
My kudere husband

Having been hurt by her childhood best friend, she did not dare to fall in love with other people. She thought, love is for the idiots. Little did she know, she was an idiot. She was always taught that family must and always do come first and being born in the Stone family, it was necessary to put her life on the line when it comes to protecting the so called 'sacred' family. But when things turned out differently, she did not know what to do, whether to stand with her own blood or to stand with what was right by nature. And when she thought that her marriage was going fine as she and her fiancé was going along, her past came back, hunting her. Dark secrets were spilled and the untold truths were now told. Buried treasures were opened. Betrayal and cruelty dominated more in her life and the once innocent and humane girl turned to something new

Jeliane143 · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
64 Chs

Delayed Wedding

She was resting her head on her table when her brother, Niko barged in in her office. "what the? What's wrong?"

"You. Need. To. Delay. Your. Wedding."

She slowly walked up to him and again asked what was wrong. She was totally unaware of what's happening.

"remember the person who threatened you?"

"Jun is taking care of it. Some people were tracking him. Jun said that the problem was solved. He just texted me. Niko, what's happening?" she felt a lump in her throat knowing that Julius was still out there.

Jun lied about it because he didn't want her to worry anymore. When the men searched for Lucio Star and did their job, they found out something else. The person behind Julius was a little life threatening man.

"Fvk that. He's lying! The person who's protecting Julius is one of the known mafia in Freedonia and I can't just easily ignite a fight without them igniting it first!" he exclaimed, scaring Liana. He softened when he saw his fear flashed in her eyes before doubt flashed.

" H-how d-did you know? Did you do something? "

She gripped the hem of her blouse while watching Niko with strange looks in her eyes as if she was looking at a complete stranger.

" You're my sister! Of course I would do anything to protect you! " his voice got louder and he couldn't help but gripped his hair.

" protect me? My family is hiding something from me!"

" our parents did it to protect you! Why can't you get that?" again, he tried to control his raging voice.

"really? Because from my perspective, it was like self-isolating and it totally sucked! How am I even supposed to protect myself if I don't know what's going on around me?!"

"Drake is dangerous and I can easily put an end to his life if I didn't think of you"

"put an end to his life? Are you crazy?!" she cried. She dropped the envelope she was holding and just cried.

"You know, I never thought that my brother, my best friend could do such an evil thing. Killing people, is that what you do?"

Never in her entire life she thought about her brothers killing other people for the sake of her safety. It was beyond her imagination and she felt draught. A brother, not wasting his time, willing to kill other people to protect his only sister, cruel!

"I didn't do it because I cared for you and as your older brother, I didn't want to scare you. Can't you at least be thankful for me that I was keeping an eye on you?"

He was heartbroken when he realized that Liana was not mad at him but was dismayed. When his assistant stayed up all night to track down Julius and the person behind him, Drake, he was about to order her to kill him immediately but when his thoughts went to Liana, he halted. He knew exactly what she would do and how she would react to the topic. So, he canceled his first instruction and just told them to observe Drake's movements.

He knew his sister very well and he didn't like to disappoint her. But even if he wanted to do right by her, he would still take precautionary measures. He dislike being a sitting duck.

"when I told my assistant to kill him at once, my thoughts went to you and I stopped them from further taking my simple instruction. I knew how you'll react and what you'll do to me,"

He went to hug her but she didn't respond. She didn't wrapped her arms around him. She let her mind process everything that just happened and her mind took it very slowly. It was only for a few minutes when her arms surrounded him.

" Don't you dare kill someone without my permission," she said, while holding her last tear.

He looked at her, confused about the permission thing before he agreed. He was looking at his sister's eyes, looking at something. He was making sure that he was facing his real sister.

She thought that he would always contact her whenever he had the urge to kill Drake and Julius...

He agreed, but he didn't promise. That's the difference.

"you should contact mom and asked her to move the date. Make up excuses and she'll just understand. If she won't, use your voice. It's your wedding anyways," he said coldly before closing the door and walked away.

"but my wedding is in a week from now and I've been waiting for it," she pouted before wiping her tears from a while ago and went to contact her mother.

While he walked towards his own office and before he sat down on his chair, he called his assistant. Instantly, she answered with an optimistic attitude.

"observe them a little longer and try to get an inside man there. We'll try to take it slow...and uh...Alora...thank you for doing a good job,"

"no worries. I'm happy to help. After all...I'm your assistant," she tried to say it positively but her voice failed her at the end.

Hi guys, sorry for not being able to update yesterday. Yesterday was Sunday and it's supposed to be rest day. Anyway, here you go. I'll be updating 2 chapters still each day at the end of the day. Sorry if the chapter's not long.

From now on I'll be reminding you to drink water, clean your surrounding and stay at home.

Again, if you have any suggestions, let me know in the comments.

Happy reading everyone ? ? ?

- Jeliane

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