
My Life as The Avatar

I died and was reborn as aang after he was trapped in an iceberg. Self insert.SI Power hungry person decides that the main character hasn’t used a tiny bit of his potential. After reincarnation, he believes that he will get all the itches and become overpowered, maybe rule over a country or two.

VinixxVidixxVici · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
37 Chs


"Hello. Good morning"

I said as both yue and katar woke up and their eyes widened when they realized where they were

"Now I expect an honest answer from both of you. Why are you here?"

"I couldn't sleep. I remembered everyone from the South Pole and their worries so I came over to sleep with you but I found her already there." I put my hand on her head and patted it. She leaned into it and was enjoying it until she felt the judgmental gaze from yue.

"Well I wanted to sleep with him but I guess I have competition."

"Now now, calm down. I am happy about all of this but we can't be found out like this. Get back to you rooms. Kat our training begins today"

"Kat?" Katara seemed confused

"Well it's a pet name for you."

"What about me?" Well someone is jealous and that person is yue.

"How about princess?"


"How about yue"

"That is literally my name"

"Exactly. Your name is beautiful enough that it doesn't need a short form." She seemed to blush for a while before returning to normal.

Yeah fuck the moon spirit. She ain't leaving,

I gave them both a good hug before sending them off.

"Thank god puber-"

My own body immediately countered me as I felt something else rise.


Nope I am not dealing with that today.

Anyway minor time skip no jutsu. Pakku training.

Our training sessions would always begin with revision of the previous katas and learning new ones before sparring and pointing out any and all faults in others styles. I also sparred with everyone else to gain more battle experience from different sources. My best sparring partners included pakku, kat and kuruk.

My physical side had also improved a bit not in strength but flexibility. My body was much more flexible and I could bend a lot without putting in as much effort as before. Good.

My bending had changed a lot. It had become smoother, the moves also flowed into each other.

. Before hand I had to make my own moves and awkwardly connect them but now it is much easier and the slower transition between moves increase bending speed. I had learned the proposer way enough to try and make it my own with small changes that increase efficiency. Like twisting my hand here, pushing my leg a bit more forward here etc.

I was slowly testing the waters and remembering all of my observations.

My chi has also started growing faster and faster along with denser. The chi was also becoming a bit easier to manipulate and easier to control.

I had also learned a different manner of phase shifting.

It turns out this one is fundamentally different from my way of phase shifting. Katara excels at this version of phase shifting and she is extremely good at it.

Speaking of kat. She really took water bending as a fish to water. She is around the same strength as me in water bending even though I am the avatar. Her phase shifts are better but I have better individual control. So I could remotely control 20 spikes but she could to barely 10.

Our spars ended in draws with a few wins for me whenever I caught her off guard.

I also held back a bit of power during spars with pakku. He would still whoop my ass but if I limited my power outage, then I could learn more about skills and not just overpower him. At the beginning, I only used 9/10 of my power. Nowadays I use 8/10 of my peers to match with pakku in a stalemate. I also blended snow. Not many practical uses but good practice for control. Try and building snowmen to houses with snow

And i didn't just forget about my airbending. No practiced air bending a lot. I ended cold air, air currents and I tried creating new techniques more and more often.

Sokka was busy with learning from the scrolls about navigation and military tactics among other things. So he was busy with those things.

Yue was just lazing around the palace, sneaking into the library and observing our spars and matches. I did my best to help her and talk to her for the past few day.

I was walking down the main road of the tribe. You don't appreciate something until you lose it so I explored the place and saw it was really beautiful.

The entire place was made from ice and the sheer amount of things they made from ice were unbelievably complicated structures and different types of ice along with snow.

Anyways. Today the chief is asking for a meeting with me. Most likely politics. Either that or war. I hope it is the second one cause I loathe politics but I will put on with it.

When I was walking there, I noted the people's reactions to me. There were 3 types of people regarding the avatar aka me.

1. Blind hero worship- I can do no wrong, I am always right and I shall do whatever is right. 30-40%

2. Controlled hero worship- I can do very little wrong and they will try and justify all of my actions but once they fail, they turn to the 3 rd group.40-50%

3. Blind hate- Everything I do is wrong. I abandoned them for a 100 years even though it is well known I was imprisoned in an iceberg.20-30%

The people here were way more slanted towards the hero worship types so that is a good thing. Any way I walked down to the ..... palace? I mean it quality's for a palace but this is a tribe so, you know what? I shall call this place a palace. It doesn't even matter. Anyway I saw pakku waiting outside for me.

"Come, the chief has called on us"

"Sure sure melting popsicle"

"I have told you that nicknames are not professional."

".good thing I am 12 huh. Maybe I should talk fancy like you" I am referring to my fancy speak I used during the Spar with pakku.

"Fine, however as my disciple you must show some discipline."

"I have basic manners don't worry about that."

Man there is like a category of people with sticks so far up their asses that shit comes out from their mouth. I shall name this category SSFUTAYSCOFTM(acronym) or SASM for short. I think I should crown ozai as the Phoenix king of SASM. At least he will be a king.

"Hello aang. Master pakku"

"Greetings tribe chief" I said I a polite manner in a graceful way with poise. I was practically the poster child for groomed and educated and I wouldn't be out of place as a noble.

Pakku's jaw nearly shifted from his position and I could see his nerves coming out but his face was neutral as he spoke

"Greetings chief. May we know what you called us here for.?"

(Ps: pakku will be calling the leader chief while aang will be calling him tribe chief.)

"The fire nation has attacked one of our camps very far from here. They will reach within a week."

"How do we know about that chief." Pakku's voice was neutral but I could pick up on an undertone of worry.

"They have made no effort to hide their power."

"It might be a decoy." My voice came from the other side.

"It would be very easy to send a ship filled with decoys or canon fodders at a slow pace while they launch a secret attack."

"Yes we considered that Possibility but I was hoping that we could count on you. Even if you aren't quite as stron-"

I don't like his tone, it was condescending and a bit not quite jealous but definitely some sort of jealously. This is why I want yue to create her own tribe, they will be respectable and good folk

The air around me and the water formed a tentacle around both of their necks before they could realize.

"Owning power and showing it off are very different things but as a sign of trust and a show of cooperation, I shall infiltrate the ship along with my team and find out any plans or decoys along with any prisoners."