
My life as Sasuke

Just read if you like no need for comments, review or power stones. Trashy grammar, No Harem. Even if I asked about making Harem Karin will be the only girl. --------------------- Waking up as Sasuke Uchiha was not something I thought. But after the two souls became one I couldn't help myself but to think what to do in the future. In path on becoming the strongest or just to survive I will not forget who am I and what I was without the help I got from those I call my new family. But to protect my happiness and those I cherish I will be the devil's the entire Elemental nation will fear. And if any bastard even think or harming my family his fate will be worst than death.

NahinS77 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
38 Chs

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

The members of Team 7 was on there way to go back to leaf. All of them were in good mood. They were more than a month away from their home. This mission was definitely an eye opener for them.

Though the eye opening lesson was taken seriously by only two members. The other two were mostly indifferent about it.

' Because of the change Naruto didn't saw death in it..... I think he will not stop his attention seeking attitude. Sigh.... I really hope it won't be too late for him to learn his lesson.' he then thought of his another team member. Looking at Sakura's direction he thought, ' She is still the same. And why wouldn't she stop looking at me like a piece of meat.... She is stronger than her canon counterpart but still useless in battle. And her voice will make anyone deaf.' he thought to himself.

Right behind all three of them Kakashi was walking with his smut book on hand while thinking about his students. ' Both Naruto and Sakura needs reality check. That's the simplest way to say that they have to become more mature...' then he looked at his last student who was also thinking while looking at the other two. ' Sasuke doesn't has the arrogance but still too much pride will be detrimental for his growth. Hmmm hmmm, I should bea.... teach him my usual lesson. Though his growth speed is monstrous. And now both Naruto and Sakura are only burden to him. Even if I want to make them a good team the other two will not be able to keep up with Sasuke.'

He was in deep thought even though he was still ready for anything. Within a few seconds he got an idea. ' I can cash in few favours now. For Sakura I can ask Kuranai and Anko. And as for Naruto he will be in good hand with Asuma.' With that his mood brighted. One of his worries are gone now.

' I can't wait to go back and show everyone my awesome cool new jutsu. I am going straight to Ichiraku to celebrate.' Naruto thought with a huge grin in his face all the while dreaming of swimming on ramen.

' I can't believe I was so lucky to see him naked. He definitely didn't saw it.' Sakura thought all the while blushing having a small nose bleed while looking towards Sasuke.

Seeing Sakura's stare Sasuke involuntarily shuddered and went to walk beside Kakashi.

' Ino pig will definitely be jealous of me. CHA.' thoughts going through Sakura's mind.

With each of them with their own different thoughts the reached leaf village.


I was happy that I am finally back. Even if I don't like the village it is still the place where I lived with my family...when they were alive.

" Team you all can now go I will submit the mission report." With that and a lazy wave he left via Shunshin.

" Okay then see you two tomorrow." I said and left via Shunshin. I had a plan. To complete that I will need to completely master Chidori. And that's why after some rest I will start my training.

I made two shadow clones one to learn Fuinjutsu and the other to sense around the compound. I didn't stayed there for much long. I use Naruto style Transformation and started to walk around the village.

While I was walking I heard different kinds of rumours and stories, people talking about their daily lives etc. And when I was walking by the hospital I saw Kiba walking out after treating his left hand and nose. ' He probably ran to attack without any thought of the consequence. And looking at his injuries he probably smashed into something hard. Also seeing that Kuranai sensei is lecturing him he probably did it after the enemy provoked him by saying bad things about him or something like that. He has too much pride.' with that I left the place.

After that I went to all the places I visited every time. And to end the tour I went to the Hokage mountain. After staying there for some time I went back home.

On the Afternoon I started my training. "CHIDORI" came the loud shout and sound of thousands of birds. " I can use it better than before... But I will need few more days to master it. Also I have to find a way to use it without so much sound. It is a joke on the name of assassination technique."

