
My kudere husband

Having been hurt by her childhood best friend, she did not dare to fall in love with other people. She thought, love is for the idiots. Little did she know, she was an idiot. She was always taught that family must and always do come first and being born in the Stone family, it was necessary to put her life on the line when it comes to protecting the so called 'sacred' family. But when things turned out differently, she did not know what to do, whether to stand with her own blood or to stand with what was right by nature. And when she thought that her marriage was going fine as she and her fiancé was going along, her past came back, hunting her. Dark secrets were spilled and the untold truths were now told. Buried treasures were opened. Betrayal and cruelty dominated more in her life and the once innocent and humane girl turned to something new

Jeliane143 · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
64 Chs

Deadly family, eh?

Rubbing his temple and crossing his legs like a noble man, he began to tell the details.

"recently, I'm engaged to my wonderful fiancée and the wedding is in a week. Few days ago, my fiancée was attacked by a man named Julius Kim. Now, I'm sure her family has something to do with it. Anyways, her family is not the problem, Julius is. Yesterday, he managed to severe some officers and escaped and when we checked the surveillance cameras, the record got deleted. Then today, I went to interrogate all the officers and they didn't give a name except this young officer. He saw Lucio Star entering the room and leaving the room slightly opened. What do you think? "

Leonardo looked at him before thinking deliberately.

" this Julius Kim might be backed up by a mafia or someone powerful but...we can take him down. Let my men do their business and we will deal with Lucion Star, or whoever he is, "

" my lowest offer is $1.5 million. If you want to raise it, give me the numbers and I'll immediately send you the money, "

Leonardo snorted seeing as Jun didn't change a bit." Young man, this old man is not after money anymore. I've been receiving money. Besides, you're like a son to me. You don't need to pay me anything but if you insist, you can give me a million dollar, "

The old man was more interested in his life and just knowing that Jun was getting married, he felt like he missed a lot of things.

" now, who is this woman? And how the hell did she captured your heart? " he joked. He lived for so long that he was more interested in young people's lives.

Jun was one of his favorite people. He haven't seen him in a while. He had spent a lot of time with him and missed the familiar sense of love lingering around the two.

Moreover, his niece once loved Jun yet she couldn't get his attention back then. Because of his lack of flirting and full of coldness, she eventually backed out and found another man.

Jun, ever since he was a teenager, he was cold and it was as if his heart was stone cold. With the news of him getting married in a week from now, it was rather greater than a celebrity making memes.

"her name's Liana and let's just say that her family is very wealthy, and powerful. Anyways, I have another problem. Perhaps, have you met the Stone family?"

Jun wanted to have his answers and see if his new family was not really innocent. He wanted to protect his fiancée by knowing her true familys' colors.

" the Stone family? My goodness, you shouldn't be messing with them. Did you do something? "

" N-no, of course not. I knew better than to mess with powerful families,"

"well, what you need to know is that, that family is something you should never pick a fight with. One of my clients pissed them off and it cost him his assets. I've met them time to time and if I observe carefully, all of them are deadly, especially the children. The dear old Mr. Li, was the only one who has a little mercy. I've tried to flirt with Li Lifen, Karina's mother, and she just kicked me in the crotch and slapped the hell out of me, "

Jun wanted to laugh loudly but he just snorted. Knowing Liana's grandmother, he was definitely deceived by her. But, he never met her grandfather.

" are they really deadly? "

Leonardo looked at him as if he was an innocent child back in the days.

" of course. I don't lie to those things. Besides, with power and their influence, they are the masters. What I have learned though is that they're only ferocious and merciless when it's necessary and when people mess with them, but they indeed have good heart. Haven't you watched the news, young man? They've invested their money in charities and helped thousands of people, millions maybe. Anyways, why are you so intent on getting to know them? Shouldn't you be studying and training yourself to be a CEO? "

When he knew that Jun would inherent the Grey Immersion, which consisted of three companies, he knew that Jun had a better future. He hoped for the best.

He also knew that by giving him details of the Stone family, he knew that there's something Jun was hiding. He was interested with them, and as a young man who will have everything, why is he focusing on them?

"Uhm...did you know that they had a daughter?" he cautiously asked.

"they had a little girl but she died 14 years ago. If I remember correctly, her name was Li Xue Ya,"

With that, Jun's head was bombarded with questions. He quickly held his head as it was throbbing.

"Who the hell is Li Xue Ya?"

"Why did they hid her?"

"How did they come up with the idea of letting the public know that she's dead?"

"Is she really dead?"

"Is Liana an adopted child?"

"what am I supposed to do?"

"should I trust her family?"

"should I even trust her?"

"my dear, are you okay? Something is going on between you and the Stone family. When your parents hear about this, they would be mad. Tell me what happened,"

He called one of his maid to bring a glass of water immediately. Shortly, a youthful lady came inside the room and placed the glass on the table, next to him before she went out when he dismissed her.

" nothing, it's just that this Julius Kim might offended the Stone's 14 years ago,"

"are you saying that he might be the one who killed their daughter? Well, that's an interesting plot twist, indeed. But that's not my business. I'm only here to help you and your fiancée. Will you stay for dinner or just mid day snack? Please?"

With his plead, Jun couldn't help but to agree. In fact, he did missed Leonardo who was like a father to him in so many ways. He observed Leonardo's face and noticed that he didn't even age.

All righty, I'm able to write 2 chapters for today. My phone is about to go drop dead, so bye byeeeeee. Updates for tomorrow night again.

Let's talk about this family.

° They're indeed vicious but can a person really be evil and good at the same time?

°if a person is already merciless, how can he/she do a good thing?

Happy reading everyone ? ? ?

- Jeliane

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