
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · สมัยใหม่
253 Chs


Ruby was obviously not happy when Luis arrived, but he couldn't care less.

When she asked what he wanted, in the coldest way possible, he said"I wish I could say it was a pleasure meeting you, but I'd be lying, because it isn't, I'd hate to break it to you but your father has someone I care about."

"What are you talking about?"She asked.

"Lucille Lester? Lucy's daughter? Ring a bell?"

"My father wouldn't do that."She said.

"Yeah, just like he wouldn't shoot himself, frame it on his own worker and arrange his murder and kill his own brother, whom none of you knew about in cold blood, your father's a nice guy."

"You liar! Tommy, what is he doing here?!"

"Just hear him out."I said,"Luis, you were saying?"

"I've said what I needed to, apart from the fact that all those murders were to create something, something...out this world."

"...a transcendent."I said.

"You got it."He winked.

"What's that?"Mack asked.

"It's some...being that a cult in my school were trying to make, they specially selected people, whom they murdered and took out thier body parts to make a patchwork like body out of them."

Mack looked at me, shocked, as Luis chuckled and said,"Oh chicken wings, this is only the beginning..."

I slept on a bench in the hospital while Mack walked paces around the place, I groaned and said,"Ruby went to the bathroom, she isn't in labour."

"In a time like this, even going to the bathroom could be life threatening, I have to check up on her."

"Okay, bye."

He walked down the hallway and heard struggling, then saw her red hair flailing in the air and yelled her name and ran in her direction, but they were gone...

He ran up the stairs and to Rose's room and saw that the bed was empty, and out of order.

He yelled in fury as he stomped his foot on the floor, then ran down the stairs and put on his coat.

I asked where he was going and all he said was,"To put that bastard in his place."

He got into his car and was about to drive away when I tagged along.

We had been driving a little while when I slowly stretched my arm then he said,"If you don't want to be thrown out of the car and go rolling forwards at a speed of sixty kilometers per hour due to inertia, I'd advice you to restrain from touching the radio."

"No need to be so rude about it."I said.

Reaching the mansion, Mack pinned the first person he saw to a wall and yelled for them to tell him where Rose's and Ruby's father was.

The man pointed towards the stairs and we saw him slowly descending.

Mack was about to tear him apart when the scuttling sund of guns and armament filled the room.

Their father stood right in front of him, his ginger hair standing a few centimeters above Mack's black locks.

Mack asked between his teeth,"What did you do to them?"

Their father smirked and said,"They're fine, and will be catered for accordingly, if you want them back, you're going to have to fight for them... what's love without a few bruises?"

"What kind of father are you?!"I yelled.

He chuckled deeply and smoothly as he said,"One with ambition, come to the Welterweight arena in the core of the city, midnight tonight, bare knuckles and bring all your friends, what's a party without guests?"

Mack then said,"I will be there, and will end you myself."

Their father chuckled and said,"Bring it on..."

I looked at Mack as he asked,"What are you waiting for?!"

He stormed off and I took my phone to call Luis...


Late that evening, the three of us got down at the arena and slowly walked in, with several eyes gazing on us.

We saw him standing in the middle of the ring and I was still a little skeptical as to why he'd take on all of us, it was definitely a trap.

Mack got in first, eager to have a piece of him, Luis got in second, and I hesitantly got in last.

A steel cage was lowered around us and then Mack asked,"Where are they?!"

Their father snapped his fingers and immediately, Rose, Ruby and Lucille were brought out of the shadows, held by some giant men.

They struggled and called for us and Mack ran to the cage and tried to reach Ruby, he ordered their father to let them go, but his only words were,"I understand you do not comprehend the prospect that the prize is only given to a participant once they win."

"So your daughters are prizes to be won now?!"I yelled.

"What can I say? Business is business."He said.

When the bell was ran, he removed the top of his royal blue tuxedo, revealing his ripped upper body and I wondered how he achieved that when he did nothing all day and yet the three of us were always working out but what we got was flab compared to his.

He then stretched one arm and told us to bring it on.

I was about to speak when Mack charged at him and started throwing punches at him.

