
My Life as Gambino

**My Life as Gambino** **Author: Inspired by Ryohgo Narita (author of "Baccano!" and "Durarara!!")** --- **Synopsis** In the sprawling underworld of modern Tokyo, where shadows dance with the neon lights, one name reverberates through the corridors of power and crime—Gambino. Known as the "Demon of Kabukicho," Giovanni Gambino is a foreigner who has climbed to the zenith of Japan’s most notorious crime syndicate. With a brutal past shrouded in mystery and a cunning mind that orchestrates the most audacious schemes, Gambino is a figure of both fear and respect. **Book 1: The Devil’s Bargain** Giovanni Gambino, a half-Italian, half-Japanese mafia boss, is as ruthless as he is charismatic. His life took a drastic turn when, as a child, he witnessed the violent demise of his father, a respected yakuza, at the hands of a treacherous rival. With his mother’s Italian heritage as his only shield, young Giovanni was sent to Sicily, where he was trained in the ancient arts of the Mafia under the watchful eye of his enigmatic uncle, Don Massimo. Years later, Giovanni returns to Tokyo, blending the old-world Mafia tactics with the brutal efficiency of the yakuza. He swiftly rises through the ranks, eventually taking control of the powerful Yamamoto Clan. As the new leader, Gambino initiates a bold and controversial plan to unite the fragmented criminal empires of Japan under his iron fist, promising a new era of prosperity and dominance. **Book 2: The Blood Pact** As Gambino consolidates his power, he faces unprecedented challenges. From internal betrayals within his own ranks to the looming threat of rival syndicates and the relentless pursuit of the Japanese police, Gambino’s empire stands on the brink of collapse. His greatest adversary is the mysterious "Black Dragon," a rival kingpin whose influence and brutality match his own. The stakes are raised when the Black Dragon kidnaps Gambino’s most trusted confidant and childhood friend, Sakura, forcing Gambino into a deadly game of cat and mouse. **Book 3: The Emperor’s Gambit** With the city's balance of power hanging by a thread, Gambino must forge alliances with unlikely allies, including the cunning Interpol agent, Kaede Tanaka, who harbors her own dark secrets. The lines between friend and foe blur as Gambino navigates a labyrinth of deceit and vengeance. As he delves deeper into the Black Dragon’s machinations, he discovers a conspiracy that threatens not only his empire but the very fabric of Tokyo’s underworld. **Book 4: The Final Reckoning** The saga culminates in an explosive finale where past and present collide. Gambino’s ultimate plan is unveiled—a daring move to dismantle the Black Dragon’s operations and reclaim his city. But the cost is high, and the path to victory is strewn with blood and betrayal. As the final showdown approaches, Gambino must confront the ghosts of his past, reconcile with his own identity, and make the ultimate sacrifice to protect those he loves and the empire he has built. **My Life as Gambino** is a gripping narrative of power, loyalty, and redemption, where the lines between good and evil are perpetually blurred. With its complex characters, intricate plot twists, and heart-pounding action, this light novel series captures the essence of the organized crime genre, delivering a masterful blend of drama and thriller that will leave readers on the edge of their seats.

RikuFujisawa · สมจริง
6 Chs

Book 3:Retribution


Kazuo attacked with a ferocity born of desperation, his blade slicing through the air with lethal intent. Giovanni's movements were a study in controlled precision, each step calculated to deflect and counter. The room around them was a cacophony of violence, but their duel was a ballet of deadly grace.

Kazuo lunged again, aiming for Giovanni's heart, but Giovanni sidestepped, catching Kazuo's wrist and twisting it with a brutal efficiency. The knife clattered to the floor, and Giovanni delivered a swift, punishing blow to Kazuo's midsection, sending him staggering back.


Kazuo's followers, seeing their leader falter, hesitated, their resolve wavering. Giovanni's men seized the moment, pressing their advantage. Akira, his movements a blur of deadly precision, dispatched the nearest adversaries, his expression impassive and cold.

Kazuo recovered quickly, grabbing a discarded weapon and charging at Giovanni with a roar of fury. This time, Giovanni met him head-on, their bodies colliding in a clash of raw power. They grappled, muscles straining, each man fighting for dominance.

"You think you can take everything from me?" Kazuo snarled, his face contorted with rage. "I will make you suffer."

Giovanni's eyes were like ice. "You brought this on yourself, Kazuo. You should have joined us."

With a final, powerful twist, Giovanni disarmed Kazuo, his grip unrelenting. He threw Kazuo to the ground, pinning him there, his knee pressing into Kazuo's chest. Kazuo struggled, but it was futile. Giovanni was an unyielding force.


"End it," Kazuo spat, his defiance still burning in his eyes. "I will never bow to you."

Giovanni leaned in, his voice a low, deadly whisper. "You already have."

With a swift, decisive motion, Giovanni drove his knife into Kazuo's heart. Kazuo's eyes widened in shock, his body convulsing once before going still. The room fell silent, the echoes of the battle fading into an oppressive hush.

Giovanni rose, his breath coming in controlled gasps. Around him, his men stood victorious, the last of Kazuo's followers either dead or captured. Akira approached, his expression one of grim satisfaction.

"It is done," Akira said quietly.

Giovanni nodded, wiping the blood from his blade. "Make sure the bodies are disposed of. We leave no trace."

As his men moved to carry out his orders, Giovanni allowed himself a moment of reflection. This victory, hard-won and brutal, was a necessary step in consolidating his power. But it was only the beginning. The path ahead was still fraught with peril, and the shadows of retribution loomed ever larger.


