
My journey through the apocalypse

Please help me to survive, my life is at stake! I might really die!!!

wH0amI · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs


Davide is mesmerized for a moment, regaining control of himself he goes near the last door. When he opens it, he sees a girl collapse on the floor with her bottom pointing towards the sky.

"Wait, is that Vista?", Davide says as he takes a closer look at the girl's face.

"It is her!", Davide confirms. He picks the girl up and takes her near the washbasin, he then put her head under the tap.

Davide spins the tap wide open and water gushes out of it, the girl's face gets flooded in cold water. The girl jolts awake shocked and gasping for air.

She looks around in a panic and sees Davide. A vein bulges on her forehead as she raises a fist in the air, she yells, "Hey, what are doing here, and what was that for?! do you want to die that badly!?"

"Wow wow, calm your ti*s Vista! Before you punch me, take a look at the situation outside." Davide replies as he lifts both of his hands in front of him.

Vista angrily replies, "What?! Is the world ending or something?"

Davide remains silent after hearing her question. "What, cat got your tongue or something?!", Vista says furiously.

Dave shows Vista the sword his teacher gave him and says, "Whatever it is, it's serious enough for Miss Reynolds to give me her sword."

Vista's expression changes immediately upon seeing the sword. She knows Miss Reynolds' personality, as a strict teacher who doesn't take any nonsense from her students. If she has given Davide her sword, then it must mean something critical is happening.

She looks at the sword in disbelief, and mutters, "H-How can it be?"

"Seee, now stop whining and help me carry that girl to the auditorium.", Davide says as he points at the fainted girl.

Vista gets angry and then falls into dilemma she says, "Wait, wait, the last thing I remember is coming here after the break ending and then you holding me under the tap. What happened in the middle!? It's all blank! Like I suddenly blacked out!"

Davide pats her shoulder to comfort her and says, "Clam down, I think it is connected to what we just went through, I will explain what happened but first we need to wake that girl up and then head to the auditorium."

"Why are we going to the auditorium?", Vista asks confusedly. Davide replies, "I will explain everything once we get there, so just hold it in for a while."

Davide then starts walking towards the unconscious girl, as he gets a little close, he feels a firm grab on his shoulder. He hears Vista say, "You wait here, I will go grab her."

"Huh, what's the problem if I get her?", Davide asks a bit confused. Vista then says, "Look near her ankles, you buffoon!"

Davide takes a look and sees a piece of cloth, he immediately turns around and says, "You are right, you go get her."

Vista looks at Davide and smiles, saying, "You know that's why I like you, you are not like those other perverted degenerates." Davide just chuckles at her comment.

Vista goes near the girl and closes the door, after a moment seconds, Dave starts hearing some rustling. "All done.", Vista says as opens the door and picks the girl up.

"Okay", Dave says as he turns around. He then goes near them and grabs the girl from the other side, "Hey, what are you doing? Are you going to make a girl carry weight?"

Davide squints his eyes and asks, "What's that supposed to mean." A vein bulges on Vista's forehead, and a punch comes flying at Davide's gut.

Davide quickly raises his free hand to block the incoming attack, the punch lands on his hand and it jerks a little.

"Wow there, that could have seriously hurt me!", Davide says as he shakes his hand.

Vista puffs and shoves the girl on Davide saying, "Carry the girl on your own."

Davide responds, "Okay, you could have said so! Why did you throw a punch." he then wraps the girl's hands around his shoulders and lifts her.

The both of them exit the washroom with the girl. Vista sees a figure waiting for them outside. "Huh? Ray, what are you doing here?! What's in that bag huh? And how did you get that shiny sword inside the school campus?!"

Vista is baffled to see Ray. Davide then says, "What's the problem with him being here"

She turns to look at Davide, then her eyes land on the girl's washroom sign, she then shouts, "Wait a minute! You are the pervert who entered the girl's washroom! You should die a hundred deaths!"

"Stop yelling! Clam down Vista, we heard a noise coming from the washroom that's why I entered. You would have been just laying there tasting the toilet floor if I hadn't come to wake you.", Davide says as he tries to calm Vista.

"HUH!? What do you mean? Tasting the toilet floor?.... HEY!! you can also wake that girl up by pouring water on her face!", Vista exclaimed.

Davide is a little surprised, he then sighs and says, "Let it be, If we don't hurry back to the auditorium, the teacher is going to beat us to oblivion! And we can use this girl as an excuse for being late!"

Hearing Dave a chill runs down Ray's spine. "Yes! We should definitely head back quickly."

As Ray turns around to run, Davide says, "Wait! Ray, give me the bag! Both you and Vista go check the other washrooms!"