
My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Route

Blessed with a system to aid his understanding of his new abilities and offer chances for further growth, he makes his path towards becoming both the leader of his new home, and the conqueror of beautiful kunoichi of various talents and backgrounds. Follow a child soldier reborn as his favorite fictional character after losing his life in worldwide conflict! Rated M for language, suggestive themes, and explicit sexual content. Content Disclaimer: Character biases will not be respected or taken into consideration. Fanon is not respected or considered. I rely heavily on the Naruto Wiki since it is the most accurate source of info regarding the series. Copyright Disclaimer: I own nothing except for original characters, concepts, technique names or otherwise original material not owned or previously patented or published by any publishers or companies as of the beginning of this serialization. Cover Art found on ARTVY with the Naruto cyberpunk wallpaper AI prompt.

SilverSnow125 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
67 Chs

Chapter 18: Limits of the Body

My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Version

Chapter 18: Limits of the Body



After getting my grief out of my system I wiped my tears away and sat down in front of the monument. I told my parents everything about my life up to this point and what my goals were. I also told them who I really was and what my life before was like. I knew that I was likely just talking to carved stone, but I needed to get this off my chest and I felt like they were actually there, listening.

I admit it was bizarre, but a part of me needed that closure, perhaps the original Naruto was inside of me somewhere, who knows? But I felt much more at peace and comfortable in my own skin after this. 

I got up from the ground and turned around, only to find Yūgao walking towards me. Without her mask, and in civilian attire. I cocked my head to the side in surprise, I didn't think Kakashi would ask her so soon, never mind think that she would show up.

I suddenly began to feel self-conscious and didn't know what to say or do. I started to fidget and made up my mind to just say hi and talk to her like normal.

"Hello, Naruto..." She said with a smile that melted my worries away.

"Hi... big sis..." I smiled shyly.

"You haven't called me that in years, Naruto... how are you...?" She obviously felt just as awkward as I did.

"I- *hic* I missed you..." I got teary-eyed again. Damn, what a fucking crybaby I am.

She closed the distance and hugged me tightly. "I missed you too, Naru..." 

I continued to sob like a baby and eventually got it all out of my system. We then talked about anything and everything. I also invited her to my apartment so she could listen to the newest song I wrote while she was gone.

We walked over and I played guitar for her and showed her all of the cool new jutsu that I'd learned while at the academy and how I planned to use them during battles. She was kind, warm, and laughed just as loudly as I did when I told her all of the embarrassing things my friends had done when training.

I was happy to have her back, even if just for the day. She told me all about her recent developments, her engagement to Hayate, how she was now proficient with the katana, and all sorts of other things. I was happy for her and hoped that she would get lucky somehow and Hayate would stay alive for her in this version of events. 

We closed off the night by cooking together and she promised to come back to visit sometime. I was happy she came by and went to bed with a smile on my face.


I woke up groggy as shit, but still early enough to not have to rush out the door. Took a long shower to wake myself up and made a few bento boxes for everyone with the leftovers from last night's dinner. I made sure to check out my rewards for yesterday's mission and found some interesting surprises.

[Objective Completed!

Title Upgraded: Genin - Physical Attacks are enhanced by 1/4 STR

Title Upgraded: Vertical Control - Chakra-Based Damage is enhanced by 1/4 INT

Training Grounds Unlocked - See menu for more details

Boyfriend Status Unlocked - See menu for more details

Toggle Bonuses Unlocked - See menu for more details

Reputation +150 with Kakashi Hatake, Reputation +100 with Hidden Leaf Village]

[All Hidden Conditions Met:

1. Deceive Kakashi at least once. - Gain +50 Respect with Kakashi

2. Force Kakashi to end the battle early. - Gain +100 Respect with Kakashi

3. Find Parent's Names on Memorial Stone. - Unlock Parental Guidance Quest-line]

[Additional Conditions Met: 

1. Gain 200 Respect with Kakashi. Unlock Genin Training Arc - Hard Mode. (Cannot be switched off)

2. Increase Team Standing by 500 with Kakashi. Unlock Team Bonuses]

Hmm, not bad. I wonder what that quest is, though. I'll check it out later, along with all of this other stuff. Hard mode for the training arc sounds interesting, wonder what it entails.


