
MY KING MY WORLD: Shackles Of Passion

In a time of war, the Elf king, Lord Alexander Damien Quinn, must do everything in his power to keep the paws of the werewolf clan off his beloved territory. If this was his only task, it would have been easier. But things would get even harder when his destined love, a palace human maiden, sees the difference in their status as a barrier to their passion. Can the King battle for his kingdom and fight for love at the same time? Turn the pages to find out about the love story between humans and supernaturals. Warning:Mature Concept (No Rape)

CJEMPIREChristyJoy · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter 2:Eyes Scanner 1

Chapter 2:Eyes Scanner 1

After sipping wine from the glass, he started a conversation with the King.

"My lord, what do you think about Lady Magie? I think she is hot. I wonder why you haven't made any advances at her".

Then the king replied

"She is not my taste. If I am to make advances at her, it would be for pleasure's sake. Women like her are no good, demons you can't imagine".

Rex stood up from where he was sitting, went to the bar, took another bottle, and poured the remaining glass of wine.

"You know, you are something else, Damien. You're hardly the same Damien that left the palace. What went wrong?" Rex sipped his drink, licked his lips, went back to sitting, and sat waiting. Waiting for the king's answer. The king finally answered

"Nothing went wrong, I'm only waiting for the right time to claim what has always been mine. Mine it will always be, and no one else."

Rex smiled at his words, looked up to the ceiling of the room, and inhaled the night air coming through the window. Then he  asked

"When will you tell me her name? When will I get to meet her. To know her. To see why you can love none other but her? I know your answer will be 'soon', but when?".

Damien took his drink and sipped from it. He stood up and went to the window, inhaling the night air....again. His shadow in the room took a demonic semblance. The air blew his long Raven black hair, scattering it left and right. Then he saw the dame that came to serve him walking in the garden of the palace, playing with each flower that she came across. She bent over and smelled them. He smiled in her direction, remembering her innocent, scared face.

He walked away from the window, went back to his seat, and replied to Rex's almost five-minute-old question,

"You are right, I said soon, and soon you will meet her. You have met her, but haven't realized it yet" He smiled and continued

"She is so different from others. A delicate flower that has become my obsession. One I can't let go of. I left the palace to protect her, and now that I'm back, she can't run away. and she knows that too well".


Weeks after he spoke with the king, he would walk through the forest trying to remember all the women he had met, but he could not seem to place a face.

"I wonder! who is this beauty that made Damien leave the palace"

Rex said to himself. He continues to walk deeper into the forest still trying to find a perfect picture. He stopped when he remember the maiden that ran out of the king's room and saw the king smile like that for the first time. That was the first time, Damien ever smile like that.

Could it be? "Nah, it can't be", he thought aloud "Not that maiden. Damien can't fall for a lowly maid. He even said she was no good. But who could it be?" he said to himself.

When he couldn't come up with an answer, he decided to let it rest. Sometimes, it is best to let destiny play its role.


"Why isn't this place squeaky clean?"  Damien asked, furious.

"M-my-my lord, the maiden that-that's supposed to be on duty is currently indisposed. She was out in the rain all night, removing the weeds in the garden" replied the head of maidens. '

'Oh, I see. In that case, get someone else to clean this place up".

"Yes my lord" Sofy, the head maid, replied

The king walked through the corridors of the palace, going deeper until he stopped at a particular room. He inhaled and exhaled, open the door, and went in

"Abby, what were you thinking, working in the rain, tell me?"

Immediately she heard his voice, she stood up, but too weak to stand, and fell. But before she met with the ground, he caught her in an instant.

They stared at each for five minutes, before she broke it because she couldn't stare any longer at his eyes. She wanted to get up from his strong arms but was too weak to do that. He scoop her up, took her to the bed, lay her on it, and covered her with the sheet.

"I'm sorry. Won't do that again. You don't like weeds taking up space in the garden, so I had to pull them away when I saw them" replied Abby.

"It's okay. But don't do it again. I was upset that the frames were not clean. I didn't know it was you who took care of them, sorry" Damien whispered.

"It's okay. it's my duty, my...."

"shhh, keep quiet, that's not your duty

You have your original duty to do".

He shut her up so abruptly, there were no words left in her to speak. His hands went to her face, playing with it, then that smile from the other night reappeared on his face once again. His fingers went to her lips, playing with them

"You need to rest, so go to bed. I will send food for you. I can see you have had your bath, or else, I would have loved to bathe you".

Her eyes widened at his words. He smiled feeling satisfied at her reaction. Then he stood up, and walked out of her room, leaving her shocked and lustily.