
The death

Blood filled all over the building; none could help her and her family,she was so weak neither could she call for help.

Her parents were lying dead on the floor , all she could hear was the ambulance sound. Then her eyes faded away, she met herself in an unknown place called the afterlife

"Mom, dad please help me" she called out crying. "Where am I"? She asked herself,she was scared. She could hear her heartbeat pounding "bam bam bam" like a clock. She touched her chest crying.

Then an old woman appeared to her but her face was unrevealed. She touched her and said " you are in the afterlife Abigail ". Abigail was shocked couldn't look straight but confused "how did I reach here,what happened, why do I feel so money and cold"?She asked.

The old woman then smiled and said " you are dead Abigail" she said smiling