
What a beautiful day

"Aw, come on. Not again! It's almost like you guys didn't learn anything from the last time!", Jindo shouted. 

"I'm sorry, Sir…"

"I don't even know how to spin this now. Last time it could be written off as a one-off health hiccup for Hina, but for this to happen again? It's going to be all over the news now that the CEO of the Chan Group has serious health issues and that's a risk in her leadership"

"I don't know what to say"

"Think! Sin! You are supposed to be good at this!"

Yeah, I was the one to improvise and cover up the mess, come up with media spins, get us out of trouble and all that, but ever since I've been with Hina it felt like she was the one improvising new ways of getting us in trouble all the time. 

But with the mixture of drink and the sound of Hina's nibbling still in my ears, I could hardly think straight anymore either.