
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · สมัยใหม่
253 Chs


Scarlet Sapphira gently stirred a test tube then added a pale yellow powder of dilute NaBr salt to it.

She started turning it side to side then when evenly distributed, placed it on a Bunsen burner for a few minutes, while adding a mixture of kerosene and alcohol, a little at a time.

She then placed a crystalline H2SO4 she synthesised by herself into a mortar and crushed it with some FeO, then smirked at the colour formed.

She then took the first test tube and emptied its contents into a larger one and added some more of the H2SO4 and a polymer, placing the solution down to cool, then mixed it one more time.

After, she brought out the envelope and fetched the vaseline like substance out of the test tube and gently rubbed it all over the paper, including between the seal, but made sure to barely touch the adhesive .

She gently pried apart the envelope as the cold water dissolved the gum Arabic binding agent and when open, she poured the excess away.

She then took out the result slip and squinted her eyes as she murmured,"Typical..."

She immediately crumpled it, it was obviously a disappointing score.

She was about to throw it into the bin when she set it ablaze then dumped the ashes into piranha solution, before cleaning up after herself and silently side stepping on the smart board, jumping to remove her flash drive from the CCTV camera and slipping down the window, shutting it in the process.

She entered through the window into her dark room, then asked,"So are you going to ask or are you just going to sit around and look pretty?"

"Where have you been?"Rose asked, switching on the light.

"I went for a walk."She simply said.

"At this time of night? You know how dangerous it is out there and look at you, you're dressed like you're going on an average meeting to a yoga class!"

"Mom, I'm tired and would like some privacy, so please, get out."

"Scarlet Sapphira, you are not going to kick me out of this room."

"Why? It belongs to Uncle Luis, not you, so shoo."

After shoving her mother out, she banged the for shut then rested her head on the door, sighing.

Rose stood on the outside and sighed, then said a silent prayer for her only daughter, before leaving.

At the same moment...

"And introducing our challenger standing at six foot three, weighing at a hundred and seventy two pounds, the underdog, the rookie, the Blue Inferno!!"

The crowd cheered as another young man walked into the cage, bare knuckled and bare chested, let's dance...


A class was assembling, when everyone saw something that made them all scamper off of their seats to hide behind the classroom, Scarlet Sapphira had entered their living space, their sanctuary...

She gracefully modelled to the back row, where she sat on a random desk as someone squealed.

She looked at the person, lifted her bag and threw it out the window, four floors to the ground.

The girl, with a smile, rushed out of the room to take her bag as the teacher said Scarlet Sapphira would be joining their class from that moment on and everyone rigidly nodded their heads, immobilised by their own terror.

As the biology class progressed, Scarlet Sapphira raised her hand within the first ten minutes and the teacher felt his butt get clenched, as she smirked slightly, but then said,"I don't get it."

He breathed a sigh of relief as he was about to say it all over when she continued,"I just don't get how no one has ever been able to read through the entire genome of even the simplest mycoplasma genitalium and yet you can boldly say that Adenine always bonds with Thymine in DNA or Uracil in RNA, while Cytosine always bonds with Guanine, how come Adenine never bonds with another Pyrimidine like Cytosine?"

He smirked slightly and she found herself grinning like the Grinch on the inside as he said,"There's a law which states that the hydrogen bonds between the nitrogenous bases would not allow switching dance partners."

"Oh so you're bringing up the tango you did with that extra lady this morning, aren't you?"

The class went tense, but he was stiffer as she spoke,"You were the one who said it, judging by the fact that you were already speaking slowly with useless information showed that you were hiding something, but I couldn't tell what, until you said the part and then I saw the faded lipstick stain below your ear, and the moment I spoke what was on my mind, I realized you did something a decent man shouldn't in public, is that not so?"

The man was silent as the class began laughing at him, then Scarlet Sapphira said,"This is only the beginning bub."

After class was over, Scarlet Sapphira walked through the hallway and frowned with her head leaning forward when she heard someone... something undesirable call her.

She turned back to face Python as he invited her to the Mathlete club meeting by the last period and without the slightest effort to smile, she said,"We'll see."

He jumped and frolicked after she left and she groaned, what an idiot.

After it was reported that yet another student's priceless item was stolen, a watch this time, Scarlet Sapphira scoffed, looking at the slight scratch mark on the side her locker with a miniscule blood stain.

She opened it, already knowing what would happen, then opened it, took the necessary materials, fully ignoring the new items, then walked away, leaving it open.

Several people crowded at her locker as she walked away then when her name was mentioned in the PA system, she slowly rolled her head on her neck and turned to face, ' the office '...

Inside ' the office ', the principal looked at her, when she placed her boots on her desk, as usual, sighed and asked,"Scarlet Sapphira, we have reason to believe you have taken several important items that aren't yours."

"Oh really?"She asked,"What gave you that idea?"

"Ms Scarlet... Sapphira..."She corrected after she gave her,' the look ',"...the entire school has been... speaking of your...unique characteristics and I just wanted to ask if you could bring your parents tomorrow, to talk this over."

Scarlet Sapphira shrugged then asked,"Is that all?"

"No, it isn't..."The principal spoke,"... the theft you engaged in must be dealt with accordingly."

"Okay, sure."

"You don't feel guilty or scared of the outcome?"

"Why should I? I didn't do it."

"But all the evidence points to you."

"Just like in any plausible crime scene, there incredibly devious school kleptomaniac arises after thirteen years of attending this humble establishment, finally showing her true colours in the heist of the century, stealing ten thousand dollars worth of possessions and keeping them...in her locker, typical."

The principal was silent as she said,"You can tell your superiors it was me to preserve your name and whatever thing you have to live for, I don't care if you believe me or not."

Scarlet Sapphira stood up with her bag then asked again,"Is that all?"

"Y...yes, Ms Scarlet Sapphira."

Scarlet Sapphira made a pretty smile which distorted into a grimacing frown as she exited the room.

Principal Jones also realized that she hadn't knocked down anything on her desk this time, except her picking up and fumbling with a paperweight.

Principal Jones stood up to pick the object up when she saw Scarlet Sapphira had unusually left her phone on the seat, and it was open...