
Olivia has matured

Chapter 309: Olivia has matured

"What happens when players lose?" Olivia asked, believing her mother's story.

She was already clear-headed, no longer influenced by her sadness. Of course, her heart ached over the fact that she had broken up with her beloved.

But as Olivia could learn about Alex's parents and what he inherited from them, her heart turned better and somewhat sweeter.

But then, Emma's grief and disappointment reached her, causing a tornado of mixing emotions swirling within Olivia.

At this point, Olivia understood what her mother wanted to convey. She still needed to process the whole players versus the antagonist's scheme, though.

"Two worlds die," Emma replied, gazing seriously at her daughter, "Players will lose their home world. Their families, lovers, and friends will suffer the same fate. Another world, the battlefield between the antagonist and players, will also follow.