
My journey through the apocalypse

Please help me to survive, my life is at stake! I might really die!!!

wH0amI · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Other People!

Sorry for the chapter release delay, had some personal issues to deal with. (T_T)


A window appears in front of Davide saying,

{Vital Blood}

(Restriction:- Ray Osborn, Davide Gray)

[Attack dmg:- 10-30]

[kill 10 creatures to trigger evolution.]


[This sword can only be used by people with the same system. If wielded by someone else, their vitality will start being drained by the weapon.]

Davide looks at the screen carefully and pauses when he sees something, his facial expression remains the same, but his mind blasts off! He thinks, "Four? Four!? Ray ended four people!?" organizing his thoughts he asks, "Are weapons divided into classes?"

The system replies, "What do you mean?" Davide explains, "Are weapons with a difference in their powers put into different ranks, like the super weak ones are put in E class while the uber-powerful ones in S class... something like that?" after being quiet for a while the system replies, "No I don't think so, I don't remember anything like that."

As the system finishes speaking Davide hears a knock on the bus door, he opens it. Miss Reynolds walks in, she says, "The comms have been cut, even the emergency lines have been cut off." she sighs in defeat.

Suddenly a confused and reviled at the same time expression appears on Davide's face, he hurriedly gets off the bus and runs to the entrance. Miss Reynolds and Ray follow him but at their own pace.

After a few minutes, a car reaches the police department's gate, it stops and a man gets out of it, he exclaims, "Other survivors! Thank god there are more."

Miss Reynolds steps up and asks, "Where did you come from?" He scratches his head with an awkward smile, and replies, "A group of survivors has gathered down south, I came from there."

Miss Reynolds questions, "How many days has it been since you gathered?" Davide raises an eyebrow thinking that his teacher has finally gone mad because of all the student's curses.

The person replies, "We started gathering three days ago." Davide's eyes widen. Miss Reynolds says, "Okay, do you have any means of communication with others?"

The person nods and says, "There is a person with a skill that can help." Miss Reynolds says, "Okay, do you have more space to accommodate people?" the person happily nods. Miss Reynolds says, "So then when your work here is done could you escort us to your shelter."

The person replies after thinking, "Ah! I was here to see if someone had come for help, and luckily I did find someone." Miss Reynolds says, "Then lead the way." The person replies happily, "Yes, just follow my car." Miss Reynolds nods and then turns around.

Davide follows her when they get close to the buses, he says, "Miss Reynolds I don't know why but I am feeling uneasy about this." Miss Reynolds mutters after a while, "It is uneasy."

She then turns towards Davide and says, "Get in the bus and tail the car, I'll be in the back." Davide nods and gets on the bus.

He sits on the driver's seat and starts the bus, he then slowly turns it and leaves the gate. While following the car he keeps a close eye on the other buses, making sure no one is left behind.

The car slowly leads the way outside the city into the countryside, after a while they arrive near a huge dome made of mud and stone.

The car stops and the man gets out of it, he knocks on the door. A person from the other side asks, "Who is it?" The man replies, "It's Leon, open up, we have guests."

The metal doors immediately start opening. Before Leoh could get in the car again Miss Reynolds stops him and asks, "Does this place have a leader?" Leon nods, she says, "Take me to him once all the buses have been parked."

Leon nods and then gets in the car, Miss Reynolds this time gets in Davide's bus and they enter the dome. Leon leads them to a corner in the dome and they see a few vehicles parked there.

Davide reverse parks the bus inches away from the dome wall, he then gets out of the bus and climbs into the second one. He asks the boy driving to change places, and the boy agrees, he then again reverse parks the bus, barely leaving space for people to get out.

He does the same thing for the rest of the buses. When he gets off the last bus he sees his Miss Reynolds leaving with the man, he quickly goes to his bus and takes the sword from Ray, and catches up with them.

Miss Reynolds looks at him but says nothing, after walking for a while they see a big tent and enter it. In it there were ten men some were with weapons some were creating things out of thin air, just like magic!

Davide's heart pounded with excitement after seeing this, but he quickly gathered his thoughts and regained his vigilance.

Leon goes to the big man sitting behind a table and whispers something into his ears. The man straightens himself and says, "Please have a seat."

Miss Reynolds takes the seat opposite the person, she asks politely, "Could you please ask the person with the communication skill to spare some time for us?"

The man smiles heartwarmingly, "Sure, he will be glad to help you once he returns from his mission."

Miss Reynolds smile and says, "Glade to hear that, once the person please let us know we will stay in our buses." the person says with a worried expression, "There is no need to make yourself so uncomfortable, there is plenty of space here, a hundred and thirteen people have already gathered here and they are all happy."

Miss Reynolds says, "No need we would like to depart as soon as we get in touch with our student's parents." The person sighs and says, "Fine, I won't force you." Miss Reynolds then again smiles and says, "Thank you for your understanding, then we will take our leave now."

The person nods and Miss Reynolds leaves the tent, with Davide closely behind her.