
My Laid-Back Cultivation Life Story

Feeling dead inside after his favorite VR game shutdown - Arthur Jekyll the number one player in said game, went to the closest bar and got drunk. After doing so, he went outside and died to a golden thunderbolt. ... Why was that? Waking up - Arthur found out he Transmigrated into his game character as the Ancestor of a Clan that looks like his in-game clan...but far weaker in a mortal Realm. " What the hell is going on?!" **-**-**-**-**-** [>Disclaimer: I don't own anything except my OC and some other ideas. All rights reserved to their original owners... Don't sue me!>] [> Disclaimer: Don't take this seriously. This is nothing more than a Wish-Fulfillment Fanfic. If you like my newbie writing, then by all means - enjoy it!>]

InsanityIsAGiven · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

Chapter ~ 3: Saving My Last...Descendant?!


" What... What is that thing?!"

" G-Get away!"

" No...No-No-No! I don't want to die!"

The entire group of Demonic Cultivators yelled in pure terror, upon seeing what came out of that boundless black void vortex.

Standing beside Long Sun - is an extremely handsome and beautiful young man with long white hair and bright golden eyes. He is extremely charming so much that people would start worshipping him, who would attract all the attention wherever he goes. Both men and women are to be attracted to him. He possesses a lanky build, with a face so exquisite it was as though it was carved from jade, and his slanted brows resembled the fine angles of the Sirius Star. His eyes were as piercing as swords, and just as elegant, with an inner magnetism that brought people to stare intently at him, even if they were unwilling. He was extraordinary. His eyes were clear but deep. So deep that there seemed to be no limits. His aura gave off a sense of unfathomability terror to people and Immortals alike. Clothing-wise, he wears a black demonic black robe and crown with a Chinese Dragon design. Each Dragon seemed to be alive roaring at the heavens and earth, with bloody crimson eyes that stares into your soul. The Dragon on the crown has its head held high, Its crimson eyes demanding terror and slaughter.

This is - Arthur. His In-game appearance. An appearance he thought he'll never be in again.

" Ancestor! Your real!"

Getting ahold of his emotions, he looked beside him. Kneeling with blood pouring out of his eyes, nose, and ears is a rather handsome young man with a sharpness that is tempered by countless hardships, that would produce an attractiveness. He has long black hair with white gray-white tips and pale golden eyes. He wears a tattered black fancy robe with a dragon design.

" Of course I am." Arthur doesn't know why, but he felt deeper offended.

" Ahaha..." With a deep laugh, Long Sun's eyes flared to life. As he did, Arthur shows his status in his mind.

[ Name: Long Sun.

[Titles: Genius Of The Long Clan, Rising Genius Of The Nine Heavenly Dragon Sect.

[Lifespan: 16/80.

[Race: Human(Fake) | Void-Demon(True)LOCKED).

[Cultivation: Qi Refinement Realm 6th.

[ Great Dao: N/A.

[Lesser Dao: Lesser Dao Of Sword(5/100%).

[Cultivation Techniques: Black Heavenly Thunder Dragon Strike, Swift Sword Strike, Brisk Cloud Walk.

[Cultivation Skills: Will Of The Long Clan(Passive Skil - +50 fighting against unfavorable odds).

[Equipment: Long Clan Token, Standard Nine Heavenly Dragon Dragon & Robe.

[Summones: N/A.

[Cultivation Potential: Peak Immortal Grade ]

' Eh... Is this kid of the protagonist or something? And I am the old man who teaches him stuff?!' Arthur's mouth twitched. Genius talent - Check, Revenge Background, Check, Old man, Cheak.

... Isn't this two cliche?

" HEY! Stop Ignoring us, you white-haired fuck!"

Diving back into the real world, Arthur looked over and saw a middle-aged man with long black hair and green eyes. His black Dragon robe fluttered in the wind.

" Who are-"

" Annoying." Without him knowing, Arthur's mouth was on its own. Next, his hand did the same,' Demonic Ice Age.'


In the time one takes to breathe once, the middle-aged man was frozen in black ice, which looked like obsidian.

" What the-"

In two breaths, two more people were trapped in ice.

" Wait-"

In three breaths, ten people were trapped in ice.

" I surrender-"

In four breaths, half of the Demonic Cultivators were imprisoned.

" Run-"

Five breaths, only a handful of people remained.

" Someone help!"

Six breaths, everyone was imprisoned except Arthur and a shocked-faced Long Sun.


Moments later, all the obsidian statues turned into small piles of black stone, that filled the air with the smell of blood and death.

'... I don't feel anything.' Arthur hearted shivered. How... How could he kill over fifty people and not feel a single thing? Was he a born Psychopath without knowing or something?

... Or was it because he transmigrated into his Game character who destroyed worlds and slaughtered over trillions without batting an eye?

' I'll think about it later... Let me deal with this guy.' Feeling his head start to hurt, Arthur sighed deeply inside his mind.

" Ancestor..." With awe plastered on his face, Long Sun hurriedly kowtowed three times, making the ground underneath them crack," Thank you, Ancestor Thank you, Ancestor! Thank you, Ancestor!"

Even while bleeding badly, Long Sun kept on kowtowing and yelling to the heavens.

After the tenth one, Arthur raised his hand in a 'stop' motion.

Wobbly, Long Sun stopped. His face and eyes smiling brightly at Arthur, with overflowing zeal and fervor pouring out of his whole being.

' What the...'

Shivering slightly at Long Sun's face, Arthur stepped forward. Putting his hand on his forehead, an eternal green light flew into the young Cultivator.

" Oh!"

When the light show ended, Long Sun looked good-as-new. Even his fatigue was gone. What replaced it was an endless stream of courage and vitality. He felt he could take his own the nine Heavens! He felt like an Immortal! An Immortal God!

" Better?"


With an earth-shattering kowtow, Long Sun roared to the heavens.

" YES, Ancestor!"

When Long Sun looked back up at Arthur, some blood dripped from his forehead.

" Go Cultivate."

" By your will!"

Kowtowing again, Long Sun went under a tree and started to Cultivate. Rivers of blue and gray Qi surrounding him.

' *Sigh* What the hell is going on...'

Arthur really felt like complaining to the HR of Transmigration about this...
