
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · สมัยใหม่
253 Chs


I lost it and yelled,"What the fudge?! She brought you here and your bills are coming out of her allowance!..."

I began to yell adjectives at him, mean ones which made him shed a tear.

The nurses had to drag me out of the room but I wasn't going without a fight. I gripped the floor and held the doorframe while still insulting him.

They locked the door shut but I was banging it and still hurling insults at him.

Just then, her grandfather felt devastated, he went to the man and said,"Please, we'll punish her and pay you anything, just don't press charges."

But he had made up his mind.

Mark actually didn't understand why her grandfather was so keen on not letting her go to Juvenile court, he could easily pay her bail.

Ruby was sent to Juvenile detention for the rest of the next day and I visited her.

She seemed fine but I wasn't. I couldn't believe that guy.

Ruby was taken to court and I couldn't believe that man had five of the best lawyers in the country.

He is actually loaded, so why is he a petty thief?

At the end of the day, Ruby lost the trial and her grandfather burst into tears. He apologized to her for not being able to protect her and Mark still didn't understand the reason for all the drama.

Ruby was granted a bail of ten thousand dollars and was freed.

Mark asked her grandfather what the problem was then when he was told, he was also shocked.

Ruby went home and met Rose sniffing a rose, she looked her way and laughed evilly then said,"I guess grandpa's little jewel is tainted."

"What are you talking about?"Ruby asked.

"Oh silly me, you haven't been around for that long...grandpa didn't want me in his will but he wanted to be just, so he put something that he was sure I will fail at. He declared that his companies will go to both his granddaughters unless one of them gets a criminal record, then only the clean one will inherit the company."

Ruby frowned and yelled,"You set me up!"

She pounced on Rose and they broke out into a fight. I came and separated the two of them then they both said simultaneously,"She set me up! No she set me up!"

I yelled,"Rose, I hate it when you do this, stop impersonating your sister! Have some dignity!"

Rose then said,"Fine, but don't think a non- heir is living under this roof, it's only a matter of time."

And she was right.

Ruby's parents kicked her out of the mansion and even her grandparents couldn't do anything about it, she was no more their heir.

They wanted her to stay with them in their penthouse in China but she still wanted to go to Golden Bridge so they made her to stay in the school's boarding facilities as that was the only alternative.

Rose didn't spare me though, she was even worse...

I went to school one day and was talking to Selassie, an African exchange student.

Then I felt weird. My tummy felt empty, but not empty as in hungry, empty as in a void, like my guts were gone.

I also began to feel dizzy and got tunnel vision.

My brain was throbbing and my heart beating frantically, then I fell on my knees.

Selassie went to get help as I breathed heavily.

What is happening to me?!

I was taken to the nurse's office, awake the whole time.

My eyes were open but everything was black.

I heard Mark's worried voice and I stretched my arm so he'd know I was awake.

He ever so gently took it and placed it on his forehead then said,"Tommy, I'm sorry you had to go through this."

I said,"Nevermind...this is the price to pay to be your brother and I'll gladly pay it."

I couldn't tell his emotion but then I smelled a rose like scent. It was most likely Ruby, but I knew Rose was capable of anything by then.

I asked,"Ruby, is that you?"

"Stop being such a dimwit, of course it's me."

I chuckled and so did Mark.

My eyes could see again a few minutes later and the first person I saw was Ruby. She hugged me when I told her I could see and she whispered in my ear,"This is only the beginning..."

It's Rose.

I called for help but she just said,"Chill down, I'll go out myself."

Then she walked out.

That girl was just as bad as Oleh, if not worse, since Oleh had been dormant for a long time now.

I was discharged and the doctor said it was an allergen of mine, she said a complex name that I couldn't remember and I was confused as to how she knew about an allergen of mine I myself didn't know about.