The next morning, Giovanni returned to his headquarters, his mind a maelstrom of thoughts and plans. The news of Kazuo's demise spread quickly, the message clear: defiance would not be tolerated. The remaining clans, seeing the futility of resistance, began to fall in line, their leaders reaching out to pledge their allegiance to Giovanni.

Sakura met him in his office, her eyes scanning his face for signs of weariness. "How did it go?"

Giovanni sank into his chair, a weary but determined look in his eyes. "It is done. Kazuo is no longer a threat."

Sakura nodded, relief mingling with concern. "And the other clans?"

"They are beginning to see reason," Giovanni said, his voice steady. "But there will always be those who plot in the shadows, waiting for a moment of weakness."

Sakura's expression hardened. "We will be ready for them."

Giovanni gave her a grateful smile. "I know we will. But we must remain vigilant. The true battle is just beginning."


As the days passed, Giovanni's influence grew, his network of allies expanding. He held meetings with clan leaders, forging alliances and solidifying his control. Each interaction was a delicate dance of power and persuasion, and Giovanni navigated it with the skill of a seasoned diplomat.

One evening, as Giovanni was reviewing intelligence reports, Akira entered, his expression serious. "There is something you need to see."

Giovanni followed Akira to the surveillance room, where a series of monitors displayed live feeds from various locations around the city. Akira pointed to one of the screens, where a clandestine meeting was taking place in a dimly lit warehouse.

"That's the leader of the Taka Clan," Akira said, his voice low. "He's been conspiring with an outside group. They're planning something big."

Giovanni's eyes narrowed as he studied the screen. "We need to act quickly. If they are planning to move against us, we must strike first."

Akira nodded. "I will assemble a team."

"No," Giovanni said, his voice firm. "I will handle this personally. We need to send a clear message that betrayal will not be tolerated."


That night, Giovanni and a select group of his men, including Akira, moved through the city with the stealth of shadows. The warehouse was heavily guarded, but Giovanni had anticipated this. His men neutralized the sentries with silent efficiency, their movements a deadly ballet of precision.

They entered the warehouse, slipping through the shadows towards the meeting room. Giovanni's heart pounded with a mixture of adrenaline and resolve. This was a critical moment, and failure was not an option.

Inside the room, the leader of the Taka Clan, a man named Hideki, was deep in conversation with a group of outsiders. Giovanni recognized some of them as former mercenaries, now turned rogue operators. Their faces were hard, their eyes cold and calculating.

Giovanni signaled to his men, and they fanned out, positioning themselves for a coordinated strike. With a nod, Giovanni gave the order.


The room erupted into chaos as Giovanni's men stormed in, their weapons drawn. Hideki and his associates scrambled to react, but they were outmatched. Giovanni's men moved with lethal precision, taking down their targets with ruthless efficiency.

Hideki, seeing his plans unravel, reached for a concealed weapon, but Giovanni was faster. He closed the distance in a heartbeat, disarming Hideki with a swift, brutal motion.

"You thought you could betray me and get away with it?" Giovanni said, his voice a low growl.

Hideki's eyes were wide with fear. "Please… I was forced into this. I had no choice."

Giovanni's gaze was cold and unforgiving. "You always have a choice."

With a swift, decisive motion, Giovanni ended Hideki's life. The room fell silent, the air heavy with the weight of what had just transpired. Giovanni's men stood victorious, the last of Hideki's conspirators either dead or captured.


Back at the headquarters, Giovanni convened a meeting with his inner circle. The atmosphere was tense, the recent events casting a shadow over their plans.

"We cannot afford any more betrayals," Giovanni said, his voice steely. "From now on, we need to tighten our security. No one moves without my knowledge."

Akira nodded, his expression grim. "I will see to it personally."

Sakura, her eyes filled with determination, added, "We also need to increase our intelligence efforts. We must root out any other conspirators before they can act."

Giovanni nodded, his mind racing with strategies and contingencies. "Agreed. We will not be caught off guard again."


As the days turned into weeks, Giovanni's grip on Tokyo's underworld tightened. His network of allies grew, and his enemies became increasingly isolated and desperate. But the constant vigilance took its toll. Giovanni found himself growing more wary, more cautious, his every move calculated to maintain his precarious position.

One evening, as Giovanni sat alone in his office, a sense of unease settled over him. The recent betrayals had left him on edge, and he knew that his enemies were still out there, lurking in the shadows, waiting for their chance.

His thoughts were interrupted by the soft chime of his phone. He answered it, his voice steady. "Yes?"

"Giovanni," Akira's voice came through, tense and urgent. "We have a situation. There's been a breach in our security. Someone has infiltrated our ranks."

Giovanni's blood ran cold. "Who?"

"We don't know yet," Akira replied. "But they've been feeding information to our enemies. We need to find them and eliminate the threat."

Giovanni clenched his fist, his mind racing. This was the moment he had feared, the moment when the shadows of retribution would close in around him. But he was ready. He had to be.

"Gather the men," Giovanni said, his voice filled with determination. "We will root out this traitor and make them pay."


The hunt for the infiltrator was swift and relentless. Giovanni's men moved through the city like a well-oiled machine, their every action coordinated and precise. The network of informants and spies that Giovanni had built over the years proved invaluable, providing leads and information that narrowed down the list of suspects.

Days turned into nights as the search intensified. Giovanni barely slept, his mind consumed with the task at hand. He knew that finding the traitor was critical to maintaining his control and securing the future of his empire.

Finally, a breakthrough came. One of Giovanni's most trusted informants uncovered a lead that pointed to a man named Kenji, a mid-level operative within their organization. Kenji had been secretly meeting with known associates of Kazuo, passing along information that could compromise their operations.

Giovanni wasted no time.