

Chapter 102: Elves

Alex's turmoil stopped after Celia jumped into his arms.

She hugged his face, then shouted, "I wasn't scared at all! I wasn't scared at all!"

Tears flowed down from her little eyes, betraying her loud words. Of course, no one blamed little dullahan for crying.

Alex patted her back, then put her down, "I was a little scared, though."

"Eh?" Celia clenched her clothes after hearing Alex's words.

He smiled and whispered, "It's not a wrong feeling. Because of that fear, a part of me always had a second plan in mind. If my sword or Remia's Ultimate Skill didn't work, we would go for a different route to ensure our survival.

I was also worried about you, and because of that, I could fight even better," Alex gave a bright smile to his little friend.

Celia bit her lips.

She started trembling again, but for a different reason this time, "Alex is the strongest! He beat the big monster for me!"