
My Introvert Man

Getting to know a man who has an introverted nature that makes a girl feel so deeply hurt in her life, but with her persistence this girl tries to find space in this man's heart. And the love journey of these two couples is not a very easy story for them to live because between the two they have so many conflicts and also competition for love with each other in their relationship. It all started with their stories which were always related to their lives in childhood and they were separated and reunited for quite a long time with their respective lives.

Misriyani_Inaya · สมัยใหม่
8 Chs

Chapter 6. Mysterious Number

"Where's the gojek?" I said looking for the gojek man I ordered to pick me up.

Because I took care of my passport until the afternoon, I immediately reported it to the office and went straight home. Tomorrow at the office, it's just a matter of preparing other needs while waiting for my passport to be used again.

Tired of wanting to get home quickly to rest...

"Ryan isn't mad?" I asked in surprise at Tasya the next day at the office.

"Tumben is he not angry?" Tasya even asked back because she felt weird about our friend.

He talked about Ryan, whom he had talked to and told him about the assignment letter so that he was not included.

I listened carefully and am still a little confused as to why Ryan could just accept that decision.

"What are you doing? Are you gossiping?" asked Ryan who was suddenly near us.

"You just surprised me. " Tasya patted Ryan's shoulder.

It's better if I ask the person directly because I still want to be curious until he can accept it.

Ryan just grinned, it was just me and Tasya, he made bad moods …

"Why are you guys so badmood ?" asked Ryan casually.

Tasya and I were silent because our questions were ignored by him. Ryan also explained that it's OK for him not to go because his work is currently piling up.

Instead of him going along with unfinished work and Ryan's plan to take time off, the office would not allow it.

"You mean you are not disappointed with us?" I quickly asked again on behalf of Tasya too.

"You are my friends when I have to be disappointed after all this is not what you want." Ryan answered at length.

It's nice for Ryan to say that, meaning he can understand and act mature because we know how his nature and character can sometimes be a bit harsh.

" Thank you mom ." I said to mom who helped prepare some clothes and immediately put them in the trolley bag .

Mother nodded and smiled then gave me medicines to supply me there.

After several days of waiting for my passport to be ready for use, finally tomorrow morning I have to go to work for the office with Tasya and one of my co-workers.

Hopefully everything goes smoothly and there are no obstacles on the way.

"What time are you leaving ? " Asked my father approached me and my mother in the room.

"I leave at 5.15 WIB ." I said, remembering that I had to order a taxi to the airport.

It can be troublesome if the taxi hasn't been ordered tonight, tomorrow it will be too late to arrive at the airport.

After everything was done, my father and mother asked me to rest and my body also felt tired from coming home from work and immediately packed my clothes.

"Father, mother, I'm leaving." I said goodbye this morning, kissed my father's hand and my mother also hugged him.

I didn't go home, I definitely missed my parents , so I hugged them spoiledly.

Father and mother are also the same, they both hug me tightly even though we haven't seen each other for just a few days, that's how harmonious we are in the family.

"Be careful son ." Mother said stroking my hair lovingly.

"Tell mom and dad when they arrive." father's message looked at me warmly.

I nodded quickly, yet to go I already do not want to be away from them. The figures of my father and mother to me are extraordinary they are the two people I care about the most.

And for the sake of the task of work, like it or not, I have to live it well and keep the spirit.

The taxi that I ordered has arrived, it's rarely this early , right? I'm going to work, I can even say that the rooster is crowing, hehehe

" Shenna ." called Tasya and my friend who were already waiting at Soeta airport and saw me just got off the taxi.

"Sorry I'm late." I said feeling bad quickly approached them.

"It's okay, Shenna , we are the ones who came early." Beny joked the name of our colleague.

I smiled relieved to hear that.

" Shenna let's have breakfast." Tasya suggested Beny and I nodded in agreement.

There's still enough time for us to have breakfast, after all, the three of us also haven't had time to have breakfast at home because we're chasing time to the airport.

We chose a cafe that provides coffee as well as fast food breakfast to fill our stomachs so they don't get empty.

Me and Tasya enjoy coffee and bread while Beny chooses heavy food. It's normal for men to have more nutritional intake , hehehe

"Ben are you done?" asked Tasya finishing the rest of the coffee in her cup.

"Yes Boss." answered Beny closing his breakfast with mineral water.

I noticed that Beny was funny, not much different from Ryan, who liked to joke.

"There's always a replacement for our friend on the way." I muttered to myself.

Following Tasya and Beny to immediately enter and board the plane. Because it's better for us to wait inside than have to run around to catch the time of the plane's departure.

"You bought a new novel?" asked Tasya in the waiting room after we boarded the plane.

"Yeah, I've been looking for this novel for a long time and as soon as it was out, I immediately bought it." I said happy to get it.

Reading is part of my hobby and it makes me feel comforted from the stress of busy work at the office.

Apart from quality When I'm with my family, during my holidays, I always make time to read the books I like and when I'm engrossed in my world, the people around me will back off because they don't want to disturb me.

Sometimes my nephew who comes to the house also understands my habit of staying away for a while and then taking my aunt it's playing.

"Good ... you are very good at choosing books." said Tasya reading the synopsis of the novel.

"You can also choose a good book depending on whether or not you like reading books." I replied explaining to Tasya.

"Yeah, it's also useless if we don't like reading, we will definitely choose the wrong book." Tasya gave a conclusion and I just smiled.

When Tasya and I were having fun talking, suddenly a call came into the cell phone but I don't know who contacted me because it's just a number and no contact name.

Just as I was about to answer it I heard the call of the plane number that would be departing soon and that was the plane we were going to be on.

Soon the three of us were getting ready to get on the plane… who would it be? mysterious number. That's what's still on my mind and makes me curious.

"Bismillah we go." Tasya said holding my hand very tightly as the plane was about to take off off .

Either airplane phobia or not akhh ... anyone will be the same if the plane takes off off because I do too, the important thing is that we pray a lot on the way and positive thinking .

God willing, the journey will be made easy until the destination safely.

Because of my position sitting in the middle of the three airplane seats, I glanced at Beny next to me, who was closing his eyes during take off ...

" Ehmm this guy can be scared too huh." I muttered a smile.

of the trip, which took over an hour from Soeta airport to Kuala Lumpur international airport, by listening to music available in the seats of each passenger.