Next moment I opened my chokuto in left hand and used Chidori. " Even though the sound has decreased it is still loud." After that I started to practice Chidori with my chokuto.

When it was evening I went back to home and took a shower. When I was about to have my dinner I.... felt lonely. I knew it is because I was eating with my team and other people for a month. And now I am alone..... again.

The thought of being alone was definitely not something I like. So I just went to bed after eating.


The next morning Sasuke and Kakashi both woke up early in the morning. While Sasuke was doing his daily body training Kakashi was busy keeping up with Guy's training and YOUTH.

After his body training Sasuke started to have spar with his shadow clones. And use all of his skills so no technique will become rusty.

On the other hand Naruto was busy daydreaming about ramen and Sakura gloating about the fact that Ino was really jealous of her.

After sometime all the members of Team 7 arrived at their training ground. Kakashi was not much late after his students arrived.

All three of his students were looking at him with curiosity or should I say his short sword. Seeing their curiosity Kakashi took the sword out of it's cover. " This is my father's sword. I finally got it after it's repair." He said with smile.

From the corner of his eyes he can see Sasuke's eyes were sparkling. His previous short sword was just a normal weapon which he started to use so he will be able to use this short sword.

He also noticed that both Naruto and Sakura were just surprised. Both of them didn't have interest in swords or any other types of weapons. They are happy with just using Kunai.

After giving the short sword to his students to examine for few minutes they became normal. " Okay after thinking and cashing in few favours we decided to train you all differently." Hearing Kakashi's words both Naruto and Sakura were confused.

" Well how is it going?" Came the voice of Asuma.

"Hey guys. How is it been?" Said Choji coming behind him. " Troublesome" " Sasuke kun!" Was the other two members greetings. While Ino was trying to jump on Sasuke who just sidesteped.

" It seems you are not later." Came a woman's voice directing towards Kakashi. " Maa maa, I am always not late." He just said with his eye smile.

"Hey guys long time no see." Came Kiba's loud voice. With some quite muttering from Hinata while she was looking at Naruto ignoring others. And all the while Shino was Shino.

" Did you forget about me.... I am Konoha's most sexy and beautiful kunoichi Anko mitarashi." She appeared between all of them with a very large amount of smoke.

" Well now that everyone is here I will tell you all the reason." Kakashi said while attention went toward him. " We will be making a temporary team for all of you." Every genins were surprised hearing this. " It will be for a month. In this month you will not be doing any missions. In this month your temporary teacher and team will teach you all about being ninja."

" Sakura Haruno, Ino Yamanaka and Hinata Hyuga come with me." Without hearing or giving anyone a chance to protest Anko and Kuranai took the three of them. They didn't know but they were literally going to hell which is training ground 44 for them.

" Naruto Uzumaki, Kiba Inuzuka and Choji follow me." With that Asuma left and the other two following him like lost puppies.

" And you three will be in my care." Kakashi said with no playfulness. He gave each one of them few scrolls. " You three will complete reading it today and meet me at the main gate at 7 in the morning. Understand." All three of them said with the same time. "HAI."

" Your team is more lucky that the girls team. I am going to teach you three for 10 days and then it will be survival on your own inside the forest of the death. The girls will survive and train at the same time. " Kakashi said and all of them nodded like chicken.

" What about Asuma sensei team?" Shikamaru asked. " They will have their reality check in easy way. You three are team captain of each team so I will make you all worthy of it." With that he just left like he was never there before.

Only Sasuke was surprised seeing Kakashi vanishing like that. 'That was flash steps! Well.....it will be much better for me to fight against someone with such speed. And I am really excited for our next battle.' Sasuke involuntarily made a smile and started to leak his killing intent.

Seeing that both Shikamaru and Shino shuddered.

It was this day which made a new different future.

[ Hope you like it. I also started to re write the other Naruto fic if you like it you can also give that fic a try.]

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