
My Life Observation

Word:- Hate The word hate refers to intense dislike for any object or person. Hate refers to abhor or detest someone intensely. You start to hate someone if you end up having a fight on account of mismatching of views, or if someone breaks your trust and betrays you or if find that someone indulges in back-biting about you. Hate leads to hatred, which is an abstract feeling for someone whom you detest badly. You hate an object or thing when it does not appeal to you or if it reminds you of the person whom you hate. Hating someone happens to all human beings because we have disputes and quarrels with someone, sometime or the other. "Always remember that others may hate you but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself." Hatred is obviously a negative feeling.

Zubair_Ali_ · สมจริง
6 Chs

Life Without Relationship & With Relationship

When you're single, you can do anything you want without checking in.

Want to head out to the beach one day? Do it! Want to pack up your life and move to a new city? You can! You have the

freedom that other people with partners don't have, and that can be really freeing your close family members will always be

there for you, and you can spend more time with them when you're single. Dedicate time to hanging out with the people you

love, both to distract you from being single, but also just to foster healthy relationships.

Life With Relationship:-

Relationships are like an emotional roller coaster ride, sometimes too high and low

at other times. All these highs and lows depend upon how you feel about each other,

your proximity, and how well you connect and understand each other. Indeed,

feelings are like a river that can never be stagnant; it flows (changes) constantly.

Every time you develop or lose feelings for someone, it changes your life. You either

gain a person or lose one. Your emotions can transform you as a person.

How beautiful everything looks when we are in love. It feels like we are on cloud

nine and looks like a fairy tale and sayings to remind you of those beautiful moments

of nervousness, goosebumps, and chills.


Look, in my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are.

Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person is still going to think the

sun shines out your Face. That's the kind of person that's worth sticking with. And please don't let him go.

Take him like a caring person.Do Everything he want Because in that's whole world he is the one who loved the most.

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