
My Journey Through Life So Far

This are kinda the things that has happened in my life growing up. May seem kinda not necessary but I had this strong urge to put down most of it. Kinda like an open diary of sorts. I hate expressing myself by open mouth so I'm doing this open book. Some parts of my life may be offensive to others but it happened to me and I don't think I need to apologise for that. Well maybe sorry to those it happened to as well, I can relate. Although I'm still quite young, (shameless) I feel I've been through a bit. I don't know why but i just have the urge to put them down.

Carl_Joe · สมจริง
30 Chs

Decisions Decisions

Ok it's 12:27am right about now. One more before I go to bed. Today I have not been able to write a single page of any of my novels or fanfics. Creation is hard you know.

The fun part for me is the, moment get one sentence out the rest of the chapter just flows like squirting. That was bad. I was trying to be bad but that quite terrible. Cringe

Aww I wanna delete it but I don't wanna, cos you know it's what came out of my head.

Anyway let me tell you when I had to make one of the toughest decisions of my life. In 3rd grade I found a lovely girl. So cute but I couldn't say a thing to her so I could only stand afar and admire. Now as we moved up grades it never really went away. Ok time skip, First year junior high. still major crush on her, can't say a thing to her still.

Now she has a sister in the fourth or third year class basic I think.

My favorite and most admired teacher was also the third year basic class teacher and I went there to visit him sometimes. It was definitely not because her sister was in that class and I wanted to get close to her sister and use her sister to get close to her crush. That's really not it, so stop thinking it is.

Now as I was talking with my favorite and most admired teacher, the sister comes in and sister walks in, puts her bag down in front of me and walks to her class teacher who again, is my favorite and most admired and respectable teacher.


I pick up her bag, why, even I don't know. The moment I do she yells at me to put her bag down.

Double chance

I say no. she chases after me, now we doing this weird round and round chase the goose thing around a desk while she continues to yell give me my bag.

Then I hear my teacher say "stop with the horseplay"

Now I'm completely stumped. on one hand I admire this teacher so much. On the other this is the sister of my crush. This is my chance to annoy her and get her to at least complain to her sister about me so I can finally get on her radar, and if I'm lucky, complain to their mother. Double kill. *sigh*

So I only did what the guys in my head told me to do. I totally ignored my teacher and continued the round we go chase.

For about 2 more minutes before I gave her back her bag but not before I fucked up my knee hitting it against one if the desks. That's the only reason I stopped cos I could av gone another 5 mins.

Now I'm rubbing my fucked up knee, my teacher is sneering at me and what's worse I hear her sister ask her what was going on when she came to pick her up and she says nothing. Meaning she did not even bother to complain to her sis about me. what a waste of good knee and reputation.

That brat