He dodged the first and second, then deflected the third to make Mack's face run into his knee, then palm stroked him in the chest.

Mack stood up again as their father pulled his own hair into a man bun, then I said that we should coordinate our attacks.

Mack went on first as he was the most... passionate, and I went from the left while Luis went from the right.

Their father easily dodged Mack's attack and threw him onto me, disrupting the entire thing, while Luis threw a cross at him, which he dodged and slid to his back.

Luis anticipated the oncoming attack and ducked, only to get their father's knee in his face and Question mark kicked to the side of the body.

Mack ran and wrapped his legs around their father's head and threw him to the floor, holding him in a headlock, but their father lifted him above the floor and slammed him down, then rammed his elbow into Mack's face till I threw a tornado kick at his back, which he dodged with a side roll, only for Luis to step kick him in the midsection, then crane kick him in the chin.

He took a step back and I held him by the arms, but he managed to pull me down, knocking my chin on his crown, then Luis threw a 540 kick at him and he did a kip up to dodge it, then brawled with Luis, showing he had the upper hand in close combat.

Luis tried to take a step back, but their father kneed him in the side of the ribs and kicked him in the shin then I heard a crack, as he side kicked Luis to the face, Lucille screaming for her dad.

I ran and drop kicked him in the chest, making him take a step back, as I did a kip up to regain my balance, then Mack also assisted as we tried to corner him, but he evaded our attacks and gave me a steel like punch to the side of the face.

I felt my brain being thrashed about in my head by the impact and my bones shattering as he lifted me above the floor by my neck and slammed me hard, into the ground.

I blacked out, after the fifth elbow he gave me to my face, then their father threw a round elbow at Mack, which he evaded and hit him in the gut, but his rock hard belly sustained no harm as he headbutted Mack in the forehead then pulled him, chest first, into his knee and slammed him onto the cage, throwing him about like a rag doll.

Ruby screamed for him, but I was out and Luis could barely live with the pain as Mack's head was smashed into the turn buckle, then he was given an uppercut and a suplex onto the floor.

Their father grinned, seeing us like this, helpless.

He yelled for us to get up and face him like men, and Mack slowly began to get up as Ruby yelled for him to stay down.

Mack wiped the blood from his face and raised his fists then said,"I could do this all night long."

Their dad threw a superkick, which he dodged by the skin of his teeth but ended up running into a spinning back fist, before their dad jumped down and elbowed him in the belly.

He did a kip up and howled, he was enjoying this.

He walked around the ring a few times, waiting for any of us to get up again, then Mack did.

Their dad grinned then ran at him but he dodged the step kick he threw and held him by the legs then threw him onto the floor, trying to get him in a sleeper hold.

Before he got a good grip, their father headbutted him with the back of his head and twisted his legs the other way round, enjoying Mack's pain as he yelled.

He stood up when Mack was yelling no more then put on his suit and said,"And I thought you three would have been a bigger challenge."

He walked out of the ring when the cage was lifted, without a scratch on him or even his trousers which weren't at all meant for this kind of work, leaving the three of us within, bleeding, beat up, black and blue.

He then said,"Come on lads, let's get the lassies out of here."

Rose managed to take down the guard holding her and tried to run to me when their father smacked her with the back of his hand and she fell to the floor.

He picked her up, squeezing her chin, then said,"If you try anymore smart moves, you'll lose all credibility as my daughter and if you aren't, you are my enemy, which you don't want to be..."

He then dragged her out of there by himself, with the three girls in tears.

My eyes fluttered open and I winced as I propped myself on one shoulder, then slowly got to my feet.

I tried calling Luis, and even though his femur was broken, he was generally fine, the same couldn't be said for Mack, he just said,"We failed...we couldn't protect them."

"There's still a next time."I said.

"Don't you get it?!"He yelled,"It's over, he's won."

"I could give you an entire speech on how we could be a dream team and win this guy and all that cr*p but I know it wouldn't get through your thick skull, so why should I waste my time? Believe what you will, I'm getting my girlfriend, best friend and niece back."I said.

I helped Luis to his good leg and we slowly limped out leaving Mack on the floor...