His legendary class is The Husband Of Deathwill Sisters! While other players went through common quests to get their classes, Alex started by getting a legendary class: Husband Of Deathwill Sisters! He got three beautiful wives from the start and the legendary castle! What would his girlfriend and friends say about this once he reveals his class to them? And what about Deathwill Sisters? What is their plight, and why would they suddenly get a husband?
Chapter 393: A journey to the past
After having a good talk with his in-laws, it was time to leave Alex with his beloveds, for these two surely had a lot to talk about and show around.
Danielle thanked him for the gifts for the last time before narrowing her beautiful golden eyes, sternly gazing at Alex. In those eyes, the young in-law knew what was written, nodding a few times to his mother-in-law with an awkward smile.
He followed his girls eager to show him around their mansion. In fact, Meiya had already spoken a little about her home, where many high-quality items were strewn around.
Meiya flaunted that her whole house and everything around it, too, were of the highest quality.
"I have given a lot of love to my girl's room, too, right?" Meiya asked with a gentle smile, passing the conversation to Stella. It was hard to find a room to talk when Meiya parts her lips, but as her daughter was always the priority, Meiya controlled herself well, passing the baton.