
My Items Have an Upgrade Panel

As a video uploader who owned a model aircraft online store, Tang Rui suddenly discovered that the model aircraft he made had an upgrade panel that allowed him to add upgrading points to it. [Item: Fixed Wing Model Aircraft] [Experience: 35/100] [Sources: 0.1] For a couple of hundred yuan, Tang Rui upgraded the body of the aircraft to a proportional level, perfectly replicating the dashboard in the cockpit. He also added some enhancements, turning its EPO body into an aviation-alloy one. Tang Rui said, "System, show me your limits." From toy model aircraft to high-altitude, high-speed drones, and then to small-scale orbital shuttles... With the system panel in his hand, it would be too unambitious of him to just be a video uploader on a small website instead of creating a military weapons company and becoming famous.

Wolfberry is not Tasty · ไซไฟ
368 Chs

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นักแปล: EndlessFantasy Translation บรรณาธิการ: EndlessFantasy Translation

"I'm going to take a shower. You should rest early too and not stay up too late," Li Shuyao said to Tang Rui after finishing their workout.

"Got it. I'll tidy up the basement and then go to sleep."

"Alright, good night."


They ended the video call.

Tang Rui put down his phone and went to take a shower.

Nowadays, after finishing his daily workout, he no longer felt as exhausted as before, like a dead dog.

His body had adapted to this level of exercise, and he wasn't as tired anymore.

After the shower, Tang Rui looked at the faintly outlined eight-pack abs and felt delighted.

The exercise was paying off. These abs were on the verge of becoming visible.

Maybe in about two weeks, those eight-pack abs would naturally show even without straining.