
My Life with you, now and forever

Grandelious is a world created by God where Humans and Demons could live in harmony, but when Daemons, humans, and demons who were greedy, and tainted with darkness, showed up, the world changed. Extinction of races was possible quite, fortunately, they were stopped by a powerful demon, Marcelino, a Phoenix demon, yet, this victory is shortlived as they realized that he and his child were the last of their kind before they disappeared from the face of the world. 300 years later, enter Lucianna, a human and adopted mother of two children, who would do anything to protect her family against Sinister, the darkest version of Daemons, however, can she protect them when her body is failing her? When did she feel something is missing and it was affecting her life? What’s more… it seems that the Sinister is after her for some reason no one knows…… except for a Strange man that entered her bar and for some reason is more than willing to help her, even went as far as risking his life or killing someone. Can she accept this person in her tiny family? And what exactly is this man hiding, especially with the kid behind him?

Kanra_Nakura · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Chapter 12

"...WHAT?!" The boys shouted and this made their Adopted Mother flinch. "Since when?"

"Hmmm…" Lucianna hummed before shaking her head. "I'm not quite sure when, Dragons live a long time and courting can take decades or centuries."

"Grandpa with that awesome lady…" Ashish mumbled while his twin groaned and put his head in his hands.

"My head hurts thinking about their relationship…" The black-haired boy said, before looking at Lucianna with hopeful eyes. "That's a lie right, Mama?"

Their mother merely giggled in response and making them groan again before looking at each other and deciding to ask the people in question. The midnight-haired woman knew what they were thinking, making her chuckle quietly as she began to how this conversation will go. The sun was already down when Lucianna finished cooking, and the boys were arranging the plates when Laxus and Olivia arrived as well, both of them looking all disheveled from flying around in both their dragon and hybrid form.

The mother of two knew that her sons wanted answers immediately, luckily they hold strong and waited for everyone to sit down and eat their food. While the adults talks, the boys kept eating and it wasn't long before the boys couldn't contain it anymore and asked the question they have for the day.



"Are you and Teacher Olivia courting?" Laxus, unexpectedly, spurt out the water that he was drinking, while Olivia froze and suddenly gain a red hue around her cheeks. Lucianna, chuckled quietly, nearly choking on her food but she managed to keep it down by drinking water as her Adopted father began to cough, with Olivia suddenly fanning her face.

"W-why are you asking that?" Laxus coughed out, the boys looked at him rather suspiciously.

"Mom said so."

"Luci!!" The red-haired male growled out but his daughter merely laughed while he received a slap on the arm in return from Olivia.

"Don't yell at your daughter!" The white-haired woman said, before looking at the boys and smiling softly. "That's right boys… your grandpa and I are courting for nearly three decades now. I even raised your mother together with him."

The boys gape in shock and kept looking at her and their grandfather multiple times before scowling and looking back at her.

"No way… I won't believe that your two are together." Asher mumbled and this made Laxus frown at them in confusion.

"Why do you think so?"

"Because teacher Olivia is too awesome to be with you, old man!" Both twins declared at the same time, shocking the said old man into stone, while Olivia gaped and Lucianna laughed so hard that she smack the table in front of her with her hand. Veins began to pop out from Laxus's forehead with every second he heard Luci's laughter, and soon he couldn't take it anymore when Olivia decided to laugh as well and decided to take out this… embarrassment… on his grandchild.

The boys looked at the mother in slight concern, especially when she turned red and ran out of breath when suddenly they felt a dark aura coming from the head of the table. The boys paused and slowly looked at the direction it was coming from and began to sweat when they saw their Grandfather's dark expression.

"Asher…" Ashish mumbled as he began to scoot away from the table, his twin doing the same thing.

"Yeah, I know…" Asher mumbled.

"Boys…" Laxus slowly snarled and then in a flash the said boys were gone with Laxus following after. The women that were left behind could hear the ruckus they were creating and slowly this made their laughter stop, when Lucianna finally gained her breath she shouted to her father.

"If the boys puke their dinner out, I will not clean it!!"



The resulting noise made them shake their head in slight amusement before they went back to eating.

"I told your father to tell the boys early about our relationship," Olivia said and Lucianna chuckled.

"To be fair, I did find it hard to believe that you're together. What with you not staying at the same house and not being all sweet." She said, before eating a slice of meat. "But then dragons don't show too much affection unless it's their fragile children."

Olivia snorted at that. "We have to be strong in front of our mate so that we don't have to worry about each other when we leave… hatchlings... Children on the other hand are a different matter."

"...Fragile scales and their tiny sizes," Lucianna mumbled and Olivia laughed.

"That's right, I still find it amusing how your father is so overprotective of you and the boys."

"You are too." Lucianna smiled at her. "You just show it on a different scale."

"Got that right." Olivia snorted and then suddenly Asher was standing beside his mom.

"Mom… Ashis puked." He said, and Lucianna sighed while Olivia snickered.

"Let me guess… Laxus is being over dramatic about cleaning it." The Lieutenant asked and this made Asher nod, smiling slightly.

"...Why did you choose Papa again?" Lucianna asked, looking at Olivia who snorted.

"I actually forgot, maybe his face."

"Grandpa's ugly." Asher mumbled and this made the women to laughed again before they stood up and head to where Laxus is. Lucianna was passing through the window when she felt something and thus it made her pause and looked outside, blinking in slight confusion when there was nothing but darkness, the street lights all lit up, and the moon. She went closer to the window, and look at each side before shaking her head and continuing on her way, making sure that everything is locked.

If she had stayed for a few more seconds, Lucianna would have seen a slight movement coming from the top of the streetlight that was facing the window she was just standing at directly. That movement came from a cloak of a person that was crouching on the streetlight, eyeing the people inside but bearing no dark intention, instead, they were looking at them with longing, especially in Lucianna's direction. In a blink, and another, soon the person was gone, leaving no sign that there was someone that was spying on the happy family.