I make it to the training ground and find Sasuke taking a nap and Sakura failing to stay awake. I smiled and walked towards her. 

"Hey, Sakura." I tapped her gently on the shoulder and got her to look at me.

"Hey, Naruto... how are you...? Sensei said you needed some time to yourself yesterday." She asked, waking herself up with some cheek smacks.

"I'm alright. I just got emotional about something. I brought you a bento. Sis made it with me last night." I handed her the box.

"You mean the lady that took care of you growing up? I thought she went away..." She said with apprehension.

"Yeah, but she's back now... hopefully for good." I grinned and walked over to the brooding princess.

"Wake up, sleepyhead." I put her bento on her belly.

"... Naruto... does this have-"

"Tomatoes? Yes. I swear you're worse than me with red bean buns, Sasuke." I shook my head. I heard her huff and put it into her backpack.

"I hope you brought some for me, too, Naruto," Kakashi said from behind us. I totally was expecting him and did not jump into Sakura's arms from surprise. Nor did she squeeze my butt more than I felt necessary.

"Uh, yeah, sensei. Yūgao helped me cook it last night... thanks..." I gave him his box and he put it away for later.

"You're welcome. Now then, How about we do some training?" Kakashi responded and I noticed a not too reassuring glint in his eye.


Torture. That's what he said when we heard the word training. We fooled ourselves to hear something else because this could never be anything but torture.

He had me doing strength exercises until my arms gave out, then made me run until I could only drag myself to the finish line with my chin because nothing else would function. Then he made me do core exercises until I could only breathe in short gasps to avoid feeling any pain. Finally, he put my chakra control to the test by making me run up and down a tree as fast as I could to exhaustion. While using every single jutsu I had in my arsenal to dodge obstacles or defend from attacks while remaining on the same tree. All without losing momentum.

I felt my soul coming out of my body more than once and Sakura and Sasuke had to pull it back into my body on more than one occasion to avoid me passing on.

Sakura and Sasuke had much the same training. Sasuke had to do it with the Sharingan active the entire time, guzzling up his reserves, and Sakura had to carry twice her body weight while reinforcing her muscles with chakra. It was a team effort to not let any of us die from the ridiculous amount of effort we were exerting. 

Messing up at any stage also meant we would need to start from scratch... we were up until past midnight because of this, and we needed to come back for the same treatment in the morning. We chose to camp out.

This continued for two weeks, we didn't take a single mission either. We were pooped. Felt like it, too.

I had wondered what Hard Mode meant, and honestly, I wish I'd stayed with easy mode. I was still Lv15, since there was no sparing or combat of any kind, just really hard obstacle courses. But I also found out that there is a Status Cap that maintains a person's initial stat distribution. 

[Lv15 - DS: 14,800/ CP: 17,800/ STR: 170/ AGI: 155/ VIT: 220/ INT: 140/ SNC: 125]

It also looks like the higher levels are going to be where my true stat distribution is revealed. 

Physically I feel no difference, but my potential for speed is lower than that of strength. Same with my control over my chakra versus my ability to sense it around me naturally. Actually, shouldn't it be backward? Well, Sage Training will probably change that, but vanilla me seems to have a Tank Build with a good balance for offensive ability and maneuverability. 

I nodded at the balance being struck.

[Stat Distribution is fixed to an individual's maximum potential at birth. The initial stats determine the rate of growth for each stat and how high they can get. Any additional effort will be accumulated as experience points will then be used to increase a person's level by one. This process is cyclical.]

Regardless, today was the first day I'd been home since we began training and I was going to spend it sleeping.