
My kudere husband

Having been hurt by her childhood best friend, she did not dare to fall in love with other people. She thought, love is for the idiots. Little did she know, she was an idiot. She was always taught that family must and always do come first and being born in the Stone family, it was necessary to put her life on the line when it comes to protecting the so called 'sacred' family. But when things turned out differently, she did not know what to do, whether to stand with her own blood or to stand with what was right by nature. And when she thought that her marriage was going fine as she and her fiancé was going along, her past came back, hunting her. Dark secrets were spilled and the untold truths were now told. Buried treasures were opened. Betrayal and cruelty dominated more in her life and the once innocent and humane girl turned to something new

Jeliane143 · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
64 Chs

100th detention

She groaned while cleaning the bathroom of the third building, the freshman department. This was the worst building ever in their school and her nightmare were made true. She was mopping the dirty and wrenched tiles while Dylan was cleaning the bins and the sink.

"Vivienne, are you okay there? Hard time breathing?" he asked, in cold sweat. He could see her blinking her eyes as sweats trickled down on her face. Without hesitation, he wahse dis hands before rushing to her.

"are you okay? Let me help you," He grabbed the hair tie from her wrist and carefully pulled her hair up while she kept up with her breathing. She was leaning her back on Dylan.

"Ponytail or bun?" without hearing any reply, he answered his own question, "bun it is," He made a bun before wiping the sweat on her back and neck. He crunched his face before throwing the towel on her face and told her to wipe it off.

Dylan took the towel back and placed it on her back, hanging on her uniform for the towel to soak the sweat.

"you finish with the mopping, I'll just clean the cubicles," He said without looking at her.

She looked at her with naive eyes and her heart softened. This man might be playful and annoying but he takes care of people around her without letting them know.

" I'll help you clean with the last cubicle, " she said after she finished mopping but he was quick to disagree. She tried protesting but he just went silent and ignored her protests.

"then, I'll buy us snacks? Nevermind, I'll treat you something later."

Seeing as he won't let her clean, she sat down at the bench outside the bathroom, a little far from it. She carefully moved her canvas bag above his messenger bag. She leaned on the chair for a couple of minutes before she checked him. Seeing as he was still cleaning, she decided to sleep.


" Princess, wakey wakey. Rise and shine," Dylan sang in front of her while damping the towel on her face.

She crunched her face when she smelled the foul smell of the cloth and immediately grabbed the cloth from her face. She pushed him out of his sight as she stood up to stretch.

Seeing as the sky was already a little darker she asked, "what time is it?" she looked at Dylan who was reading his watch and nodded when he said that it's about quarter to 6. She jolted when she noticed how late it was already.

"she gave me another task and forced me to clean the men's bathroom." he further explained after seeing her confused face.

"are you hungry?" he asked. Instead of her asking him that, he was the one who asked.

"I was planning to have snacks with you at Buzztime but since it's evening, let's have dinner together," she grabbed her bag beside her as he grabbed his bag too and they walked beside ecah other.

"I told manang Brenda that you'll be going home late," he suddenly said, forgetting to tell her a while ago. She crunched her face when she was confused with what he said but nodded anyways.

"check your phone," instantly, she fished her phone out of her bag and looked at the missed calls and texts from manang Brenda and tutor Hao but no missed call or text from Jun. She tightly smiled, forcing herself and reassuring herself, she turned off her phone before placing it back.


They were waiting outside of Buzztime as the line was a little long. There were couple of freshman students who were staring and talking about them. Dylan was pretty conscious about what they were talking.

"look at those girls," he whispered, leaning on her side. She raised her eyebrow while looking at them and immediately, they looked away.

"she looks ugly, why is she with senior Dylan?" someone said to their side where the girls were still chit chatting.

A senior student in front of them heard their conversation and scoffed at them, "you don't know who you are talking to. Do you know about the school's enchantress?"

Dylan noticed how uncomfortable she was when hearing them bad mouthing her. Without warning, he swayed his arm on her, landing on her shoulders and pressed her towards his body.

She gasped and whispered-shouted at him," what the hell are you doing? "

"My Vivienne, I know you're hungry but we have to wait," He teased, kissing her cheek. She made a fist and connected it on his stomach as he suppressed the pain.

Finally, it was their turn and Liana was so happy that she kept smiling. They walked and sat on the two seated table, excited to eat.

" what do you want to eat? You did all the cleaning," she opened the menu and scanned her eyes through the papers.

"do you want steak and potatoes? Wait, you don't really eat steak. How about garlic butter chicken bites with asparagus?" she pointed at the meal.

"you know what I want. Since you chose what's mine, I'll choose what's yours. You like beef and pork. Beef stroganoff? Sweet and sour pork ribs? Vivienne? Sweet and sour pork ribs it is." he answered his own question again, seeing as she was taking pictures.

" we'll also have cream chicken Alfredo, the big one. We'll just share and the usual drinks, don't put too many ice on hers. " he thanked the waiter while they waited.

" I'm so hungry, can they speed up? For once?" she whispered, scared to be heard. She was laying her head on the table.

" it'll be ready for about an hour. But since we're a regular customer, maybe less than 40 minutes?" he didn't sound convincing.

She just nodded and let the time goes by. She told him that she would be sleeping and she would need him to wake her up when the food arrived. He scoffed and let her sleep.

While she was sleeping, he remembered how cold the table was and directly took out his handkerchief from his bag to place it under her face. He slowly raised her face while sneaking the cloth under her face. He slumped on his seat once his mission was successful.