
The Ogre Strength Fairy and the Eldest 'Son'

What a lovely day - sitting at the outside table of a cafe in Covent Garden with a good book sipping on a mug of espresso. 

The waitress raised both her eyebrows when I ordered one, probably thinking I was just a tourist who didn't quite understand what a 'mug' or 'espresso' was, or possibly both. 

I had to reiterate and make myself clear. 

Yes, I want an espresso. Don't worry, I know what espresso is. And yes, I want it in a mug. No, not a shot of espresso, but a mug FULL of espresso. Seriously, I need it. 

She took my order, shaking her head, and shook her head again when Hina asked for Bana Vana Choco. 

What the heck is that? She asked.

I cringed and intervened. Please don't mind her, just get her an Earl Grey. Hina protested and pouted, but no, you are not having that here. 

So Earl Grey it was.

"What are you reading, Sin?"