
first confession

when Clare got back she saw a living statue with no movement .a person from distance would even doubt that if this person is breathing or what

"Luci where's drake " ?

"drr.. mmm drake he.. he left already "

"Luci what's gotten into you. you are acting weird .get back to Your sence will you "

but then what Clare did made my heart go crazy .

she gave me a scoop of ice cream to my mouth and when she noticed ice-cream at the corner of my lips she slowly licked me.

the feeling was so warm and good .

"is this what people call sweet revenge " she said giggling

but then I couldn't control myself I pressed my lips hard on her. I gently put my tongue in her mouth and devoured .our tongues collided .

the kiss was so passionate that I felt like I wanted moreof her. I pulled her closer to me. she was responding to all my actions and I felt I was in a fantasy . more the time deeper the kiss felt .we parted and looked at each other

her eyes were shining like diamonds in the sky.

she was breathing heavily and now she was the one who kissed me .her hand slowly removed my belt and when she was about to slide her hands in suddenly the door Bell ringed and she jolted .

before I could stop her she ran as fast as possible and peeped through the window.

I saw a sudden fear in her face and she signaled me that her mother is here .

I suddenly cleared my poster and buttoned up my pants and comb my messy hair with my fingers .

she then open the door and aunty came in her hand full of chips and other stuffs .

"Luci my dear see what I have brought for you".

"I'm here aunty " I yelled back .

I welcomed her with a fake wide smile .thinking why did she came out of nowhere at the point of time when everything was going perfect .

she chit chat with me for a while but then I was happy when she said Clare and aunt is going to stay for the night as she is afraid I might worsen the injury.

when aunt got out of the room. I kissed her for about two seconds and she giggled with surprise in her eyes.

but then when I was to sleep drake was the one who came to my mind at the very moment my heart started to flutter .

I heard a notification in my phone and it was drake .

should I check it or not I was confused

but I couldn't control my curiosity .

Drake : "hey Lu.. are you not gonna sleep yet?"

it took me a moment then I decided to text him back .

me : "yeah but I'm not that sleepy ".

Drake : "Lu I'm in love with you ".

I hung open my mouth. is he trying to joke around with me then get ready to for a bleeding nose I murmured .

Drake :"Lu it has been so much long but I was afraid to tell you because we never had a good conversation among us.

I didn't know what to say

Me: drake are you serious about this

Drake : "I'm more than serious .Lu I love you "

I pretty much never got a confession before so I was truly shocked .so I decided to text him back

Me: drake I need time to think about this let's talk about this tomorrow .

why am I not able reject him am I slowly falling for him

I found me trying hard to understand myself