
My kudere husband

Having been hurt by her childhood best friend, she did not dare to fall in love with other people. She thought, love is for the idiots. Little did she know, she was an idiot. She was always taught that family must and always do come first and being born in the Stone family, it was necessary to put her life on the line when it comes to protecting the so called 'sacred' family. But when things turned out differently, she did not know what to do, whether to stand with her own blood or to stand with what was right by nature. And when she thought that her marriage was going fine as she and her fiancé was going along, her past came back, hunting her. Dark secrets were spilled and the untold truths were now told. Buried treasures were opened. Betrayal and cruelty dominated more in her life and the once innocent and humane girl turned to something new

Jeliane143 · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
64 Chs

Untold past

After knowing that her surgery went well, her family lined up and waited for their turn to see her. Grandma Li was acting so strange around her and she was extra careful with everything.

They all looked at her with red eyes while she was sleeping peacefully after the surgery. Grandma Li approached her first and held her hand. The same situation reminded her of something and she couldn't help but squeeze her hand a little tight.

"yah, you little prick, wake up, I'm going to spoil you from now on," she slowly spoke with a lot of strength.

She blinked the tears away and looked at Liana's face a little longer before excusing herself.

"mom, where are you going?" Karina asked, looking at her mother who was about to go out.

"grandma, it's not safe outside," Niko softly reminded her.

"whoever out there is probably trying to kill us," Rebecca announced. Just by thinking about what happened, she understood the problem. Someone is trying to mess with the family and is ready to take measures.

"oh please, decades of training won't be a waste. Besides, I already know from the moment that I was born, once you're part of the Li family or some rich ass people, your life will always be on the line. So, move people! I'm buying my baby granddaughter, her favorite foods, "

Liana's siblings were astonished with her little tip for them. Not only that they were truly slapped in the face when she reminded them about their role in the family, they were also shocked with their grandmother's calm demeanor towards the situation. She might be already in her 80's, she still act like a 30 year old woman.

Daniel looked at her wife before whispering something in her ear. He was going to find the person who did this to his family and he was crystal clear in finding the culprit.

Young Nicholas was clutching on Niko's shirt, not aware of the dark void waiting to consume the family. Suddenly, he remembered something and he tugged his brother's shirt for attention.

Niko bent down and let him whisper something in his ears. "Niko, where is grandpa John?"

Niko slightly smiled and whispered back, "grandpa is busy handling the business in another country. He won't be back until Christmas,"

The 85 year old strong and youthful man was still working his ass off to raise his empire that he built. Taking a vacation is not in his cards and he takes business in the most serious way. He spent most of his holidays inside his office. So, he didn't have a whale of time on holidays.

Despite having not a good time on holidays in the eyes of his family, for him, he was actually having fun in working. Guess business minded people are truly sticking to their own way of executing the definition of 'work' that they find 'working' so amusing.


The next day, everyone visited her and stayed with her. She was transferred to a VIP room and her room was surrounded with forces. Her parents were asking for her forgiveness for putting her on a dangerous situation. Niko and her other siblings were trying their best to make her smile and feel better.

According to the doctor, she would stay in the hospital for a week or two depending on her vital signs. If anything goes wrong, they would be able to correct the problem. The doctor assigned was not sure of her healing process. It was a common bullet and they were able to get the bullet out of her body and prevent bacteria from infecting the wound.

In the late afternoon, Nathaniel, Rebecca and Grandma Li were inside the room, guarding her. Rebecca was told by Karina that from time to time, a nurse or hospital staff would come and treat her or clean her wound. Anyhow, 2 hours had gone by and no one showed up.

She didn't want to bother her grandmother so she checked on Liana. She did not opened the bandages and tape which was wrapping her wound. She was just looking at it and tried to strike a conversation with Liana.

Right after she graduated, she was able to have her training for about 3 years before her family decided to let her take the business.

"hey babygirl, how are you feeling?"

Liana chuckled and replied, "I'm fine Rebecca. I'm healing. Mommy said that sooner or later, I'll be out. I'm just sad that Zi Xin isn't here,"

"Don't worry my baby, I'll call his grandpa and ask him to come here. It's just that kids aren't allowed. It's the hospital rule, remember?" Grandma Li was there to reassure her.

She was not going to tell her that something bad happened to their family as well and he's staying far away. Away from danger.

The poor girl pouted and rubbed her nose.

Rebecca nodded at her and pressed the button above her head. "where is the nurse? Your supposed to treat Miss Xue Yi Stone. Do you want to loose your job or not?!"

I'm trying to write a chapter at least a day since I've been contacting my friends these days. I hope you guys are enjoying the book.

Happy reading everyone ? ? ?

- Jeliane

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