
My Legendary Weapon Can Evolve Infinitely!

Our discord server: https://discord.gg/d9z3CCEXWw The past, the present, and the future will all be connected. Human society will learn how things were in the past when gods walked among men and monsters roamed freely. When Earth was finally connected to the multiverse, the entire world erupted into chaos! It was as though reality itself was contorting to accommodate countless versions of itself. Astonishingly, it began to expand, stretching its boundaries beyond imagination. At that time, Jason was recovering from the betrayal of his girlfriend cheating with her supposed best friend. He looked for solace by retreating to a serene lake for a weekend of fishing. Craving solitude to deal with his thoughts, he wanted some peace. But as soon as he stepped out of his car, the ground convulsed violently. Much to his surprise, a mysterious system had been activated, revealing portals to alternate dimensions. Suddenly, Jason found himself thrust into the depths of a dungeon, a valuable treasure chest right before him. Within that chest was the Infinite Dagger—a legendary weapon capable of infinite evolution! From a mere dagger to a formidable sword and even transforming into a bow—its potential knew no bounds! Jason was surprised at his unexpected fortune, yet he understood that obtaining such a treasure wouldn't be without risks. No, crossing this dungeon would be a stroll. He stood at its precipice, facing a boss—a towering, purple-hued Colossus that looked like it came out of a fantasy world. To add insult to injury, he would need to get rid of the boss's minions. The real question remained: How could he, at level one, defeat the dungeon's boss?

ExSoldierLv99 · แฟนตาซี
317 Chs

Chapter 16 - Going All Out

 Jason decides to rest for a while while waiting for some enemies to leave the dungeon, but that never happens. They never left the boss chamber either. Maybe he traumatized them for life. 

"Just hiding isn't enough, you dumbfucks," Jason said while in the boss's chamber.

 Even the boss's chamber was completely dark. Fighting there was only possible for those who had high Perception. Jason could see around two hundred monsters surrounding a throne and a monster similar to them sitting on it. The creature wasn't as big as the first boss he faced, though. It was at a higher level despite that.

Gray Giant - Lv 65


HP: 2200/2200 (7.0 Regen)

MP: 400/400 (1.0 Regen)

SP: 700/700 (3.0 Regen)


Power: 125 - 150

Constitution: 100

Dexterity: 30

Magic: 20

Spirit: 40

Perception: 50

Available Status Points: 00


Titles: Boss (B), Ruler (E), 

Bloodlines: Gray Giant (C)

Skill: Hard Skin (B), Violence (B)

Jobs: King (D)

Job Skills: None


"He has some titles and some that the other boss didn't have… I suppose that is because they are from different species," Jason thought while rubbing his chin. "This thing can definitely fight in the darkness and see me well."

 The boss was three times bigger than the other gray giants. It seemed that they would evolve like that once they became strong enough. Regardless, the boss can probably control its minions quite well, thanks to some of its titles. Enough to be considered a real pain in the ass.

 Regardless, Jason ignored the boss for now since he was at level thirty-nine and wanted to rank up again in his True Fighter title. He was also seriously considering leaving the boss alone for a day or two. At the same time, he grinds some levels, killing its minions.

 In any case, Jason transformed his weapon into the wand and began to attack the minions with Fireballs. The monsters tried to protect themselves with their arms. Still, they eventually sustained enough damage that killed them even in there.

(You received 300 experience points.)

(You received 05 SP.)

"I guess the difference in our levels makes me gain fewer points of SP, but it can't be helped." Jason shrugged and kept attacking the monsters.

 Jason felt the boss stare at him throughout the whole time, but he ignored it and kept attacking its minions. He wondered if he was planning not to summon anyone until Jason challenged him or disappeared… which would force his plans to change.

(You obtained 300 experience points)

(You leveled up and received six status points.)

(Congratulations! For being the first human to reach level forty, the title True Fighter reached the rank (C). All energy regenerations increased by one hundred percent.

 Jason smirked… now he was confident that he could take large groups of enemies, even if he goes melee against them. Still, much to his surprise, when he killed the next monster, he only got three points of experience… His weapon was Legendary but wasn't perfect.

(You Mastered the Infinite Wand. Magic + 02. You can now use the Fireballs with any weapon as long as it is a variation of the Infinite Wand)

(You can now access the Infinite Ax)

Infinite Ax (Legendary)

A weapon that can evolve the more you use it in combat.

Skill: Charge (10 SP). Charges toward the enemy and slam your body against them after decreasing the distance between each other in a single moment.. (Power + 150% of your weight.)

Mastery: 0/250 TP

Reward upon mastery: Power + 02

 Around the time Jason finished the last gray beast, he mastered the wand. The ax was a bit big, and it was quite hard to use since all of its weight was on one side. Regardless, Jason had bigger problems now… like the fact that the boss was still looking at him without summoning more minions for him to kill.

"Well now… I was planning to level up at least to fifty before facing this guy, but it seems that the boss isn't going to cooperate," Jason thought. "Facing its minions from here was possible, but I don't think that I can safely attack the beast in the same manner."

 That would be way too convenient. In any case, the boss wasn't that tall, and the creature could cross the tunnel if it wanted. Still, it wasn't going to do that… after watching its minions die like flies and not doing a single thing. It was clear that it wanted to fight in its own chamber.

 Jason studied the beast and its status for a while. While the difference in level and parameters was pretty high, it wasn't everything. Besides, Jason had some advantages as well: his weapon could transform into other kinds, and he gained six points per level up instead of five. So, his level technically was over fifty. With a sound strategy, defeating the boss should be actually easy.

 Jason calmed down and showed a calm expression while thinking of his options. It didn't take long for him to think of a few things. He could leave now and look for food and water, making the enemy think that he gave up on the fight. The beast would summon its minions again, giving Jason the chance to grind a little more. 

 Or… he could use the enemy's weaknesses based on its parameters. Jason chose that, and then he increased his Perception with all of his free points.

Hey, guys, the author here. If you enjoy the book, please add to your library and use your power stones in order to increase in the ranks of the contest. I will post one extra chapter for every 100 power stones! See ya!

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