
My kudere husband

Having been hurt by her childhood best friend, she did not dare to fall in love with other people. She thought, love is for the idiots. Little did she know, she was an idiot. She was always taught that family must and always do come first and being born in the Stone family, it was necessary to put her life on the line when it comes to protecting the so called 'sacred' family. But when things turned out differently, she did not know what to do, whether to stand with her own blood or to stand with what was right by nature. And when she thought that her marriage was going fine as she and her fiancé was going along, her past came back, hunting her. Dark secrets were spilled and the untold truths were now told. Buried treasures were opened. Betrayal and cruelty dominated more in her life and the once innocent and humane girl turned to something new

Jeliane143 · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
64 Chs

Mean fiancé and a flirty hoe

"Are you settled in the hotel?" Liana was biting her nails while waiting for their answer. Right after she fetched them from the airport, they went directly to a restaurant to eat and after that, they settled in a hotel.

"Why can't we just stay with you?"

"Justin, I already told you that the apartment is enough for me. Do you want to sleep in the toilet? And you're 6'2, of course you won't fit in the couch," she grumbled, feeling proud as her excuse was acceptable.

"fine, you better treat me something when we meet up," He warned as he earned a slap from Christian.

"Livie, don't worry about my brother- OW!" Christian screamed while being dragged by Justin, away from the laptop.

Victoria or 'Vic' approached the gadget while applying nude lipstick on her lips, "Liana, when's your departure?"

"We'll, a day after tomorrow," she answered, not looking directly at her. She was saddened that she won't be able to go somewhere with her friends, and she knew exactly who to blame.

Suddenly, she felt the table vibrate. She tried to find something that caused it when it was Jun's phone that caused it. She crunched her face when she saw Veronica's name popping up. The witch was calling. She looked around but he wasn't there. Then, her phone rang too but she missed the call.

"Vic, I gotta go. I'll catch up on all of you soon. Promise, I'll treat you whatever you like," with that, she hurriedly ended the call.

Veronica called 3 times and she was fed up that she wanted to answer her. But then, a message popped up, still coming from her. What does she want now?

"Oppa, I really want you. Can we meet tomorrow?" her eyes didn't widened, instead she chuckled before continuing to brush her hair when the door opened loudly that she jumped on her seat.


"why did you touched my phone?" he snarled while grabbing his phone harshly from the table. He then went up to her their face was too close. Her heart was going out of her chest. She could see his veins popping on his neck but something caught her up. It was the coldness in his eyes.

She felt herself crying, she held back the tears trying to go out. She didn't want to cry in front of him. They stayed like that for a minute before he walked out, slamming the door.

"what was that?" her heart tightened, pouring her tears out from her eyes. She was clutching on her shirt, unable to catch up on her heavy breaths. Her aching consumed her that it left her devastated and exhausted. She crawled going to the bed and she wrapped herself with the covers.

"I didn't do anything, wrong," she hiccuped between her words. What did she do to make him act like that? She was a poor wife. She couldn't do anything to stop her husband from acting cold to her.

She clasped her hands and prayed. After a while, her eyes got swollen and she could feel herself sleepy and fortunately, she slept. While she was sleeping, she clutched the warm covers, hoping that it would give her warm. A comforting warm that she needed the most after he left her.


"Liana ah, the kids needs to go back to the orphanage," Tutor Hao spoke through the line. Liana looked at the kids who were eating their breakfast peacefully. She had cooked breakfast and ate already before Tutor Hao called her.

"what do you mean, tutor Hao? I thought we already adopted the kids," she said while scratching her neck. She scratched her neck whenever she felt crying.

She wanted to cry. She was over thinking. She felt a bond with the kids and now, they're going back to the orphanage? She fought against Jun for that. How cruel can the world be?

She looked at the kids once again before she looked at the ceiling above her. She forgot, tutor Hao was still on the phone. She then put the phone on her ears.

"I'm sorry, can you repeat it again?"

"Aish, as I was saying, the owner of the orphanage wanted them back there. Before you two, there was a couple who can't bear a child and they approached the orphanage and met the twins. They were supposed to their parents but personal matters came. I knew that both of you are not ready. So? "

" I-i, where is t-the or-orphanage? "she stuttered while asking, hiding her sadness. She mouthed to the kids that she will just be at the living room.

" are you crying? Liana, don't cry. I-i thought-"

" it's fine Tutor Hao. I felt sad because I care for them and love them like my own b-but, you-you're correct, we're too young for that," she finally breathed out. For the first time, she shared something from her heart to someone.

" I understand. Someone will fetch them there. Okay, I have to go, take care and be ready for your flight tomorrow, " with that tutor Hao ended the call.

She forgot, they were going to return home, tomorrow. She thought, she could bring the children. Again, thinking about the children made her sad.

" Eomma, why are you crying? " young Hani touched her cheek while looking at her eyes. She immediately brushed the tears away and laughed awkwardly.

"Eomma, are you okay?" Hyunjun asked while hugging her side.

"I'm not crying. Eomma's fine. Aigoo, I'm going to miss you both, so much," she whispered while gathering the kids for a hug.


She couldn't do anything to keep the kids with her. They were new adults and in their last year of college. She couldn't just live with kids. That was her reason why she denied them for the first time they met.

So, she packed their clothes. The ones that was on their closet. She gave them the clothes as they didn't bring clothes the first time. She wasted no time to pack for their things too. She thought of how cruel she could be. She didn't bring any clothes when going here but when going back, she's going to bring a lot.

She found a luggage on the bottom of her closet and thought of bringing some of her favorite clothes. She packed some clothes before putting the designer bags. She thought of bringing Gavinchy Antigona, the Hermès Kelly and Christian Dior's Lady Dior. She couldn't bring all of the bags, home, so she thought of bringing 3 bags. She transferred the things from her convertible bag to Lady Dior bag except her camera as she had place fit on the luggage before taking the things out.

"Eomma! Someone's ringing the doorbell," when she heard Hani's shouts, she immediately went down while holding their luggage.

"are they going to take us?" Hyunjun asked.

"I don't want to leave you, Eomma," Hani cried, clutching Liana's light brown and pink striped sweatshirt.

"Eomma, Appa's not here," she further said. She bent down on their level as she wiped their tears.

"Aigoo, don't worry about me. I announced it to you, a while ago. I am going back home, to my place. I wish I could bring you there," she whispered the last part before hugging them tightly.

"We don't want them to wait, do we?" she nodded at them before she asked them to open the door. She held their luggage as she opened the gate. She met a couple in their 30s.

"Mrs. Johnson?" Hani looked up and asked while rubbing her eyes.

"Oh my Hani. How have you been? You look so good with your outfit," the woman complimented her. I was the one who picked her outfit for today, Liana scoffed.

"please take a good care of them," she said while holding Hyunjun's hands.

"kids, be good to them okay? I will visit you both whenever I come here, okay?" she hugged them one last time before they went inside their van.

She leaned on the concrete gate for support as her heart tightened in her chest. She turned on her camera as she looked at the pictures she took. Her camera was hanging around her neck since she wanted to take good pictures of them for the last time.

"I miss them already," she whispered as the picture showed Hani clutching on her side.

I might not be able to update for a while since I am out of my activity. I have been abandoning it and if I continue, I will surely fail.

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