
My Level Up Dungeon App

Ordinary high school student, Shion Reita (Tama Da Shion). One day, an app called "Dungeon Survive" is installed on his smartphone. Benefiting from this app, he gains skills. Eager to explore, he decides to challenge the dungeon and level up. However, what he doesn't yet know is the fact that among the numerous players, he is the only one capable of leveling up

Moments_canister1 · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs

Episode 16: Special Training 1/3 [Shiha's Perspective]

[Shiha's Perspective]

"Alright, let's begin our special training!!"

May 25th, Saturday. 7:22 PM.

Amidst the park, both Rain and I convened. The reason, of course, was for our special training.

Thanks to Shion's presence, we managed to somehow conquer the dungeon. Though he appears timid and somewhat lacking in confidence, his abilities are undoubtedly substantial...far beyond what we could achieve.

However, as long as we're part of the same party with him, we absolutely mustn't continue relying solely on him. It's pathetic to be completely dependent on him.

Hence, we've decided to commence our secret training from today onwards. Although we haven't met him since that day, we made a promise to conquer the dungeon next Saturday. To astonish him with our newfound strength upon our reunion, it's a secret plan.

"Phew... Y-yeah, let's do our best!!"

"Rain, have you... gotten bigger?"

Rain originally had a plump figure, but upon seeing her after 10 days, her body seemed even more prominent than before. Her jersey clung tightly to her, seemingly on the verge of tearing. At least a size larger than usual, if not more.

Her ample chest stretched the fabric of her gym uniform, with the zipper of the jersey struggling to close. The excess fabric taken up by her large breasts left her muffin top exposed.

Rain's body seemed to undulate like rippling waves within her jersey. Just standing there, her breath grew heavy, causing her fat to jiggle.

"Have you been eating that parfait every day?"

"I-I haven't!! *snicker*"

Wiping away the sweat with a handkerchief, Rain's eyes darted around. Oh, that reaction... It's clearly hitting close to home.

Eating a parfait that easily weighs 5 kilograms every day. The thought of calculating the calorie intake is frightening.

Surely, she must have gained at least 10 kilograms in these past few days. Despite her towering height of 195 centimeters, she might not appear as obese as her weight would suggest... But still, she's definitely gotten quite hefty.

"But, as a woman... Shouldn't you consider losing some weight?"

"I-I'm fine!! It's the era of chubby girls now!!"

"Beyond concerns about defense and era trends, I'm more worried about your health."

"Ugh... I-I'll... do some exercise..."

I'm glad she understands. Becoming so overweight that she can't move and falling ill would be tragic. And if she were to die from being overweight... I wouldn't know how to face that.

But... Even if Rain were to end up like this, he would surely get excited. The ecstatic smile he had when Rain hugged him after our last dungeon conquest... If he were to get excited seeing Rain like this now, she'd probably stop dieting altogether... I must prevent that at all costs and ensure she loses weight.

"Anyway, let's focus on our training now. I'll work on improving my basic physical abilities, while you focus on increasing your magical power, alright?"

"Y-yeah!! I'll cast lots of spells!!"

"But don't overdo it, okay?"

"O-of course!"

According to the app's description, there are two ways to increase magical power. One is to acquire relevant skills, and the other is to cast lots of spells.

The capacity for magical power increases with each spell cast. Just like muscles grow with exercise, the more magic you use, the more capacity you gain.

"Alright then, let's start training!!"


"Say 'ohhh!!' there."



"Phew... *pant*... *huff*..."

"Hey, why are you more tired than me?"

Two hours later, our training session concluded.

I ran 10 kilometers and did countless sets of strength exercises. Although my jersey was soaked with sweat, Rain's sweating was... much more intense than mine. She was sweating profusely, just like in basketball manga.

I observed Rain's training as well, but I couldn't see her moving much while casting magic. So, I don't understand why she's sweating so much, or why she's out of breath. I doubt she's exerting herself to the point where her sweat raises the ambient temperature.

"Well, magic... m-makes you tired."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah... *snicker*..."

"In that case, it can't be helped. But... if you get that tired, you should consider getting a bigger jersey."

"Huh, why?"

"...Your bra is visible through it."

Due to Rain's white gym uniform, her sweat made it transparent, revealing her pink bra. It was a slightly sexy design, and the custom size bra was clearly visible. But still... it's envy-inducing how large it is.

Rain didn't even bother to cover it with her hands, just grinning away. Well... I could immediately guess what she's thinking.

"Hahaha... I wonder if Shion-kun will be happy?"

"He's a pervert, so I think he'll be thrilled. But... since he's not here right now, you're just a nympho."

"Hahaha... nympho... pervert, huh..."

"Sigh... This is serious."

The heart of a maiden in love knows no bounds.

With such thoughts in mind, I sighed. Love at first sight... it's terrifying.
