
My kudere husband

Having been hurt by her childhood best friend, she did not dare to fall in love with other people. She thought, love is for the idiots. Little did she know, she was an idiot. She was always taught that family must and always do come first and being born in the Stone family, it was necessary to put her life on the line when it comes to protecting the so called 'sacred' family. But when things turned out differently, she did not know what to do, whether to stand with her own blood or to stand with what was right by nature. And when she thought that her marriage was going fine as she and her fiancé was going along, her past came back, hunting her. Dark secrets were spilled and the untold truths were now told. Buried treasures were opened. Betrayal and cruelty dominated more in her life and the once innocent and humane girl turned to something new

Jeliane143 · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
64 Chs

The infamous Miss Vivienne

"did you find anything useful?" he asked through the phone after closing the door, looking at Liana for a while.

"yes boss, apparently, your father fired an intern named Chloe Moore and a staff named Julius Kim," a voice spoke through the phone.

"waiy, go back, did you say Chloe Moore?"

"yes boss, I'm sure of that. Is she our target?"

He immediately disregarded that thought. "no, she's the daughter of Mr. Moore of Mooresville entertainment. Search that Julius guy, he seems familiar,"

"yes boss,"

When he got out, Liana tried to not look at him and eliminate her thoughts about his private life. She was still thinking about the nasty stuff he just did a while ago.

"this guy is handsome—but my Jun is ravishing. There's a difference," she casually admitted.

"so you and Jun, huh? I guess mom and dad are matchmakers," he teased.

" I loved him since I was 18, when I started college, "

"so my baby sister is falling for a guy, now. HMMMM. I truly wanted to interrogate him. Maybe when I have time to visit the two of you,"

Jun was fine for him, but he wanted to make sure that he's treating her very well. When they were kids, Niko made a standard for Liana's future husband. He hated men who breaks her heart and he never wanted to let her go through that experience again. So, he made sure that all men who would try to approach her was decent and not a heart breaker like him.

She threw the pillow on the couch, aiming at his face before muttering, "I hate you"

"what? He's not the first guy I—" he stopped between his tracks and looked at her before smirking.

"Oh my gosh! You did not just admit that you interrogated all of the guys who had a thing for me,"

"That's true. Whenever I visit your school, there were guys eyeing at you as if you're their prey and of course, me being me—I dealt with them. What do you think of me? Clever right?"

He dealt with them in a very hard way. He would always use his low voice that makes him intimidating and the guys before thought that he visits the school to watch her closely and punish the guys who tried to hit on her.

They were close to the point where they thought that he, Niko Stone liked Liana Stone.

"clever my ass. You're harsh, such a bully~" she teased her brother, throwing another pillow at him.

After a while when he settled down, she excused herself to the cafeteria. One thing she loved in Niko's company, was the food in his cafeteria.

It was close to Starbucks, maybe a little bit better, who knows?

She would order Caramel Hazelnut or Oreo Cheesecake milkshake and paired it with vanilla ice cream, vanilla yogurt panna cotta, strawberry pie or petit four.

"Good morning Miss Vivienne," an employee greeted her once she went inside the elevator then the other employees followed to greet.

She would just greet them back with a simple 'good morning to you too'

When she arrived at the cafeteria, everyone in the room stood up to bow and greeted her with a smile. She may not be the CEO but everyone greeted her with full respect. Some believed that she was Nikos' girlfriend but some disagreed each time they saw him with another girl almost every week.

"what would you like to order for today miss Vivienne? The normal rose gold petit fours and a caramel hazelnut?"

"Uhm, I would go to petit four but the royal purple, 2 pieces please and uh...cinnamon Dolce latte. Latte Macchiato for Niko and the black glazed petit four. Please put it on a tray, I'll carry it back to his office," she handed her card after she dropped her orders.

" can you give me your easiest coffee to make please? The coffee with coffee jelly, was it? I don't wanna waste my time, just sitting? " she added, embarrassed of herself.

The cashier just smiled at her and told her to sit anywhere she would like to sit.

The a minute later, a waiter approached her table and brought her coffee. She thanked him before he left and she looked around the cafeteria.

"hey Miss Vivienne, may we sit with you?" two women approached her. She knew them. They were her acquaintances when she stayed in the company last summer. They were twins.

"go ahead,"

"hey miss Vivienne, we really missed you here. Mr. Stone's temper is getting shorter and shorter," the short girl named Jessie, told her.

"yeah, you were the only one who can control his temper and bring him back to normal," the other girl, Jessica, added.

She snorted before asking them, "what do you mean?"

"uh...Mr. Stone brought 10 girls after you went back to school and most of them went out with a grumpy face. I heard one of them mumbling your name, was it true?"

"hmm?? Yeah, I remembered that I interrupted an 'important matter'," she chuckled.

They continued to talk for a while before the same waiter called her name. She refused to let him carry the tray as she could do it easily. She thanked him for his help before going back to his office.

When she was in front of the door, she loudly called his name and she didn't knew that there were other employees.

"yah, I'm going to hate you forever if you won't open the door, Niko Laurent Stone!"

Hearing her loud voice, he unwillingly walked up to the door and opened it. She handed him the tray and thanked him.

"well thank you my darling! You can hate me forever. I'll be fine with that," he muttered with pure annoyance before closing the door.

"was that miss Vivienne and Mr. Stone bickering? They really sound like a couple,"

"he even said darling to her. That must be the clue,"

"why do you think he told us to call her 'miss Vivienne'?"

"good point. I mean, they look good together. I'm sure they're together,"

Guys, we're almost there. 3 more chapters to go and we're 50 chaps already. I was just thinking that volume 1 would be 100 chapters or 125, depending on the flow.

I'm loving the bond between Liana and her brother, Niko. They're not just siblings but best friends.

Isn't his name so beautiful? Niko Laurent Stone ?

°Spoiler alert, sometimes, the best friend turns out to be the baddest friend. ?

Happy reading everyone ? ? ?

- Jeliane

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