
My Introvert Man

Getting to know a man who has an introverted nature that makes a girl feel so deeply hurt in her life, but with her persistence this girl tries to find space in this man's heart. And the love journey of these two couples is not a very easy story for them to live because between the two they have so many conflicts and also competition for love with each other in their relationship. It all started with their stories which were always related to their lives in childhood and they were separated and reunited for quite a long time with their respective lives.

Misriyani_Inaya · สมัยใหม่
8 Chs

Chapter 4: Cheer Up, Sheena!

I quickly moved from my room to the finance division and almost bumped into one of my co-workers who was also about to leave his room.

We just nodded and smiled at each other, it seemed we were both in a hurry with our respective jobs.

"Sorry ma'am, I just delivered this document." I regretted when I got to the finance division.

"Ok, thank you." he replied smiling.

I smiled and thanked you too.

"Shenna hasn't come yet, am I in the wrong place?" Cindy said reconfirming our meeting place.

Looking around who haven't found me at this cafe from some of the other cafe visitors. Then Cindy ordered her favorite coffee while waiting for me.

"What a traffic jam, Cindy must have been waiting a long time for this." I complained that I was still on my way to the cafe.

This Sunday is very busy, it's like traveling simultaneously, people simultaneously leaving the house with their own needs.

There are those who go to shopping centers or there are also those who visit their relatives and can also go to cafes just like me, hehehe

It's really bustling on this trip, it's very crowded, but an atmosphere like this is familiar to me, who in everyday life is always friends with traffic jams.

"Ok sir, stop." I tapped Mr. GoJek's shoulder to stop his two-wheeled vehicle right on the cafe's lawn.

"Fine, thank you." answered Mr. GoJek. He accepted the helmet and payment from me.

Just as I was about to enter the cafe looking for my best friend I heard the sound of my cell phone ringing. Vero---Vero call me again... I don't need to pick it up later. Cindy had waited too long.

Meanwhile, I ignored the phone call from Vero and immediately entered the cafe and my eyes were immediately fixed on my best friend who was sipping his coffee.

The sound of the live music cafe was so loud that I had to scream a little for my best friend, afraid he wouldn't hear.

"Hey Cindy…"

"Hey Shanna…"

We immediately hugged and kissed the right cheek and left cheek, we both missed it, it felt like we hadn't seen each other in years.

Cindy is still as beautiful as before and hasn't changed from the one I knew as a child, especially since her chatty and full of jokes style is very familiar to me.

The nature and character of both of us are suitable, we both like to joke, but there are times when our hearts are not friendly, we can definitely be silent. Who wants to sit and contemplate, hahaha

"Shenna how are you?" Cindy asked looking at me full of longing.

"Thank God I'm fine." I said smiling. And I went back to ask how my best friend was doing while my hand did not let go of holding his hand.

This is how it is when two friends have met who don't want to be separated and want to be close to each other.

Cindy and I continued to tell stories with excitement and didn't care if the surroundings were disturbed or didn't hear our conversation.

The important thing is that we are both happy to enjoy this togetherness because it's rare for us to find moments like this with our respective busy lives.

"Shenna what do you want to order? I'll treat it."

"Ehmm, what is the purpose of this until there is a treat?"

"No---nothing." Cindy replied quickly and I smiled.

"Ok thanks Cindy, I'll just order this."

A cafe waitress came over to us and Cindy immediately ordered the menu I chose and also for her.

Waiting for the order to come, Cindy and I continued chatting again until Cindy forgot the purpose of this meeting.

Let me hope Cindy doesn't remember to mention that person because I'm in a bad mood it's better if there's no more stories about her.

"Who's calling?" I asked a little nervous to hear the tone of my best friend's cellphone call, there was a feeling of worry if he contacted Cindy.

"Lisa do you remember Lisa?" answered Cindy and reminded me of one of our friends too.

I nod quickly. Who doesn't know him… I took a deep breath and remembered how the nature and character of this friend of ours was.

Eventually Lisa joined me and Cindy over the phone. The atmosphere was even more exciting with more stories from Lisa.

However, the three of us were together, especially when it was the most beautiful time when we were small, full of jokes and laughter.

"It's good you're the most nosy." Cindy said to Lisa, reminding us of our past mischief.

"Wow, isn't it Shenna?" teased Lisa laughing happily.

I just grinned at Cindy without seeing Lisa who was still teasing me. Let it make people happy right worship, hehehe

Cindy smiled and responded to Lisa's other stories. It is undeniable that my friend is the most outgoing and courageous of Cindy and I.

Surely there will be a myriad of stories from him, while I'm engrossed in enjoying a sip of cold coffee that soothes my throat.

"Shenna, if you try it, you will definitely be addicted." Cindy suggested giving her favorite menu in between our chats.

"You guys met without saying and invite me." Lisa grumbled annoyed feeling jealous of the meeting between me and Cindy.

"I'm sorry we didn't plan to meet either." Cindy quickly explained and I also agreed with Cindy's explanation.

And Lisa immediately asked for time for me and Cindy to be able to meet again somehow, Cindy and I just laughed and teased her back.

"He's the only one who can be nosy." I muttered to myself.

It didn't feel like the meeting between me and my best friend was over, we spent quite a long time together until it was time for us to go home.

With a heavy heart we parted, I hugged my best friend warmly and Cindy looked sad as well as me. But we promised each other when we could find another time to meet.

"See you later Shenna." Cindy waved her hand because her motorcycle taxi order had arrived.

"Okay, Cindy, be careful." I said waving at him.

While waiting for the motorcycle taxi driver to arrive, I saw several chats and incoming calls on my cellphone, one of which was from Vero.

It turns out that Vero has been calling me and sending me messages, I'm sure he's still curious about when I can meet him.

"Miss Shenna huh?" Who is Mr Gojek approaching me?

"Oh yes I am sir." I said getting up from my seat.

Me and the go-jek guy immediately left the cafe because it was already very late. Moreover, I remembered that I had not ironed the work clothes that I would wear tomorrow and also prepared other necessities.

Again, I ignore Vero's messages and calls, let Vero understand later because it was not intentional.

"I leave." I said goodbye to my father and mother the next morning and thankfully this morning I was not late for work.

"Be careful kid." dad ordered and helped me deliver the bag that I put on the terrace chair after I was busy wearing work shoes that were a bit complicated.

Understandably, today I dressed up a little feminine, complementing my work clothes with high heels. And this morning I have to be more enthusiastic even though some people say Monday is a very boring day to start activities.

And it turns out that I have experienced this during a weekend holiday which was quite tiring and the next day I was lazy to go to work.

"Cheer up Shenna." I said encouraging myself to start the activity.