
My kudere husband

Having been hurt by her childhood best friend, she did not dare to fall in love with other people. She thought, love is for the idiots. Little did she know, she was an idiot. She was always taught that family must and always do come first and being born in the Stone family, it was necessary to put her life on the line when it comes to protecting the so called 'sacred' family. But when things turned out differently, she did not know what to do, whether to stand with her own blood or to stand with what was right by nature. And when she thought that her marriage was going fine as she and her fiancé was going along, her past came back, hunting her. Dark secrets were spilled and the untold truths were now told. Buried treasures were opened. Betrayal and cruelty dominated more in her life and the once innocent and humane girl turned to something new

Jeliane143 · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
64 Chs

Conference meeting

When she went back to the cafeteria to retrieve the tray and the plates, she heard the employees talking about her again.

She guessed that it was about her Instagram posts as years ago, which Jessie and Jessica leaked.

"miss Vivienne, you look so pretty," someone said behind her.

"thank you. You look pretty as well,"

"miss Vivienne, is it true that Mr. Stone is your boyfriend?" she was taken aback from her sudden statement.

She didn't know what to say after that and her hands were trembling. "It's not my place to tell but I assure you, there's nothing going on between me and Mr. Stone. You should know that I am a professional and my work has nothing to do with my personal life,"

All the employees surrounding her were quite ashamed of themselves as they thought that the two were dating. She used good words and managed to convince the others that they weren't dating.

" I bet she was desperate to be on Mr. Stone's bed, " the very same girl whispered when Liana walked away.


"you should control your employees. They're making up stories and me desperately crawling on your bed to be with you? Disgusting A. F. Brother please, don't make me go back to my old self,"

Whenever she goes back to this place, she was often asked about it whether she's dating him or she's his side chick. With her clothes too, people often called her as a gold digger for using Niko's money without knowing the real reason.

Either they talk behind her back or to on her face. Each time she goes back, they became much less ashamed to talk back at her.

She rarely talks back at them. So she was often called as a 'weakling'. She just didn't want to waste her energy on wastes.

"yah! If you want to burn them, burn them," he didn't look at her annoyed face as he knew that his employees were going overboard.

"I can easily burn them but my mother told me not to burn trashes," she flopped herself on the couch and crossed her leg.

"oh, by the way, the meeting starts within 15 minutes from now and you're going with me,"

While she was using her phone, notifications popped up on the screen. She figured out that it was from other people. She took a picture of herself showing a bitch face.

" Your ass must be pretty jealous of all the shit that comes out of your mouth, " was her caption and Ashley got triggered.

"yah, who bad-mouthed you again?" Liana could hear Ashley's loud voice in her head.

"I just stepped on some shits, but I washed it with the finest water on Earth," she talked with Ashley and Victoria for a couple of minutes before she was called out by Niko.

"Liana Vivienne let's go. Bring your journal,"

When they both arrived at the conference room, all eyes were on them and seeing her trail behind him, some women rolled their eyes. She wanted to laugh but for the sake of their dignity, she didn't.

Niko didn't want people to disrespect her sister and he would do necessary things to protect her.

Suddenly, he turned his head and faced Liana who was smiling at her brother. It was as if they were having telepathy.

After they greeted Niko, the financial manager led the meeting while he listened to her report. Recently, they were promoting on their new film. However, they spent too much money on promoting their own film that it caused problem to them.

"Livie, what do you think?" his smile was smug while he asked her. In terms of meetings, Liana could make a person's life miserable by throwing harsh questions and then pushing them to their line, for them to protect their own dignity.

"may I?"

"of course,"

" Excessive ad spending is a common problem. Have you ever been taking my advices to master solving easy problems? In every promotion, there's a specific balance of money to use and just because you think spending a little more money will actually do the magic, doesn't mean that it will always work. Did all of you talk this out? "

Everyone in the room slowly nodded. They were used to her spine-breaking words and her tone but each day, she become stronger.

" then why does this problem happen again and again? Business must be taken seriously and everyone knows that. If you don't, why did you apply here? We can't take back the money. How are you going to solve it?"

"Uhm...by promoting again,"

"my question is, HOW? How are you going to promote? Just the simple and basic promoting process? Is that it? Is that the best of your ability? I need you to think deliberately about it,"

"Uhm...we can have fundraising event with the actors. Like, their fans could get their chance to take pictures with them but with a price or sell window cards or posters or let them have a 5 minute talk with the cast,"

"That's it. There you go. You found your life saver. What's your name?"

"My name is Vivian," the woman shyly uttered, not looking at Liana.

"almost the same as mine,"

"I can easily burn them but my mother told me to not burn trashes," this is a good comeback, you know?

Happy reading everyone ? ? ?

- Jeliane

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