
it hurts

athena gets up from the hospital bed she hears her mom crying but its not her usual cry she sounds happy, but something feels wrong her head hurts.

athena:mommy my head hurts a lot

luna walks up to her daughter

luna: let me see

athena: aaaaaahaaaaa

luna: clam down baby, doctor, docter

doctor: lets have a scan,looks to me that everything is fine

athena starts bleeding from her nose and gets dizzy.

Athena: mommy my body hurt it feels wired so does my eyes they hurt like there burning and theres a lot of water in them.

luna:ok honey listen to me your powers are going to awaken you going into a deep slumber so you need to be strong ok.

athena: ok mommy

pure black went in a blink of an eye

unknown1: you should wake up little one its time for the test.

unknown2:come on lusy just wake her up

lusy: let the little one wake up on her own lia

lia:hump what do you think blue

blue: shes waking up so be quit are you ready nia

nia: but of course who do you take me for.

athena:hum... hello may i ask who are you

evryone: hello little one

lusy: am LUSY i have the power of water this is LIA power of fire she always grumpy this is BLUE she has the power of earth and last is NIA she has the power of wind.

athrna: cool i want powers to* wait a minute why am i acting lika kid am 24 for gods sack*

Lusy:you must take the test of course if you mas one you will get an extra power all the witches from all over the world have 2. its rare to fined with more but

LIA:enough with the chitchat lets begin.

BLUE: in this test you will have all are powers and depending on how you use them well will grant you your powers

everyone:LETS BEGIN