

"It all started with a guy in zebra stripes print t shirt at the airport that made me lose my phone and now I fell in love!" travelling to LA for the summer Break had been Faye's dream for quite a long time and when she thought she finally had a chance she is forced to go New York, and to make things worse she had to stay with her aunt, when she finally thought of making her stay good she encounters her next door neighbor whom she fell in love with at first sight, hiding her feelings she tries to be friends with him but things got harder as he didn't seem to harbour any kind of friendly feelings towards her, would she achieve her goal in this one month summer Break?, or would she end up regretting her stay in New york

Joycepen · วัยรุ่น
6 Chs

Chapt̶e̶r̶ 1. (∩_∩)

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I'm 2 days into college!


POV (Faye),

I dragged my luggage down the clear road, and the street seemed to be the unfriendly type as they all stared at me oddly, just when I thought I was going to be welcomed with smiles and hugs, these people seemed to have different ways of welcoming visitors, their eyes were boring holes on my body and I walked briskly since I was shy, I held the paper in which the address was written and finally I found the house, it wasn't all like I expected but it was nice.

I knocked twice and my aunt,aunt Jane jumped out almost immediately, she called on her twin children Nancy and Kate to take in my luggages and they did it grumpily, I was welcomed nicely obviously just my aunt, her husband was on a business trip so the house seemed sort of empty since her kids just went into their rooms, she was sort of busy so I just went up to their rooftop for some air.

I sighed at the sight of sky scrapers from afar and a smirk escaped my lips, it felt unreal, and the fact that I could see all of them from over here was quite assuring.

If anyone told me I would be spending an hour of my holiday's with mosquitoes buzzing in my ear?, I wouldn't believe it, I just scratched my affected spots and enjoyed the view.

And just as I saw someone in a zebra print t shirt in great speed it reminded me of my encounter with an airport theif 8 hours ago.....


8 hours ago


I sat on a bench at the airport and typed away on my phone, I posted lies of landing at LA, of course it was my lifelong dream of visiting the LA's on my summer Break but unfortunately things didn't work out, I was sent to down here to new York so I'm quite the unlucky type, I decided to make new friends and enjoy new York but little did I know what awaited me.

I saw a guy wearing a zebra stripes t shirt, but I couldn't see his face, I wanted to make it a meme like, "a zebra at the airport, this isn't a zoo", so I took a picture stretching my hand to take a better view, I gave off a demonic grinn as I took multiple shots.

Just as I decided it was enough someone grabbed my phone and ran away with it, I jumped off with anger and ran after him, but unfortunately I lost him, I raced back to my belongings in anger only to find my purse missing and guess what I had to trek down to my aunt's since I didn't have any cash on me, but luckily I encountered a good Samaritan who offered me a ride but I insisted dropped me halfway because he started groping my laps and attempted to molest me.

It was so annoying but luckily I was 3 minutes away from my aunt's according to someone's description, and to make things more interesting, I saw the back view of the guy in zebra stripes print t shirts and I could swear he was the same guy, I ran after him foolishly for absolutely no unsure reason, perhaps to ask him why he wore such a funny outfit and caused me to lose my phone, or tell him to compensate for distracting me and causing the loss of my phone.

He got into a taxi so I lost him, but still even if I found him, I had nothing to tell him since I was at fault for trying to make fun of him or making fun of him.




What's even wierder is.... it's the same guy, the Zebra stripes print t shirt guy, it was the same guy, I'm seeing right now and guess what he went into the house next to my aunt's, he's my nextdoor neighbor!, Hell no!!!!