
My kudere husband

Having been hurt by her childhood best friend, she did not dare to fall in love with other people. She thought, love is for the idiots. Little did she know, she was an idiot. She was always taught that family must and always do come first and being born in the Stone family, it was necessary to put her life on the line when it comes to protecting the so called 'sacred' family. But when things turned out differently, she did not know what to do, whether to stand with her own blood or to stand with what was right by nature. And when she thought that her marriage was going fine as she and her fiancé was going along, her past came back, hunting her. Dark secrets were spilled and the untold truths were now told. Buried treasures were opened. Betrayal and cruelty dominated more in her life and the once innocent and humane girl turned to something new

Jeliane143 · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
64 Chs

Detective Louise

"well..." the other person on the other line, paused.

"enlighten me,"

Jun sighed deeply and explained what happened, " It was unexpected. I need you to track the person. Find him and eliminate him, if he's a threat," he harshly said, gripping tightly on the chair.

The other person on the other line scoffed and replied," easy there Mr. CEO, I can't just eliminate a person, I am a Detective with a clean state, " her voice was filled with pride.

" well, Louise, just do your best to find him and take any information he has about me and Liana," he sighed and massaged his temple.

Detective Louise was his friend from highschool in a different school. He preferred having his seniors, the mature ones, his friends rather than the juniors and the immature people. In fact, he was the only junior in his peer group. She graduated with a Bachelor degree in criminal justice, psychology, criminology and sociology.

"you're just lucky that the police department just recently put surveillance cameras secretly at that dark alley. It'll be hard to identify him if there's no cameras around,"

"thank my lucky star,"

"It seems like your marriage is hidden, why is that?" she chuckled. She knew Jun and it was a little funny for her to think that Jun was going hide and seek to the public's eye.

One thing he didn't like, friends older than him liked to gossip and spread news.

He groaned as he though about how his life suddenly turned 180°. "business and its own world,"

"It would be much interesting after you claim your inheritance, wouldn't it? It's your worst nightmare, but then again, aren't all nightmares worse?" she chuckled and expected his reaction. She was glad she could catch a glimpse of his present life and she couldn't help herself from pitying him. It was fun to watch that the great Jun was suffering, but she was just teasing.

"sometimes, I do regret that I am the eldest of the boys and the heir of the Grey Immersion. Handling 3 companies would never be easy. It's going to change my whole life,"

"hold on tight, buddy. I'm sure Liana will be there to help you out. After all, that's her main role as your wife," she tried to lift her mood up, yet she couldn't convince him. No one could.

"also, when she says that she doesn't need any help, it's always the opposite, that's how a woman's mind works," she added before ending the call.

"look who's talking," Jun muttered as if Louise was not a woman too.


"why were you outside this late?" she asked him while blinking her eyes, adjusting to the brightness of the living room.

She woke up due to back pain, probably from curling into a ball inside the trash bin. She decided to take a painkiller from the kitchen. However, she met Jun on the way.

"I needed air, how are you?"

She frowned, "I should be the one asking you that. Is it still painful?" the wound was neatly wrapped up.

He gave a small smile, sending an electric rush on her body. "I can handle the pain, you should rest. Back pain?"

She nodded and said, "you shouldsleep. I'll sleep after taking a painkiller." she went to the kitchen with Jun following her.

"Don't think too much about what happened today, you'll be stressed out," he reminded her. He knew that she often think a lot about recent events or activities whether it's a good thing or not.

She gave a tight smile before nodding. She gave a thumps up after she took the painkiller and walked beside him.

" You should just rest and take a few days off. I can explain it to the teachers," she said as she was still concerned about him. She couldn't let him walk around the school with a wounded face. Not that she was ashamed of his wound but, he might get infections.

"They're going to suspect you." he replied when they reached the staircase.

"make a letter then. We're classmates. I can just tell them that you told me to drop this letter off," she explained her idea. He thought about it for a while before nodding at her.

She was about to go to her own room, the last guest room beside the library, when Jun invited her to his own room.

" I thought you're going to make a letter? " he answered in a questioning tone. She raised her finger up and nodded.

When she entered his room, which was originally their shared room, she was a little fascinated at the interior design. The bed was king sized and comfy and at the back was his own walk in closet.

"take a seat there," he pointed at his armchair, right next to his study table.

Hi guys, I haven't been able to update since I got tonsillitis and more homework to do. I got a Hella long lists of lessons to study. Hooray for me!

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