
My life in marvel as the superior spider-man

(It is the first time I write in English, I hope you like it,) What would you do if you wake up like Peter Parker in the Marvel universe? The answer is simple, become the best version of Peter Parker, avoiding failing where the original failed. becoming a better Spider-man, becoming The Superior Spider-man

INVADER_WEST · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs

New acquaintances

Science classes started And today we would meet in pairs to work.

unfortunately Gwen didn't become my lab partner.

Instead I was paired with one of Harry's group friends, a blonde girl with blue eyes, very beautiful if I'm honest, I had seen her before and I have only seen her as another short blonde, but I never knew her name, and just now i found out her name was tandy bowen.

She is Dagger !! .... How is she here? .... I do not know supposed that she is kidnapped together with her future partner Cloak and together they become superheroes by obtaining powers?

Is it possible that she hasn't been kidnapped yet to experiment with her? ..... The Tandy Bowen in front of me still hasn't got her powers?

While I was lost in thought, Tandy spoke to me.

"Stop acting like an idiot and help me with the Nerd job!" - she says a little angry.

"I have a name you know? I don't call you a smug blonde when I talk to you, Tandy "

"Stop wasting time and help me, I want to finish soon so I can go home," she says.

With a bit of annoyance Tandy and I get to work, me mainly with the chemicals and she preparing the quantities that we will add to the flasks

And when Tandy was working I noticed something worrisome.

"You are very good at preparing grams with the knife, ... ..it's like you have a lot of practice." I told.

"Shut your mouth Nerd! Just hurry up."

She gets a little upset but I ignore my words, but it seems I was not wrong, she has experience with drugs.

I continued working until the end of the class and when I was about to leave, Tandy stopped me in the classroom until there was no one.

"What do you need? ... Weren't you in a hurry to go home?" Asked

"I know your Parker type, nosy nerds reeking of good intentions, I don't need anything from you, I'll just keep you quiet."

"What are you talking about? ..." I said, pretending not to know that he was on drugs.

"If you speak, I will tell everyone that you tried to rape me"

"You are crazy girl, ... .and even if you falsely accuse me you would not have proof"

Tandy approaches me, quickly takes my hand and poses it on her chest.

I still keep my gaze unchanged, but my anger could be seen in my eyes,

I knew what she was doing.

" What are you doing now?" I said pretending not to know.

"I have proof,… .your fingerprints on my clothes, ... so, you better keep your mouth shut."

She lets go of my hand and leaves.

This world is definitely not like in the comics.

Tandy was not supposed to be like that in the comics… .. maybe her personality changed due to drugs?... If she rehabbed she would become the Tandy from the comics? .

This world is getting more and more confusing.

I'll have to make plans for her too, and decide whether to help her or just let her go on with her tragic origin story.


I returned home and was greeted by a happy Aunt Mei who was preparing one of her famous pumpkin pies.

"What is the occasion for which we celebrate, with this exquisite delicacy Aunt Mei? .."

"It's nothing like that Peter, our neighbor Mrs. Meredith, will receive her niece at her house, and I will bring her my famous pumpkin pie to welcome her."

(The name Meredith is made up, it doesn't exist in the Marvel universe, I think)

"I see, when will this new neighbor arrive?" I asked Mei.

"Hoooo .... Is my little Peter interested in the new neighbor? ...."

"It's not that auntie, I just wanted to know so as not to disturb when she arrives."

"You're no bother Peter, she'll be here in a bit today, go take a shower and I'll continue to bake the cake." Mei tells me.

I went up to my room and my mind could only think that this day was getting very annoying.

First there was the problem with Tandy and now another with the new neighbor, it does not take a genius to know who she is,

One of the most loved and hated Peter Parker couples in the Spider-man comics.

Mary Jane Watson.

meeting so many girls ... is this the effect of luck Parker?

I just hope it's a fluke, I don't want to have the same bad luck as Parker for relationships.


I took a shower and went back to my room to get dressed,

When I was at it, I got a message from Gwen.

[ Peter, are you ready for the field trip to Osborne's company tomorrow?]

.confused I sent him a message

[What are you talking about? .... when was that decided?]

in a short time I received your reply.

[it was decided in class today, but maybe you didn't listen to it because you were busy talking to your friend the smug blonde, just get ready for tomorrow's excursion]

yes answer clarify my doubts, and it also made me worry

I wasn't ready for the excursion yet, to Osborne,

I will have to start with my preparations, soon I will obtain my arachnid powers and maybe a little more.


ready another chapter.

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Thank you for reading

Also if there is any spelling mistake please forgive me but English is not my native language.

meanwhile, Gwen was looking at her phone angrily at Peter's reply,

He forgot about the excursion they were waiting for just because he was talking to that smug!

Peter Benjamin Parker, owes you many explanations.

INVADER_WESTcreators' thoughts