
My Last Apocalypse

I can't explain why or how this cycle repeats for me. Yet, what I do understand is each time I die, I return to the starting point, a zombie apocalypse, and continue my journey anew. In my first apocalypse, I overlooked the creeping signs of doom until overrun by zombies in my flat, where I perished in sheer terror. The second attempt to alert others of the impending chaos fell on deaf ears; labelled a lunatic, I fled the city, only to succumb to starvation and exposure alone in the wild. By the third go, I sought safety in wealth, collecting vast supplies, yet fell victim to a brutal gang. Now, understanding the key—precise foresight, survival skills, strict secrecy, and solitude—I see the purpose in reliving this collapse. This time, failure is not an option. This time, I will survive and outlive the apocalypse.

TK_Selwyn · แฟนตาซี
155 Chs

Jess (2)

Jess leans forward, her voice dropping to a whisper as if the very walls themselves might be listening. "Hwang is actively recruiting Candidates, promising them substantial compensation," she begins, her eyes flicking around the room nervously, her fingers fidgeting with the edge of her sleeve. "But the truth is far darker than anyone realises. Many of those recruited are used for heinous experiments—experiments driven by Hwang's own twisted desires and obsessions."

I frown, my mind racing as I absorb her chilling words, a sense of unease settling deep within my gut. "What kind of experiments are we talking about?" I ask, my voice tense with concern, a hint of trepidation lacing my tone.