners."

"Are you sure?"

I nodded.

"Okay, then I'll dance with... you."

She frowned at the first person she saw and he returned it.

"I'll find someone else."Ms Lucy said.

"No!"I yelled,"You dance with the closest person to you and you guys are less than two feet apart."

The two of them reluctantly agreed and I let out a sigh of relief.

They held hands while going to the middle of the dance floor and everyone seemed surprised that these two exes were getting along.

They faced each other and Mark threw her back till they were as far apart as possible, then he pulled her back and she twirled to get to him, using her hair to slap him across the face.

When she got back, he lifted her into the air and spun her then dropped her.

He caught her and she sent her head an inch above the floor and she kicked him in the side of his head with her bent leg then he pulled her back up and lifted her again.

He threw her up and she spun in the air like a bullet and the whole crowd turned dead silent.

When she landed he threw her sideways and she did three pirouettes but crashed into a wall and Mark smirked.

She frowned and did a grand jete, placing her head on her back knee and landed and he caught her and spun with her.

I was wondering how they did such advanced moves in such restricting clothes.

She did a back handspring and kneed him in the chin, gracefully and he frowned then jumped and did two pirouettes on his knees and kicked her legs of balance and right before she fell, he caught her and asked,"Will you do that again?"

She shook her head.

He then let her down and she kicked her left leg into the air and he kneeled on one knee.

They continued their mesmerizing dance and ended in the same pose as Mark and Ms Gonzalez did, then Ms Lucy said,"I forgot you were such a good dancer."

"Same here."

The crowd applauded for them and my jaw was dropped, I had never seen any two people more perfect for each other, there was no spark, there was a blazing bonfire!

I had to do something.

I waited for a little while then yawned when Mark had the greatest amount of attention to me then said,"Mark, I'm tired, please could we go home now?"

"Yeah, sure."

He stood up and I continued,"And could Ms Stone be the one to tuck me in tonight?"


"She hasn't done it in a while."

He sighed and said,"Fine."

I almost jumped but remembered to be sleepy, so calmly said,"Thanks."

I went to tell Ms Lucy and she agreed.

We were driving home then Mark was about to turn right when Ms Lucy said,"Go straight, it's a better route."

"Nope, I'm going right."

"But the straight route is faster."

"Says who?"

"Says me."


He was about to turn the steering wheel when Ms Lucy got angry and held it and they started struggling.

I said,"Guys, guys!"

They stopped and looked at me, with one of Ms Lucy's hand on the steering wheel and the other on Mark's face and Mark's fingers in her nostrils, then I said,"You're holding traffic."

Just then, the car behind us tooted it's horn and Ms Lucy sat down grumpily.

We got to the mansion and got down.

Neither of them had eaten so they had the spaghetti which was made earlier.

I told chef Ann to hide something in their plates and she excitedly agreed.

The two of them simultaneously put some fork twirls in their mouths and gently slurped.

One of the spaghetti strands was longer than the others so they kept slurping it till their faces were inches away from each other.

They looked into each other's eyes then Mark yelled and pushed Ms Lucy's face so she toppled over and fell with her chair.

"Aw! Why did you do that?!"Ms Lucy yelled.

"Why did you do that?!"Mark yelled back.

"Do what?!"

"Put that extra long spaghetti string between our plates!"

"And why on earth will I do that?! It was you who did it!"

"No, it wasn't! It was..."

They both turned their heads and said,"Tommy."

I chuckled nervously.

They came closer and Ms Lucy asked,"Tommy, why did you do that?"

I said quietly,"I saw that you guys still liked each other so I wanted to bring you closer together."

Mark said,"Tommy, we no longer like each other."

"Yes, those feelings we used to have for each other are dead now. I wouldn't date him if he was the last man on earth."

"And I wouldn't date her if it meant I could live forever."

I was disappointed then nodded.

I had a bath and they tucked me in.

When they got out, Mark said,"You can leave now."

"Umm, no I can't, you have to take me back."

"No I don't."

"You brought me here."

"You decided to come."

"Ugh, why are you so exasperating?! Take me back, right now!"

"Okay, I'll take you to the door so you can walk back."

She got furious and stepped closer to him, looking into his eyes, he got a moment of weakness and stuttered,"W- what are you doing?"

She smiled then snatched his car keys and sprinted away.

He came back to reality and chased after her. She had gotten a headstart but the dress was slowing her down.

He caught her hand in the parking lot and she pulled then he fell on her.

His hands supported him over her and they looked into each other's eyes.

The silver moonlight shined on the mirroring grass they lay on and the stars twinkled in delight...

Then Ms Lucy screamed and started kicking Mark in the chin.

She was slapping his cheeks and kicking him as she yelled,"Aaah! Get off you pervert!"

He managed to get off and cleaned his dirty white tuxedo, while rubbing his chin. Then frowned then stretched his arm and said,"Give me the key."

"Then drive me back."

He groaned and said,"Fine."

He was driving her back and the car was silent. She stretched her arm to put on some music then he said,"What are you doing? I'm driving, I pick the song."

With that, he put on the radio and changed to the music of his choice and she said,"You weren't going to use it until I decided to!"

He shrugged his shoulders and said,"That's life."

She frowned and lay on her seat.

After a while, he felt guilty and said,"Fine, you can choose the music."

"Okay?"She said, questioningly.

After a while, he said,"So, how's your engagement going?"


"Just asking."

She rolled her eyes then he asked again,"You really like him, don't you?"

"Where are these weird questions coming from?"

"...just asking."

"Fine, why don't I do the same, when is the next time you're going to date?"

"How will I know? That's in the future."

"Just asking."

He rolled his eyes.

He dropped her off at the gala and drove away.