
My kudere husband

Having been hurt by her childhood best friend, she did not dare to fall in love with other people. She thought, love is for the idiots. Little did she know, she was an idiot. She was always taught that family must and always do come first and being born in the Stone family, it was necessary to put her life on the line when it comes to protecting the so called 'sacred' family. But when things turned out differently, she did not know what to do, whether to stand with her own blood or to stand with what was right by nature. And when she thought that her marriage was going fine as she and her fiancé was going along, her past came back, hunting her. Dark secrets were spilled and the untold truths were now told. Buried treasures were opened. Betrayal and cruelty dominated more in her life and the once innocent and humane girl turned to something new

Jeliane143 · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
64 Chs

Stranger Danger

"where are you?" he shouted at his phone, frantic. He just received her text to come and get her and that someone was following her.

"J-Jun, I'm so scared," she whimpered, hiding inside the trash bin.

When she got inside the stationery store, which was below their mountainous village, Sweetheart village, she saw a man who wore a black hoodie, mask and a cap. Black overall. She didn't feel anything at first. She thought it was just a stranger customer but when he got closer to her, she could feel her heart beating so fast.

She made a hasty decision to text Jun to fetch her. First minute, he didn't reply. Her hands trembled but she kept calm on the outside.

When she thought that the man was gone, she walked straight home from The Peterleas street where she was and to her village. She cursed herself for living in a mountainous village. But she thought wrong, the man suddenly turned up behind her, using the back area of the street.

She gasped and run as fast as she could and tried to kept herself from panicking but that was what she was doing already. She didn't looked back, didn't dare to do so and just kept on running, careful to not trip over. She saw an alley and made a turn, almost slipped but she got a balance.

When she didn't hear any footsteps aside from hers, she made another turn to the left to get back to the main street, but she decided to hide inside the trash bin.

"you should've listened to me," he said, running outside of their house, cursing when he realized that their house was on the top of the mountain.

"I-I'm s-so s-sorry," she whispered, covering her mouth.

His voice cracked when he asked, "were are you?" he could feel his heart bursting out. He was afraid of what will happen to her.

He kept on running and running, getting impatient. He blamed himself for not following her after she went out of the house.

When she notified him that she would buy stationery items, he told her that he would accompany her, but she refused. As what she said, she could take care of herself and used the excuse that the sun is still shining bright, no harm would come to her.

"I'm at the alley before the North Jasmine Street," he didn't say anything and just kept on running.

"where are you going sir?" the guard stopped him but he didn't listened.

"sir, I'm sorry-"

"My fiancé is in danger!" he shouted before dashing out.

She didn't turned off the phone and just waited. She made sure that she won't make any noise and movements. Just then, she heard footsteps from afar. She prayed, hoping that it would be Jun and not that creepy stranger.

Jun's POV

I swear, if something bad will happen to her, I won't forgive myself. Damn Jun! I didn't follow her. I told myself that I would follow her just to make sure that she's safe, just like what I did for the past months after we met. But then, she told me that she didn't like someone following her. I respected her decision but now, I don't know what to do.

I arrived at the alley and saw no one there. I was out of breath and I stopped for a second before looking around.

"Think, Jun. She's pretty smart, where would she hide?" I told myself as I turned around and made a run. There were cartoons and I flipped each, but she wasn't there.

I won't give up. "where are you?" I was running, looking back and my front when I saw a trash bin. Yes, she could be there. She's smart, my fiancé is very smart.

3rd person's POV

"Liana," He breathed out after opening the bin. She immediately embraced him and cried on his shoulders. He let out a relieved sigh and embraced her back. He slowly pulled her out of the dirty bin, but he didn't care about it. He was glad that she was safe.

They were embracing each other when they heard footsteps. They turned around and saw the man.

"he's the man that chased me," she whispered, clutching on his jacket.

"can you fight him?" she voiced out, scared of him getting hurt. He nodded and pulled her to his side.

"awe, what a sweet couple," the man suddenly said, sarcastically.

"too bad, you won't last long. The public will know this," he said, taking out his camera and captured it.

Jun ran after him and threw few punches. Silly man, he didn't know how to counter attack Jun. Jun was beating him up when he took out a knife and made a cut on his cheek. The cut was about 1 inch and looked a little deep.

She was crying out loud, screaming for help but to no avail, she couldn't be heard. She gasped and broke down when she saw the man cut his cheek. Jun lost his balance and kicked him, using his legs. He surely twisted the man's legs and watched him drop his knife before running away.

He limped, going to her and she quickly ran towards him, engulfing him. She scanned his face and touched his cheek. "look at you, why did you even attempt to attack him," she cried, hugging him.

He chuckled and walked with her on his side. She gripped his jacket and continued to cry while walking.


"OH my goodness! What happened to the both of you?" Manang Brenda exclaimed, quickly getting the first aid kit.

"hurry, wash your face. Liana, wash yourself too," she said, pulling Jun to the sink and made him wash his cheek.

She looked at him straight in the eyes and went away after he nodded. She was scared to leave him.

After she washed herself, she quickly went to the kitchen and watched manang Brenda disinfect his cut and treat the wound. She made sure that she would learn how to treat wounds for him.


He was in the terrace inside the tent, calling someone from his past. "hello? I need to ask a favor from you," he softly said.
